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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Glasgow Police Try to Stop UNITY Rally, March Still On!

07-04-2006 17:16

In a last-minute move, Glasgow's Trades Hall has cancelled the booked rally of asylum seekers and friends there tomorrow afternoon. Strathclyde Police appear to have had a role in the decision a No Borders activist condemned as "racist".

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Blair's inner circle and its ferocious grab for power

07-04-2006 14:34

From forcing through ID cards to the erosion of parliamentary scrutiny, a determined clique is hijacking our democracy...

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Letter from Palestine - On the Right Side of the Wall

07-04-2006 06:00

Letter from a Palestinian activist from Jerusalem after they shut the gates in the Apartheid Wall near her home

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Critical resistance Survey for people in prison, and

07-04-2006 02:58

CR hopes that this survey reaches as many people most impacted by these issues as possible. We would like you to share this survey with your families, communities, faith communities, and any other people or places where those of us who have been impacted by this crisis are

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It's offical, Israeli soldiers guilty of murder.

06-04-2006 23:41

In May 2003, James Miller was murdered by an Israeli soldier who deliberately targeted him while he was filming Palestinian children in a refugee camp. This was the unanimous verdict of the inquest jury at the St Pancras Coroner’s Court, in London yesterday. After an hour of deliberation, the jury decided that Mr Miller had been deliberately shot.

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Palestine RESISTS! (by Latuff)

06-04-2006 16:56

Palestine RESISTS!
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. funded Israeli occupation.

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Gaza Shelled at dawn today

06-04-2006 11:42

Brief descriptions of yet more Israeli incursions in the West Bank, thursday the 6/04/2006 as reported to the International Middle Eastern Media Centre in Beit Sahour, Bethlehem.

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Thursday Morning round up of Israeli Military Invasions & arrests in Palestine

06-04-2006 11:22

On the ground 06/04/2006 brief round up of Israeli Military actvities in the West Bank

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Possible new leader in Holland

06-04-2006 06:08

Following in the footsteps of Pim Fortuyn?

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G8 Diaz trial latest - Police tamper with video evidence, witness threatened

06-04-2006 03:18

New video evidence released. Cameraman testifies the video was cut. He is then stopped and searched on a train leaving Genova and threatened.
Il Manifesto - 26/03/06
Translation is not 100 percent, due to time and state of health problems.

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g8 St.petersburg legal group

05-04-2006 19:31

Group for Legal Support of the Network Against G8 (NAG8) was founded at the international coordination meeting of NAG8 in february 2006. The main tasks of group are: - information gathering about repression against people and groups who are suspected of protests preparing for the summit G8 in St.Petersburg - legal and informational support of people who are aim of repression - spreading information about cases of persecution of participants of protests and participants of protests preparation process. We completely share foundations of Network Against G8. We need help of professional lawyers and translators.
Contact: (russian, english and german)

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Wednesday West bank round up

05-04-2006 14:19

A round up of news concerning the activities of the Israeli army across occupied Palestine

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mark barrett found guilty of unauthorised protest today

05-04-2006 14:09

judge anthony evans delivered a written verdict today which he refused to read out in court. he handed down a £250 fine, plus £250 costs, and of course a criminal record. mark barrett will appeal to a higher court on human rights grounds.

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U.S. funded bloodbath in Palestine (by Latuff)

05-04-2006 05:56

U.S. funded bloodbath in Palestine
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. funded Israeli occupation.

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Naming the Dead - some pictures

05-04-2006 03:12

Myself and a couple of friends were privileged to take part in the NAMING THE DEAD - MASS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE AGAINST THE OCCUPATION OF IRAQ -SUNDAY 2 APRIL 2006 in PARLIAMENT SQUARE.

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Reid Wants To Scrap International Law

04-04-2006 20:56

Just as a car thief would like to make stealing cars legal, this War Criminal, with intentions for Perpetual Aggression, wants to scrap all international laws pertaining to Acts of Premeditated Aggression and Illegal Detainment/Torture.

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Listen to Audio report about Extra Judicial Killings In Bethlehem 03/04/06

04-04-2006 20:48

Listen to an Audio report recorded for Indymedia Radio London about the execution of a Bethlehem resistance fighter on the 3rd of April 2006.

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Briefing on New Designated Areas

04-04-2006 18:59

Thirteen military sites became Designated Areas on April 1st (i.e. last Saturday!) This means that if you trespass on them the maximum penalty is potentially up to a year in prison.

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Violence in southeastern Turkey as Kurdish demonstrations supressed

04-04-2006 14:29

Hundreds have been imprisoned and as many as 30 people killed, including several children, in clashes between the Turkish police forces and Kurdish demonstrators in the southeast of Turkey in recent days.

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Briefing on update of homes raided across the West Bank - 3rd April 2006

04-04-2006 11:51

Briefing on up date of homes raided across the West Bank Monday, 3rd April 2006.