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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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G8 repression in st petersburg

11-07-2006 07:34

activists arrested yesterday released and then rearrested along with others.

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Lawyers question juvenile detention centre laws

11-07-2006 03:27

It's a violation of their bodily integrity
"Really if a young person has the capacity to make a decision about medical treatment, then they shouldn't be treated without their consent simply because they're in a juvenile detention centre."

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Fireworks at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

10-07-2006 22:21

This is a bloody good concise piece of journalism. 600 words. Oh - and it makes me want to spit.
Unapologetically reproduced here from "Prensa Latina", please contact the author before reproducing - I'm assuming copyleft.

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London Bombings Mastermind is MI6 Asset/Lecturer Denounces Critics on 911

10-07-2006 19:57

The complete inability of the War Criminals to prove their Official 911 Conspiracy Theory, in nearly four years, coupled with the desperate measures being employed to silence critics and skeptics, pretty much proves the case.

All that is missing now are the details.

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Palestine Today

10-07-2006 16:29

Today in Palestine

Palestine Today service of the International Middle East Media Centre on Monday the July 10th, 2006

Israel’s massive assault on Gaza continues leaving three persons killed and four injured as Israeli warplane fires missiles into residential areas, Across the West Bank, the army continue their campaign of house raids and taking people prisoner while in Hebron they issue orders to close 1000 Palestinian shops. These stories and more coming up stay tuned.

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"Brian Haw: The Polished Mirror"

10-07-2006 15:53

Tony Blair is forced to drive past Brian Haw’s five-year-long peace vigil on the eastern edge of Parliament Square each time the prime minister travels from Downing Street to the House of Commons. Yes, Virginia, there is justice in this world after all. We needn’t wait for God nor history to judge the PM, as he suggests.

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Liar V Liar, War Criminal V War Criminal

10-07-2006 10:29

Because dictators don't stop dictating do they? Not unless someone has to call the undertaker or the humanity police send them off to the Hague for their war crimes.

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10-07-2006 10:09

raditionally, British media reporting of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been heavily biased in favour of the United States’ major ally in the region, Israel. A 2002 Glasgow University Media Group report found that television broadcasters were six times as likely to present Israeli attacks as “retaliating” or in some way hitting back as Palestinian attacks. This caused many viewers to believe that the Palestinians were to blame for the conflict. (Greg Philo and Mike Berry, ‘Bad News from Israel‘;

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SOCPA - serious police assault once again outside downing street

10-07-2006 01:30

is this a demo?
i have been covering the issues around the 'serious organised crime and police act' for some time. what i saw on sunday afternoon sickened me.

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Demo in Solidarity with Chile's Students - Report & Pic

09-07-2006 16:36

On Monday 3rd July, a few activists held a short demonstration outside the Chilean Embassy. This was in response to an 'urgent call' (see: from Chile, asking for solidarity actions to take place at the embassy due to the increasing repression being handed out to striking Chilean students (see: Leaflets were given in to the embassy explaining why we there, and more than 200 leaflets were given out to the general public, people visiting the embassy and passing diplomats (!). The text of the leaflets distributed is copied below. Cheers! :)

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No G8 - 2006

09-07-2006 00:42

mobilisation animation

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Emergency in Palestine - Call for Action!!

08-07-2006 21:47

Protest outside the Foreign Office, Whitehall, London
Wednesday 12 July 5.30pm-7pm

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Solidarity Park Gig Experiment

08-07-2006 15:33

We are a Wiltshire based anti-war band who worked with Maya Evans,we are playing a gig in London to see if a band with a specific anti-war agenda can generate an audience as established artists in the UK seem very quiet on the War in Iraq and the linked erosion of civil liberties in the Uk

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Government sues individual workers over

08-07-2006 11:05

General Strike Needs You!
This week saw the Governments attacks on Unions reach a new low when the Government sued more than 100 workers for taking "illegal strike action". The workers face up to $28,000 in fines.

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One year on…7.7.05

08-07-2006 00:10

Bristol - 6.7.05 (pic by Tom B)
As dusk falls, I try to remember…where exactly was I one year ago, as dusk fell?
Was I, as a legal volunteer from Bristol, monitoring protests against the G8 in Gleneagles (Scotland), still on duty outside the Stirling eco-camp attempting to monitor the police’s abuse of their powers? Or had I been replaced for the night, and made it back to our Edinburgh base (and pub)? It’s all such a blur now, yet only a year ago…

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London Bombers: Secret services had arrested them earlier and knew them.

07-07-2006 16:40

''The members of the network that carried out last week's attacks in London had been arrested earlier last year, and were and are known to British authorities." said French minister of Interior, the head of the secret services and police, Nicholas Sarkozy in Brussels. Clarke, the UK Home Secretary, went mad.

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Major UK Hemp Expo Banned

07-07-2006 12:59

The 'highly' successful 'Hemp & Hydro Expo (2006)' organised by the cannabis magazine 'Weed World' for the newly opened Ricoh Arena in Coventry, has been banned - apparently by the local council.

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OutRage!:Reggae hatesongs-The Truce is Over.

07-07-2006 12:16

Following the news that some of the Jamaican anti-gay reggae singers have re-started to sing their hate songs, UK concerts have been cancelled and the former 'Truce' has been cancelled. Stop Murder Music campaign to re-start..

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Howard Zinn & 'The NN-phant in the Room'

07-07-2006 11:16

The huge omnivorous herd consumes everywhere on our earth as much as it can grab, and tramples millions of human beings to death. That doesn't seem to matter. The 'elephant boys' don't speak about the bloody pulp underneath the feet of the big animals: instead they give'm a bath in the mainstream.

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Germany: ca. 320 arrests at student demonstration

07-07-2006 09:44

Yesterday, July 6th, police made around 320 arrests during a protest by students against tuition fees. Ca. 6000 students marched through the city of Frankfurt a.M. demanding a retraction of the planed fees and social cuts in general.
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