UK Repression Newswire Archive
10 Downing Street E-petition to abolish the Local Government Ombudsman
20-04-2007 13:42
Sir Geoffrey Chipperfield recommended abolition of the LGO because they were an unnecessary institution whose work could best be carried out by other bodies. His report was subverted by the interference of the then LGO and its allies. Since then the LGO has demonstrably failed to improve the system, and continues to exclude the public interest from their remit. Irrefutable evidence of its dishonesty and bias has been gathered by LGOWatch since 2003. The LGO is counter-productive to effective management in local government and a blight on the human rights of citizens looking to this publicly funded institution to act in good faith. On the rare occasions when it is found, the intervention of the LGO tends to entrench maladministration rather than put a stop to it. The continuance of this office is not in the public interest.Campain for the Defense of the Indigenous´ and Peasants´ Land of Chiapas
20-04-2007 08:59
we convoke all civil and social organizations and persons of good faith to participate in the Brigades of Observation for the Land and the Territory (BOTT)Action Alert: Police attack in India
19-04-2007 22:49
POLICE FIRING CONTINUING ON 4000 ADIVAIS IN GHATEHA VILLAGE, TEOTHAR TEHSIL, REWA DISTRICT, MADHYA PRADESH : two reportedly shot, many injured, women beaten upToday, 19 April, 2007 police opened fire on 4000 Adivasis (indigenous communities) in Ghateha village in Teothar Tehsil in the Rewa District of the State of Madhya Pradesh in India under the supervision of Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), SDOP and Circle Officer.
Bath Climate Camp evicted - BUT THE DEMOS ARE STILL HAPPENING!
19-04-2007 20:06
Bath Climate Camp was today evicted by a stupidly large number of cops, part of a stupidly large polioce operation involving random stop and searches at the train station and on the streets - The reason for the eviction? Section 63 of the CRB - we were apparentley using the demo as a pretext for a free party!Take action to protect Freedom of Information Act
19-04-2007 11:42
David Mclean, MP for Penrith, is trying to hide the democratic process by putting forward a private members bill that will remove Parliament from being subject to the Freedom of Information Act (see release from CFOI below). Please contact Mclean and your MP, asking them to work towards making Parliament open and democratic, and not to hide its workings from the peopleThe West Bank & Gaza: the largest open-air prisons constructed in human history
19-04-2007 10:26
On the 4th April 2007 the Daily Telegraph published an article about the second-class treatment afforded to Israel's Arab citizens. Not normally known for daring to risk incurring the ire of far right Zionist extremists, it is wonderful to see the Daily Telegraph highlighting this important and often much neglected issue. Shocking as the treatment of Israeli Arabs is, it is of course just the tip of the iceberg.SMASH EDO MBM call for court picket
19-04-2007 03:06
april 23-27 brighton magistrates court...9.45 amProtest Against DRC Deportations in Solihull
18-04-2007 18:26

Police served a section 14 of the public order act on protesters on the morning of the protest. Section 14 restricted the protest to only 30 people, who were penned-in behind a hedge next to the car park of Sandford House. Organisers were expecting around 400 people to attend the protest.
Protesters escaped the confines of the pen by stepping through a hole in the hedge. They then proceeded to occupy Homer Road where police arrested a person sitting in the road. Another demonstrator went to ask what was happening and got punched in the face by Officer P. Dutton (3792) before also being arrested.
Just as police managed to push people back onto the pavement, another coach load of protesters spilled onto the street shouting "liberez! liberez!" and the road was occupied for another two hours. Police then attempted to confine people in their pen again, but protesters refused to leave and re-ocupied the road once more in an amazing show of solidarity until their friends were released.
Public meetings 'against detention centres' in Brighton
18-04-2007 09:24
Discussion and information about what you can do to stop the new Gatwickdetention centre being built and info about detention centres and the asylum system in the UK.
Vanunu Freedom Ride visits Nottingham
17-04-2007 19:56

Anarchist Black Cross vilified as terrorist organisation
17-04-2007 07:40
UK State attempts to keep John Bowden behind barsUrgent: From Leeds ABC, 15th April 2007
Australia: Howard, Rudd escalate support for US-led Afghan war
17-04-2007 04:52

The struggle in Beit Ummar escalates
16-04-2007 19:28

Fight for Justice...
16-04-2007 10:30

DJ Snow - another one of Tony's political whores
15-04-2007 13:53
Friday the 13th: 2:00 p.m. listing for court room 4.Sorry, there are three lay magistrates in this courtroom who might be impartial... off you go... Courtroom 2 for me and Jago and that indignant, arrogant, asshole DJ Snowjob
The Ten complacencies of a bent bench:
Australia: Baby bonus for early ADF enlistment
15-04-2007 02:15

An Insult to Intelligence
14-04-2007 18:54
Islam Online reported on the 7/4/2007 that: "Iraqis who once celebrated and even participated in pulling down Saddam Hussein's statue four years ago when US tanks rolled into Baghdad in a heart-breaking scene for many Arabs and Muslims are now lamenting the good old days under the late president."Mysterious Death of Dr. David Kelly: Murder theory that just won't go away
14-04-2007 17:44
The greatest British conspiracy theory of the modern age was unveiled this week. Lewes MP Norman Baker set out in detail for the first time why he believes the secret service murdered the Government scientist Dr David Kelly.Miles Godfrey and Katya Mira report on a one-man crusade for the truth which has catapulted an unassuming Parliamentarian into the international spotlight.