UK Repression Newswire Archive
Souhalia family deported
20-02-2009 18:56
see see
The CIA Beyond Redemption and Should be Terminated
20-02-2009 18:05
The Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) has confirmed the worst fears of its creator President Harry Truman that it might degenerate into “an American Gestapo.” It has been just that for so long it is beyond redemption. It represents 60 years of failure and fascism utterly at odds with the spirit of a democracy and needs to be closed, permanently.Lampedusa burns
20-02-2009 14:43
Detention centre's central building destroyed by fire during riots. The police prevents the immigrants from leaving the burning centre. Many suffer from smoke inhalation. 60 migrants may be injuried.Capitalist Crisis: Introductory Reader - PDF here
20-02-2009 13:16

FEATURES: Background to the Current Crisis and Recession / Reports on Crisis: England / What Recession Means for Us / Financialisation Primer / Analysis from Silvia Federici & George Caffentzis, Mario Tronti and Alain Badiou
Philippines: Urban poor strongly represented in new socialist party
20-02-2009 12:21

Souhalia Family to be deported 2pm Friday - Call for Solidarity
20-02-2009 01:15
Assia Souhalia her husband Athmane nationals of Algeria and their UK born daughter Nouha, residents of Brighton were 'Snatched' from their home last week and are currently detained in Yarl's Wood IRCsee

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Free Gaza Mural Cleansed by West Midlands Police
20-02-2009 00:16

So if the cops have got their way with this mural, does this mean the other Free Gaza murals around Birmingham are at risk too?
For pictures of the Free Gaza mural in Small Heath Birmingham see:

Home Demolitions in the Negev
19-02-2009 17:42

Activists & Muslims to be branded "extremists" for supporting armed struggles
19-02-2009 11:12
A leaked draft counter-terrorism strategy known as "contest 2" which was intended to be unveiled next month proposes to reclassify people with radical points of view as 'extremists'. Featured among these proposals is the thought crime of holding the opinion that armed resistance anywhere in the world is legitimate. This would include the armed resistance by Palestinians and the Zapatistas.Camden Oh! Bar closed following "homophobic Saturday's" and drugs found.
19-02-2009 03:48
Camden's Oh! Bar was closed follwowing complaints made by people including those from the gay community. Gay men and women [black and white] were offended by the reggae night which wouuld regularly play songs such as Batty Rider and Boom Bye Bye. The Camden Gazette and the police [via Gazette] have siad that the venue also closed becuase of drugs and violence.Drones parked in our own backyard, to Bomb our own People
18-02-2009 22:05
In a shocking discovery reports have emerged from simply Google Earth images evidence of three drones parked on an airfield in some remote destination within Baluchistan, the images were captured by orbiting satellites and archived within Google Earth data warehouse to suddenly be discovered recently. Though there is no denying that during the Musharraf regime bases were rented out to the American army costing them a massive deficit to the tune of $10 Billion. But what probably irks the nation is that the Pakistani government have categorically denied that the Pakistani bases are being used to launch drones-Someone Else’s England
18-02-2009 20:12
You don’t have to be a nationalist, or English, to accept the case for an English parliament.One of the most striking features of the massive response to my article last week on Hazel Blears and the Labour Party was the number of Labour activists who wrote in to agree(1). If, as I suspect, their fury and dejection is representative, Labour will be eliminated at the next election. Just three years ago, almost all the pundits agreed that the Tories were finished as an electoral force. Suddenly, Labour looks like the force that might never recover. Has any party in modern politics done more to squander the goodwill that swept it into power?
But I noticed something else as well: something that wasn’t there. Every other issue I mentioned was picked over and debated. One was not. It concerns the most glaring democratic deficit over which this government has presided, yet almost everyone is too polite to mention it.
18-02-2009 19:48
Biocair & Barclays Demos in Cambridge
18-02-2009 18:14

Today activists headed to HLS supplier Biocair, The Business Centre, Church End, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 3LB. Armed with two megaphones campaigners let employees and neighbouring companies know all about Huntingdon Life Sciences who test things such as sweeteners, GMOs and weed killers on animals.
the Confidential Intelligence Unit is Ten Years Old
18-02-2009 16:12
The Confidential Intelligence Unit was formally set up by ACPO in 1999, as part of the National Public Order Intelligence Unit, it existed informally as part of Special Branch long before that, as detailed below.Note for admins: yes this comes from mainstream newspaper, but it's not all available online.
Latest Policewatch videos
18-02-2009 11:42

Why Judges should NEVER be allowed control of the Bill of Rights
18-02-2009 10:50
Draft Notice of Constitutional Matter: Why Judges should NEVER be allowed control of the Bill of RightsYou will note an International Criminal Court no. OTP-CR-415_09
The court documents are itemised so are easy to read, and self-explanatory
Our friends in the South
18-02-2009 00:37
As we face increasingly international and interconnected crises around food, finance and climate, we need to know more about our global allies in the South. James O’Nions looks beyond the familiar but limited NGOs that stand for North-South relations in the mainstream mediaResponse to Counter-Terrorism Act 2008: Section 67
18-02-2009 00:21
Read belowfilm of mark thomas at yesterday's journalist demo outside new scotland yard
18-02-2009 00:07
political comedy activist mark thomas joined more than a hundred journalists outside new scotland yard yesterday as new laws are introduced which may allow for the arrest and imprisonment of anyone taking pictures of police.