UK Repression Newswire Archive
Reclaim the Power: 13 actions, 0 arrests - repression and the climate movement
20-08-2014 11:46
This year's Reclaim the Power action camp took place near Blackpool in solidarity with locals (Operation Mothers and Grandmothers - OMG) occupying a proposed fracking site. A brief report of the actions and some initial thoughts on the climate movement and its relationship to state repression.A Way Out of the Embassy for Julian Assange?
19-08-2014 19:23

Neither Ukrainian nor Russian!
19-08-2014 15:48
Let’s develop our own camp, the third camp, that of social revolution!Eight-minute video history lesson about Australian mistreatment of Aborigines
19-08-2014 06:22

What Does It Profit A Man? (Moneyless Living, The Canadian Genocide)
16-08-2014 17:23

Philippines - On the arrest of “The Butcher” Jovito Palparan
14-08-2014 13:28

When did we give the police permission to patrol our communities while armed?
12-08-2014 19:58

10-08-2014 15:58

BBC in Cardiff graffiti attack
08-08-2014 18:57

Israeli Smack-Down of Christian Political Philosophy: A Deeper Analysis of the L
05-08-2014 21:13
Benjamin Netanyahu ‘s own words: “Terrorism is the deliberate assault on civilians to inspire fear for political ends. Though one might quibble with this definition, for example by broadening ‘political ends’ to include ideological or religious motives, it nonetheless captures the essence of terrorism—the purposeful attack on the innocent, those who are hors de combat, outside the field of legitimate conflict. In fact, the more removed the target of the attack from any connection to the grievance enunciated by the terrorists, the greater the terror.” From “Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat the International Terrorist Network, 2001 Edition Chapter 1, page 8.”Every Little Hurts.
02-08-2014 08:32

Israel, and the war against the Palestinian Government.
26-07-2014 22:54

Police harassment in Merthyr
21-07-2014 12:29

High Court rules against Met's 'Neither Confirm Nor Deny' policy on spy cops
05-07-2014 21:28
Women’s statement: High Court ruling: Met Police cannot maintain blanket ‘NCND’ to cover up “gross abuses” of intimate relationships while undercover.On 2 July, in a devastating blow to the Metropolitan Police’s attempts to cover up gross abuses of women by undercover police, the High Court ruled that the Met could not use ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ as a blanket response to all the fully pleaded claims of women affected.
Sheffield protest in solidarity with the oppression in Palestine
05-07-2014 17:50

Mass evictions of over 600 people across Calais!
02-07-2014 21:49
At 6am this morning riot and border cops accompanied by gendarmes evicted three squats housing over 70 people, as well as SALAM, a food distribution point, where over 500 people had been sleeping outside since their camps were destroyed a month ago:
Put your hands up and slowly step away from the wheelchair.
02-07-2014 20:53

Interrupting of Pan-Greek hunger strike: Statement of detainees
02-07-2014 00:14
Today, Tuesday 1 July we interrupt the collective pan-greek hunger strike we started against the law making process for the high security prisons.Police thugs shattered anti-BNP protester's leg
30-06-2014 16:13
BNP promote UVF terrorists in London -
Photos of Cops on anti-BNP demo -

Update - Police face quiz over kicks that shattered BNP protest woman’s leg -