UK Repression Newswire Archive
Grandmother killed by police in the States
07-06-2004 12:56
The Usa Police are the same at home as in Iraq.See the account of the death of a activist in the States.Central Intelligence Agency logo (by Latuff)
07-06-2004 04:22

Barcelona Forum 2004: "sans-papiers" in cathedral forced to evacuate it
06-06-2004 14:28
Barcelona Forum 2004: "sans-papiers" in cathedral forced to evacuate it with violence by the policeAfter the demostration of this sameday afternoon, 2 occupations, the church "Esglesia del Pi" and the Barcelona Cathedral. Cathedral has been disloged, the other resist. We don't know if all the arrested people is free now.
Barcelona :: noticias del encierro de l*s inmigrantes
06-06-2004 05:46
translation please :)BIG action @ York Sainsbury's
05-06-2004 20:40

Oxford Students Appeal for RAWA (Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afgha
05-06-2004 16:07
Oxford University Students Union Women's Campaign invites fellow students to join them in a summer picnic for the women of Afghanistan on Monday 7 June in St John's College at 5 pm. They'll be plenty of free food and drink available (including fairtrade) and Pimms will be sold as part of an appeal for RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan. Students are also being encouraged to donate their books...'Greenwash ' Or Us?
04-06-2004 20:16
The corporate sponsorship of cultural life is taking off a storm with companies such as BP and Esso up to their old PR tricks. Buy their oil because they’re the coolest, greenest, cheapest (!), most caring guys in town. This is tosh and we all know it.A difficult day in Palestine
04-06-2004 16:41
A friend in Palestine just emailed me this article. It is the account of a difficult day of Samah Atout including the trashing of her home and her family being held by soldiers while they occupied the home. Samah is the Project Hope Palestine Director and Nablus Coordinator. The account is in her own words, and details some of the horrendous but everyday tragedies she and others have gotten used to.CIA Torture Training
03-06-2004 16:16
From Private Eye No.1107Torture Manuals amended to include preface stating that torture is illegal!
Bilderberg: The ultimate conspiracy theory
03-06-2004 13:34
From the BBC News website:The Bilderberg group, an elite coterie of Western thinkers and power-brokers, has been accused of fixing the fate of the world behind closed doors. As the organisation marks its 50th anniversary, rumours are more rife than ever.
Moore's 9/11 trailer goes online
03-06-2004 13:28
From the BBC News website:The trailer for Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11 has made its debut on the movie's official website.
ID cards leaflet
03-06-2004 11:25
Stop ID cards before the legislation even gets off the ground - tell the government NO! & spread the word by downloading & distributing our Stop ID cards leaflet.Activist Jailed for Breach of the Peace
02-06-2004 13:17
On 1 June, 2004, Ludd, a For Mother Earth Scotland activist handed himself in to the police. A hearing was anticipated on 2 June, 1994. He is spending this time in jail for refusing to pay a £550 fine, imposed on him for opposing Government’s Weapons of Mass Destruction. He was charged only with of a breach of the peace. He was immediately taken to jail for 28 days on an extract warrant.Some thoughts on UNSCR 1441 and the dubious legality of the invasion of Iraq
01-06-2004 08:58
This short essay is a collection of my thoughts on the legality of invading Iraq, specifically in relation to the infamous Resolution 1441. It is largely the product of various exchanges with posters to Medialens (mostly trolls). As so many journalist, politicians, bloggers, and the like continue to appeal to 1441 (frequently distorting it), it seemed useful to collect my thoughts. I should emphasise that I am not a lawyer but I hope that some people may find it of use -even if it is decidely old news nowMobilization in Guadalajara
30-05-2004 22:20
As part of the global social movement, which has been taking place since Seattle ‘99, days of Social Action have been organised in Guadalajara, Mexico, with reference to the III ALCUE (Latin American, Caribbean and European Union)summit , taking place at the centreof this city. The days of action have consisted of a series of forums and workshops where people look for alternatives to neoliberal policies, as well as organising cultural activities and street
Anti-terror search receipts needed from London activists ASAP!!
30-05-2004 07:11

Report from demo at the Joint Services Interrogation Centre, Chicksands, Beds
29-05-2004 18:29

Free Trade Summit EU-Latinamerica kicks off in Guadalajara, Mexico
29-05-2004 10:28
According to mainstream media reports, riots have prevented a press conference of the french president Chirac in Mexico.If you are able to speak and write and translate Spanish, please help by translating the middle column feature articles on