UK Repression Newswire Archive
Emotional rollercoaster at Oxford Magistrates Court
26-06-2003 10:51
There was celebration and confusion at Oxford Magistrates Court this morning when anOxford activist appeared on a charge of criminal damage.
Detention of families at Dungavel Detention centre
26-06-2003 00:29
Scottish MPs/ Amnesty International/Refugee and Faith groups Voice Concerns over detention of families at Dungavel Removal/detention centre.Press release of the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC),

Students to Defy a Government Ban on Street Rallies
25-06-2003 13:02
With hundreds of protesters jailed for demanding the ouster of the ruling Islamic establishment, Iranian student leaders vowed Tuesday to defy a government ban on street rallies and mark the fourth anniversary of a bloody raid on a university dormitory.Ulla Roder Faces Legal Hurdles Before Trial Even Begins
25-06-2003 12:58
The trial of Ulla Roder for damaging a Tornado jet at Leuchars airbase in March, is now scheduled to be heard sometime during the two weeks beginning 28th July, following another hearing on 22nd July to check whether she is prepared for trial, given the barriers she is facing in getting legal representation.Not endless Discussion, Real Disarment Now -Ulla's Story
25-06-2003 12:49
I looked at the seat in the cockpit in the streamlined white Tornado warplane, which I had just entered. In my mind I had the picture of a young pilot, boy, son, father; the many years of fear for the people of Iraq; for their survival; for a new world war nuclear war; fear of losing the little bit of freedom we people have left in this world, to a state which has officially declared that it wants "Full Spectrum Dominance" on earth as well as in space and which has shown all willingness and cynicism to use whatever means of power to gain this. All this made me lift the red and black bolt-cutters in my hand. Crash! I shouted out aloud in the hangar. There was no-one to hear, but it helped. "We don't want your war, Bush and Blair!" This for all the dead civilians in Iraq and all the children still suffering at poor hospitals, caused by 12 years of sanctions against civilians. Crash! The control panel was out of commission.Neighborhood Bully Ramsey Clark on American Militarism
25-06-2003 02:30
When I picture a high-ranking government official, I think of someone who is corrupt. I think of a corporate shill. I think of someone who is nota friend to the people of this country. I think of Lord Acton’s famous line about power corrupting, and absolute power corrupting absolutely. I
think of the disdain with which so many Americans have viewed so many of their leaders for so many years.
24-06-2003 23:45
Prisioners charged with silly illusions - Expertise in international terrorism!Thessaloniki Update of situation on prisoners
24-06-2003 22:02
two translations from lahaine about the legal situation particularly of one of the Spanish guy.Protest Against Putin - The Butcher of Grozny (Chechnya)
24-06-2003 20:00
Itinerary of Vladimir Putins UK State VisitOut after 3 months in jail for opposing an illegal war
24-06-2003 15:50

HEAR PALESTINE: Largest Arrest Campaign Since Start Of Intifada
24-06-2003 15:37
*****************HEAR PALESTINE
Tuesday, 24 June 2003
**Largest Arrest Campaign since Beginning of Intifada
**Nablus: Ongoing Military Measures Following Invasion
**Jenin: Occupation Army Blows Up Home; Imposes Curfew on Villages
**Rafah: New Military Tower Established South of City
**Bethlehem: Tight Military Siege and Arrests
**Israeli Soldiers Hold Dozens of People in Al-Ram
**Heavy Settlement Activities around Toubas
**Qalqilya: Israeli Army Intends to Bulldoze More Olive Trees
**The Palestinian Wedding: Obstacles Always on the Road
**190 Women Killed until Yesterday Morning
Update of situation of some Thessaloniki prisoners
24-06-2003 12:57
Prisoners charged with silly illusions - Expertise in international terrorism!Update of legal situation, Thessaloniki
24-06-2003 11:18
translation of an article on imcGermany.
City of Vancouver is downplaying rights abuses in DTES [Human Rights Watch]
24-06-2003 02:26
The city of Vancouver’s attempt to discredit Human Rights Watch only highlights the city’s failure to address concerns about an anti-drug crackdown in its Downtown Eastside, Human Rights Watch said today.Obedience Pledge Required for Government Workers
23-06-2003 21:11
The Los Angeles Times reports that the document is part of the ongoing effort to eradicate any remanents of the outlawed Ba'ath party.At issue is the sentence, "I will obey the laws of Iraq and all proclamations, orders and instructions of the Coalition Provisional Authority," a vow some in Hillah see as a direct conflict with their religious and national identities.
Hillah residents marched in protest earlier this week after government employees were told they wouldn't be paid unless they signed the document.
Complicating the issue is a fatwa issued by Shi'ite clerics calling for followers not to sign.
In an effort to compromise, community leaders requested the addition of a clause to protect "the interests of the Iraqi people."
Thus far, the civil administration seems cool to the idea, asserting that troublemakers seeking conflict are behind the issue. correspondent Lisa Ashkenaz Croke drafted this report.
G8: At least 6 gravely wounded by concussion grenades!
23-06-2003 20:55

Fairford defendants seem to be winning the legal battle
23-06-2003 14:27
Good court results from the last few days...Toby & Phil are out on bail, many other cases dropped or offered bindovers.
23-06-2003 14:09
As part of an international day of action against Swiss Embassies and Consulates around the world – a small (but perfectly formed) group of mixed pink and silver and black paid a visit to the Swiss Embassy in London this morning, Monday 23rd June 2003. We went there to voice our outrage at the political repression and police brutality during the recent G8 meetingFunding needed for legal action against the repression of the G8!!!
23-06-2003 13:44
We need to follow up on the general and specific cases from the G8 to ensure that the police (Swiss, French, German...) do not get away with their actions, and that their actions are seen as connected to wider global repression, by the press as well as the public.In order to do this the different legal groups need funding to initiate legal procedures. WE are calling for international support......