UK Repression Newswire Archive
Bolivia: new confrontations. Town hall opened in La Paz
15-10-2003 16:51
Bolivia: new confrontations. Town hall opened in La PazThe last information on situation in Bolivia. With information
of Erbol Radio, Radio Pio XII and Bolpress.
More video clips of Manchester Camp X-Ray
15-10-2003 12:39

Campaign update: Sudanese prisoner of faith released
15-10-2003 12:37
Campaigners will be pleased to hear that prisoner of faith Dr Hassan Turabi, leader of the Popular Congress Party in Sudan has been freed after two years under house arrest.Manchester Camp X-Ray - video clip
14-10-2003 23:15

To download the entire film rightclick on the link below.
US bulldozes Iraqi farmers crops
14-10-2003 23:01
The US are now using zionist tactics against Iraqis - report from the Independent.Even More Stills of Manchester Camp X-Ray
14-10-2003 17:29

rebellion in Bolivia- summary of Monday events
14-10-2003 15:42

The number of the dead has risen to official 58, over 200 badly injured have been treated in hospitals. Tanks and other heavy military vehicles have been moved to the city centre to shoot the rebellion.
More deaths, coup d'état lurking and state of emergency in Bolivia
14-10-2003 09:44

"Urgent. The situation is critical, the people resist and there is a massacre looming", so the cry for help on the frontpage of Indymedia Bolivia. Yesterday the civilian strike was continued in El Alto, the police and the military for repression and another person died. There is much anger in the population and they state, that they keep on protesting untill the "Gringo" resigns. They declare, that the city "La Paz" supports the protests, that "the Gas is for all and we have to defend it."
25 killed in "War for Gas" on Sunday 13th of october, Bolivia
13-10-2003 23:28
von LinksRhein - 13.10.2003 15:26
In the massacre yesterday in El Alto at least 25 people died, 94 were injured.
Many injured couldn't be recovered because police and military were shooting on everything moving.
Corpses were also transported away by the military so that the exact number of deaths is unknown.
For El Alto the state of emergency has been declared, so has martial law. Under the pressure of the protest the government has announced at a press conference this monday, that they suspend the gas exports for the time being and want to start a dialog with the social movements till the end of this year.
Nevertheless, they still continue to play down the number of deads to be 5 (amongst them a soldier).
Short Improvised Radio Stream Translation from Bolivia
13-10-2003 22:11
von Socialist PC Flagloving Scumbag - 13.10.2003 22:51
Short over irc improvised, incomplete translation of the Live Radio Stream.
A Live Stream by Indymedia Argentina, which broadcasts mainly from Rosario/Bolivia (broadcasting also prayers for peace and military songs) is online since tonight.
No way from Peru to Lapaz
13-10-2003 22:03
No way to LapazKein Durchkommen nach Lapaz
von Pocco pocco - 13.10.2003 04:00
posted on Imc Germany:

From Peru it is at the moment impossible to get to Lapaz.
Campesinos have blocked the road connecting Puno-Lapaz.
Also the traffic on the Tikaka Lake to Bolivia has been stopped.
It is interesting that here in Peru, the "Gas" problem isn't mentioned. It is said, that the farmers would oppose the destruction of their COCA fields by the government.
Thousands of people force police retreat in Bolivia
13-10-2003 21:28
The police have been using teargas indiscriminately against the protests in El Alto. Thousands of people forced the police to retreat, and they prepare to seize the government palace.Thousands of people force police retreat
translated by Zapata (13/10/2003 17:13)
translated from

Sunday, 12th of october: 30 deaths in Bolivia according to Indymedia
13-10-2003 21:07
30 Tote laut Indymediaof Germany IMC, posted 13.10.2003 06:06

arksyde (traduccion, Sunday October 12, 2003 at 08:03 PM

traduccion del articulo " MAS MUERTOS EN BOLIVIA" del espanol al ingles.

More Deaths in Bolivia
There is pain and death on this tragic October 12 as the Bolivian military and police attacked the Aymara people (indigenous people) of the city El Alto, a poor suburb of La Paz with a population of 700,000, from 12 noon to 3pm.
US public moving to the middle on the Middle East
13-10-2003 20:56
There is a pronounced movement among the US public toward persuing a more balanced Middle East policy. For example, one half of those polled now indicate that they "sympathize with both Israelis and Palestinians equally."Bolivia smells of insurrection…
13-10-2003 20:29
translated by Zapata (13/10/2003 14:14)translation of

After resisting 48 hours of slaughter, automatic guns and death, the rebellion of the poor, with its main force in the city of El Alto, has expanded into the whole plateau region, attracting workers, coca growers and peasants of other regions like the valleys and the east. Bolivia smells of insurrection: the poor people are standing up.
The "People's War" in Nepal
13-10-2003 20:22
A View on The "People's War" in NepalBy: Sage Radachowsky, posted - 12.10.2003 17:47
Imc Germany:

2003 September 18 -- Western rural Nepal (location cannot be disclosed for security reasons)
Fog slowly rolls down the hill through the pine trees. I can see eight waterfalls from where I sit, and the quiet immense majesty of Dhaulagiri, one of the highest mountains in the world. I sit in front of the house drinking tea. But the quiet of this scene belies the intense conflict raging here, reflected in daily gun battles, bomb explosions, and existing at all times inside everyone's heart and mind.