UK Repression Newswire Archive
United Against Repression EuroDemo + Teknival: Strasbourg: 15th April
10-03-2006 11:34

We ask you to mobilize yourselves, your sound systems and your friends and head for Strasbourg to the European Alternatives Resistance (E.A.R) protest to make yourselves seen and heard peacefully. We will be assembling at 14.00 hours at Place de l'Universite in strasbourg city center and will be marching on the European Parliement and Council and the Court of Human Rights.
We ask you all to bring the carnival atmosphere with whistles, horns, drums and anything else you can make some fucking noize with !!! We do not want a violent protest and ask everyone to be on there best behavior, dont give them the excuse to turn this on us, the worlds press will be watching... [then party after...]
Copies of flyers below - full size + posters + more infos at:

Why? Against the repression of parties, squats, cultures and people: eg: "One dead and over 50 injured as police spread chaos at Czech Tekno Festival" 06.08.2005

See you there!
George Fox 6 - trial on Monday - Lancaster
10-03-2006 11:06
Reminder:**Monday 13th March - 10am outside Crown Court (back of Castle) Lancaster**
the George Fox 6 are appealing their conviction for 'momentarily disrupting' a corporate networking conference at Lancaster University in 2004.
april 15 2006 let's do it ... protest + teknival strasbourg
09-03-2006 23:14
the protest against police repression at czechtek and oppression of alternatibe culture generally in fortress is back on ...april 15 strasbourg france ...
a march to the european parliament followed by a teknival ..better be there for this one!!
Llibertat! – Saoirse! No.2
09-03-2006 21:49

March 2006 E-news service No.2
09-03-2006 15:41
For anyone who has heard something about the prisoners arrested on 4th February in Barcelona but is unclear on the details, here's the story. If it's unfamiliar, you too should read on. This a story of overt police repression in Europe. If we don't resist, we'll be next...PRISONER BENEFIT SKA NIGHT IN LEEDS
09-03-2006 15:32
Reminder - a night of great music, cheap booze and solidarity!Friday 10th March, 6pm onwards, The Common Place, 23-25 Wharf Street, Leeds
Investigation into racist abuse at Whitemoor Prison
09-03-2006 15:21
Evidence has been mounting for some time that prison officers operating regimes in the segregation/punishment units of the maximum security dispersal jails such as Frankland, Full Sutton and Whitemoor, are systematically brutalizing prisoners.Full article | 4 additions | 6 comments
FBI informant identified in the 'Auburn 3' case contacted Anti-G8 2005 medics
09-03-2006 05:03

The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill
09-03-2006 01:06
The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill is currently being passed quietly through parliament, with hardly any mention in the national media.Unfascist Radical Reprogramming Programme Proposed
09-03-2006 00:32

09-03-2006 00:29

Jean Charles de Menezes, innocent victim - BBC Panorama 9PM Wed 8 March 2006
08-03-2006 21:16
Watch the programme to see about the British police and UK government cover up in the Jean Menezes case.Lockerbie & the FBI: Fakes Bureau International!
08-03-2006 18:07
The FBI put pressure on the Scottish police to ensure evidence was 'swept under the carpet'. This way the FBI and CIA avoided any embarrassment in the framing of Libya in the Lockerbie 'trial', where according to the UK police evidence also was 'made by the CIA'.FBI ordered McKie case 'swept under carpet'
08-03-2006 16:38
"THE FBI met senior members of Scotland's forensic service to ensure the Shirley McKie affair was "swept under the carpet" and so avoid any embarrassment in the run-up to the Lockerbie trial, according to an investigator into the bombing." - todays Scotsman headlineChurch (ofE) Caterpiller Share Disinvestment - Ethics Committee Advises U-turn
08-03-2006 16:18

Interview with Joe Zacune from War on Want campaign
5 mins 33 secs, Mono MP3, 1.9MB @ 48kbps
Law Lords Rule DSEI Arms Fair Section 44 Terrorism Act Use Valid (Liberty Audio)
08-03-2006 15:42

Interview with Alex Gask from Liberty and next legal steps
8 mins 11 secs MP3 mono 2.8MB @ 48kbps
U.S. repression of journalists
08-03-2006 13:02
Bush and his ultra-right honchos are really pissed this time – in their efforts to track down a US loyalist, who spilt the beans on domestic spying, the Bush gestapo are now targeting journos and the free press. All the ‘security’ agencies at this megalomaniac’s disposal have been commandeered for the task. This attack on the free press is yet another devastating blow directed at the already battered body of American democracy and liberty. America, the home of the brave and the land of the free, has been relegated to the historical record. This new land is an abominable aberration of the original.Updated map of detention camps for foreigners in Europe and Mediterranean
08-03-2006 09:52

Briefing on the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill - Get Clued Up Now!!
08-03-2006 08:15
Boring bill title, but a massive change to the so-called democracy in this country. The Bill would allow the government to introduce, amend, or replace any legislation it likes, on the say so of a single government minister. Things like creating new offences punishable by up to 2yrs imprisonment, abolising local government, introducing house arrest, and giving the police greater powers of arrest and interrogation. It could also be used to set up new courts, and in effect re-write the rules on immigration, nationality, divorce, inheritance and the appointment of judges – all without any parliamentary scrutiny...The Iraqi Women Have Arrived. C Sheehan & M Benjamin Jailed Delivering Truth
07-03-2006 21:37