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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Audio interviews with and pictures of ISM activists Leila and Chris

02-08-2003 23:37

Audio Leila Sansour, filmdirector, and Chris, both ISM activists
Leila Sansour is currently touring through Britian with her latest film "Jeremy Hardy v. the Israeli Army". Her film got shown in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Sheffield and London last week and at many cities she answered questions after the film.
ISM activists also organised ISM Orientation days with training to nonviolent Resistance of Occupation.
Here are interviews and pictures with Leila Sansour and Chris, both committed and passionate activists for the International Solidarity Movement.

More information:
International Solidarity Movement, Electronic Intifada

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Demonstration at Dungavel Detention Centre on Saturday 6th, September

02-08-2003 18:29

Poster and call for demonstration against Dungavel Detention Centre
The STUC, the Scottish Trades Union Congress, is organising a demonstration to take place at Dungavel Detention Centre on Saturday 6th September at 12 noon.
This event aims to build on the growing public concern in opposition to Dungavel and will coincide with the second anniversary of its opening.

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IOF brutally represses atempts to damage Apartheid Wall in Tulkarem region

02-08-2003 18:23

Deir al Ghassoon, north of Tulkarem

At 11:30 approximately 200 farmers from Deir al Ghassoon, at least 50
internationals, and many television cameras, started their march from
the center of the village to the fence that has prevented access to
the fields of the village for two weeks now.

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Ay Family: Scottish human rights lawyer picks up the Gauntlet

01-08-2003 15:09

Aamer Anwar, recognised as one of Scotland's premier human rights lawyers, as well as a keen activist for asylum rights, after he was contacted by Beirwan Ay, the eldest child, has lodged an asylum application on behalf of the four children.

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Manchester Protests Against the West bank Wall - Clip 2

31-07-2003 21:07

This is a video clip that shows the final part of the "Wall Down" protest that took place in Manchester on 12 July 2003. See earlier newswire item for first clip.

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Greek Guantanamo

31-07-2003 12:53

Guantamo style trials in Athens

Full article now up and running

30-07-2003 22:13
Can you help us publicise this handy new web service we've developed to help Nike get out ALL the necessary information about their "fun" run in London.

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Emergency in the Narmada valley

30-07-2003 21:07

picture of Domkhedi in 2002
July 29, 2003
Rising Waters Due to Massive Dam in NW India Threatens Indigenous Peoples; Villages, Cattle, Standing Crops Submerged; Police Destroy Property, Arrest Villagers, Activists


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Basque? What's that?!

30-07-2003 07:03

protest for Basque civil rights
Who are the Basques and why does the Spanish govt. call their culture "terrorist"? Learn the truth!

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Nepal: Bush Supports Human Rights Violations

30-07-2003 04:41

People’s Revolutionary War To Resume Shortly In Nepal

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Is anyone doing any actions against RFID chips? (cambridge/sandhurst/notts etc)

29-07-2003 16:39

After reading the shocking articles about RFID radio tags in schnews and the guardian i wonder if anyone is doing anything about it?

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Apartheid Wall breached by Palestinian, International and Israeli activists

28-07-2003 20:09

Anin, 28th July, 2003.

Today activists from the International Solidarity Movement, working with local Palestinians and Israelis succeeded in opening a small but symbolic hole in the Wall of Apartheid in the village of Anin, west of the city of Jenin.

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Statewatch News online, 28 July 2003

28-07-2003 18:37

Statewatch News online, 28 July 2003

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BVEJ newsleter August 2003

28-07-2003 15:37

Latest BVEJ newsletter now on-line.

BVEJ - BVEJ mail server - BVEJ website -Ooops - Farnborough Airport Consultative Committee - Iraq - BP sponsors British Museum exhibition - Baku Ceyan pipeline - Absolut Bastards - The Strange Case of Martin Sixsmith - The Road to Skye - Boy meets girl - Trial by jury - QinetiQ - Microsoft - Highway to Heaven - Nine Reasons not to shop at ASDA - Dr David Kelly RIP - Vision chips - Illegal workers - Ambient Picnic - BVFoE - Local heathland - Fleet - Odiham - Pavilion - Farnborough town centre - North Camp - Rotten Borough of Rushmoor - May local elections - The infamous bus lane - Informed Dissent - Books - Snippets - Diary

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Union of the Unemployed Iraq Protest, Baghdad, Home Yahtaj Todamon!

28-07-2003 12:08

Below is a protest call-out on behalf of the Union of the Unemplyed Iraq, a new organisation which has come out of the Iraqi Worker-Communist Party and even if people might not be into party-building motivated politics, I know Im not, its still a positive effort against the US Occupation and for promoting self-determination and self organisation, party-line-towing or not, for Iraqi workers and unemployed.

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Goodbye Lenin in the cinemas in UK from Friday 25th

27-07-2003 20:18

postcard of Leipzig-Markkleeberg
"Goodbye Lenin" is a film about the fall of the wall in 1989 and shows the historic events in the background of a personal story.

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The Quality of Mercy

27-07-2003 11:32

Releasing militants? while innocent administrative detainees are left in jail...

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EYELESS IN GAZA - TODAY- ISM BENEFIT BRIXTON - Final details of acts and line-up

27-07-2003 08:25

Full details, timings and line-up for today's ISM (Palestine) benefit at the Brixton Windmill

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kelly kelly kelly

27-07-2003 03:16

pig kelly is making the news on the third wave now. It is now official that the parliamentary committee was lied to by agent Kelly on national telly.
Could we have the brainwashed ones posting things like 'the distinguished public servant' or the 'kind respectable brilliant scientist' etc. banned until this wave of misinformation is over.
Every Sunday paper has its own theory mostly hiding the matters for the pigs by detracting from the key issues...some clearly scared shit...

What is notable is that few have the courage to point out what IRNA is pointing out ...
:: restrictions on reporting
:: main question of even the staged inquiry it sucide?

They forget to point out ...OK the man was a pig but for which wing?

Anyone noticed the rush for the funeral?

A must read (look for mention of Syria and Iran)
infact the whole newspaper before coming over to IMC-UK read crap from Vancouver...UK is fucked bigtime.

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