UK Repression Newswire Archive
Black Congress gains international support for Black Power struggle in U.S.!
04-07-2010 20:54

Self-determination for Haiti! Black Congress to fight for African power
04-07-2010 20:42

BALOCHISTAN: “Energy Security In Exchange For Independence”
04-07-2010 16:25
The idea of the concept of "energy Security in Exchange for Independence", containing some evaluations of the nature of the Baloch Resistance and the goals of national strategy to end this stale mate and revival of the Baloch Nations state hood, has been prepared by (The Baloch unities National Center for Strategic Research and Political Technologies, Dr Jumma Khan MarriThe EDL are racist, fascist Nazis and Wayne Baldwin EDL Nazi proves it.
04-07-2010 11:50

Four Democracy Villagers jailed
04-07-2010 09:05
Four Democracy Villagers were apparently jailed yesterday (Saturday 3 July) by District Judge Nicholas Evans at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court, London.[Video] Report of the blocade of the new detention center in Belgium
03-07-2010 11:59
The 25th of june 2010, 60 activists was bloking the new detention center in construction in Steenokkerzeel near Brussels, Belgium.Intersquat Meeting, Berlin, September
03-07-2010 11:15
INTERSQUAT – Festival in Berlin from 10th until 19th of September 2010Americans have no rights
02-07-2010 17:51

Under Barack Obama, the former professor of constitutional law, Americans’ civil liberties have shrunken drastically – to the point that his administration claims the right to execute its citizens without charge or due process of any recognizable kind. And citizens that leave the country cannot be sure they will be allowed back in. But where is the outrage among Democrats, when Obama out-Bushes Bush? “It seems that Democrats did not in fact feel any affront to Bush policies, only to his party affiliation.”
Philippine Airlines workers stage protests against Labor Department
02-07-2010 14:30

Romford cops disregard for law exposed in mainstream media
02-07-2010 10:58
The reasons these Romford cops use against the teen freelance photographer, Jules Mattsson, to stop him from photographing a parade of police cadets keeps shifting from "photography of children", to "obstruction", to "terrorism" and even a bit of "antisocial behaviour" for good measure.Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees, June 2010
02-07-2010 06:43
Four actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated and none improved in June 2010, according to the International Crisis Group’s monthly bulletin CrisisWatch 83, released today.Deteriorated Situations: Burundi, Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Turkey
[This message from International Crisis Group]
Download the full report: CrisisWatch83.pdf
Direct action against the High-Speed Railway in the Basque Country
02-07-2010 00:03
Activista have locked themselves inside disused mines...The government is taking suggestions for laws that should be repealed.
01-07-2010 23:28
I know this is probably pointless, but the government is supposedly taking suggestions on which laws to repeal in their "Great repeal act"
Fears for two women facing execution for adultery and 'enmity against God'
01-07-2010 19:27

Amnesty International has made a new call on the Iranian authorities to immediately halt all executions and commute all death sentences as concern grows about two women and other prisoners who may be at imminent risk of execution.
TAKE ACTION! Halt the Execution of Young Kurdish Woman Zeinab Jalalian!
30-06-2010 20:33

Obama Wants Kagan to Become US Supreme Court's 6th Serial Killer
30-06-2010 14:57

in the ancient barbarism of execution. 3/4 of US states do not execute, yet Obama
has nominated a woman who supports illegal prisoner detention, execution,
war, Monsanto, and Harvard primate torture.
Democracy village 29th july 2010 PEACE enters The Houses of Parliament
30-06-2010 02:01
PEACE enters The Houses of Parliament.UK Citizens protest peacefully by walking through the gates of the houses of parliament London SW1.
MDL Muslim Defence League facebook hacked by EDL but is now back to normal.
29-06-2010 23:46

Graffiti Legal Advice
29-06-2010 17:13
Some have made a video of helpful legal advice by a legal expert.For anyone who likes to go out tagging or writing, and may find themselves getting interviewed down at the station...
Report: 26 June Demo in Solidarity with Victims of Extraordinary Rendition
29-06-2010 11:47