UK Repression Newswire Archive
New Zine: MFAH, Blackmail 3 & The SHAC Model
26-06-2014 18:29

UG#686 - The US Deep State, 1981-2001 (The Enterprise, Alec Station,9/11 Set-up)
24-06-2014 04:48

R.I.P. Gerry Conlon. Just released - video of Gerry speaking in Dublin at event for Chelsea Manning
23-06-2014 21:30

Gerard (Gerry) Conlon, framed for the Guildford pub bombings in 1974, illegally rendered from Ireland and tortured by the British state and who served nearly 15 years in English jails, died in his native Belfast at the weekend, aged 60.
"On the 29 November 2013, an event was held in Trinity College Dublin to mark the visit of the family of Chelsea Manning to Dublin. During the evening Gerard Conlon gave a speech that nobody who was there is ever likely to forget. It was Gerard Conlon at his best: fiery, courageous and compassionate. May he rest in peace." Dave Donnellan.
Watch Dave's video of the speech by following this link to full article or on Vimeo.
[RIO] Demonstration at the inauguration of Maracanã at the World Cup
19-06-2014 12:07
Rio de Janeiro, June 15th 2014 /Demonstration at the inauguration of Maracanã at theProtests’ Cup:
“There won’t be no Cup! FIFA GO HOME!”
Class War: Thailand’s Military Coup
13-06-2014 09:17

A Tribute to Filipino Labor Leader Romy Castillo
10-06-2014 12:10

Police Spies Demo
04-06-2014 12:13
A demo has been called by Police Spies Out Of Our Lives tommorow 5th June outside 'The Royal Courts of Justice' , The Strand , London from 9am to 10.Istanbul's Gezi protests: the first Anniversary
03-06-2014 15:19
Spring 2013 saw anger over a disposal of a park giving birth to Turkey's largest wave of protests seen in decades and a new, rising awareness over much wider area of political issues. When reaching its first Anniversary - what remains of the Gezi spirit and just how big of a mark did it leave in the end?Info Day & Benefit Event – Saturday 7th June 2014 in London -UK
01-06-2014 18:19

Asia-Pacific Left activists say 'No to another coup in Thailand!'
23-05-2014 09:42

Six years on: Remembering Pauline Campbell and her campaign against prisons
17-05-2014 18:56

I spent a couple of hours today in Malpas, Cheshire with Joan Meredith, who walked alongside and supported Pauline Campbell in her campaign from 2003-2008 to prevent the deaths of women and young people in the prison system and to close all prisons. Afterwards, I visited the grave of Pauline and her daughter Sarah in Malpas cemetery, pictured below.
Pauline Campbell's only child Sarah died aged just 18 in Styal Prison in 2003. Thereafter, Pauline would protest outside prisons where a death had occurred, stand in front of prison vans arriving with new prisoners and demand that the women inside be taken instead to a place of safety. After five years of tireless campaigning during which Pauline was arrested numerous times but rarely brought to court and never convicted, she was found dead on her daughter's grave in Malpas on 15 May 2008. That was six years ago this week and Pauline is remembered by Joan in a post on her blog. [ See also: Guardian obituary | Remember Pauline | Pauline Campbell Remembered, 11 Aug 2008, Styal | Prisoner Justice Day, 13 Aug 2008, Holloway ]
Reports on indymedia of some of Pauline's prison protests: [ 5 Feb 2008, Styal | 17 Jan 2008, Holloway | 27 Sep 2007, Not Guilty | 12 Jul 2007, Holloway | 23 Oct 2006, Eastwood Park ]
Hunger strike and protests now in 3 UK migration prisons
07-05-2014 13:12

Harmondsworth and simultaneously at Dungavel (Scotlans). Yesterday evening (Tuesday 6 May) protests started to spread to Colnbrook and Brook House migration prisons.
Organising for Abolition: Skill Sharing Weekend
05-05-2014 10:15

Organising for Prison Abolition: Skill Sharing Weekend
02-05-2014 08:42

Israel said planning to deport African migrants to Uganda
28-04-2014 11:50
Israel plans to soon begin deporting migrants from Eritrea and Sudan, who number more than 50,000, back to the African continent via Uganda, officials said.Class War in Ukraine: Krasnodon Miners’ Strike in armed antifascist uprising
25-04-2014 08:56

UG#680 - Unlawful Killing (Secrets of the UK and US Establishments)
23-04-2014 13:37

Solidarity with AR Prisoner Debbie Vincent!
22-04-2014 20:07

ARMS DEALERS ON TRIAL DEMO Outside Thames Magistrates Court at 9am on Thursday
21-04-2014 20:59
Court demonstration as arms dealers face private prosecution