UK Repression Newswire Archive
Autonomous Village Under Siege by Korean Troops
07-03-2006 18:46

Pyeongtaek, South Korea - On March 6th, 2006, South Korean military riot police began an attack on the autonomous village of Daechuri. For over four years, Daechuri and the nearby community of Doduri have defiantly resisted the siezure of their homes and fields for the expansion of an United States Army base. Barracaded inside the elementary school, rice farmers, elderly residents, and peace activists are holding out against sporadic, sometimes intense attacks by Korea's elite military police force. International support is needed to pressure the Korean government to halt its brutal assault.
07-03-2006 07:03
The UK Ministry of Defense has just admitted (March 3, 2006) that a large CIA transport, such as the one picture with torture prisoners and US Army policemen, has landed at RAF bases in Britain and Ireland. Were these people treated thus on British soil? Here are the flights reported:author of US torture revisionism and rendition to speak in London
07-03-2006 04:01
Alberto Gonzalez, US Attorney General will address the Institute of Strategic Studies at 1000hrs on Tuesday 7 March 2006. Gonzalez is the legal apologist for "rendition": the abduction and torture of hundreds if not thousands of people in contravention of international law at Guantanamo and elsewhere.2nd Renaissance -13
06-03-2006 21:12

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Strike! The miners strike remembered 22 years on
06-03-2006 20:53
This Sunday at the Commonplace social centre in Leeds, we will remember the miners strike with films, talks, photo exhibitions and cheap grub. Come along to 23-25 Wharf Street in the City
06-03-2006 14:24
Reminder of the two events coming up in support of prisoners detained in Barcelona.NUS presentation
06-03-2006 13:07

Reading anti-ID/database meeting - 8th March
05-03-2006 18:34
An open planning meeting to organise a Reading based group to research and effectively oppose the introduction of Identity Cards and the National Identity Database, which goes hand-in-hand with increasing social and economic control via restrictions of freedom of movement, access to public services and welfare.Do Not Believe Bush On Afghanistan
05-03-2006 15:53
Bush recently dropped into Kabul and talked of the fantastic progress there has been here.The Tactical Ice Cream Unit
04-03-2006 22:47
Inspirational. Be sure to check the photos on the link provided.
Letter from Ruben from jail. The anarchist arrested in Barcelona 9th Feb
04-03-2006 17:25
¡Salud compañeros!I’m writing from the prison of Can Brians, in the module number one, and i will make a brief summary since that shitty february 9th (the date of our kidnapping) up today (february 15th).
Jose Couso - victim of state murder
04-03-2006 16:45
On 8 April 2003, the US army attacked the Hotel Palestine in Iraq and killed José Couso, a Spanish TV cameraman. José is one of nearly forty journalists who have been killed in this war - one of the deadliest wars in history for journalists .Coca, Clay, cocaleros, mentiras y fujihêroes / Garabombo
04-03-2006 16:38
"Sendero ha perdido a uno de sus líderes históricos. Ni siquiera Artemio tiene la importancia de Clay"/Bufonesco senderólogo Carlos Tapia / Libêlo El Comercio
Howard's 10 year party gatecrashed
04-03-2006 13:57

04-03-2006 13:26
Exposing the lies and deception in the corporate media.Surveillance of Nottingham city centre
04-03-2006 00:32

Solidarity for Matan Cohen
03-03-2006 19:58

Local Government Ombudsman Watch
03-03-2006 18:43
Exposing the Ombudsman's pro-council bias and whitewashing of maladministration.'Disabled People and Justice'in the Courts and legal advocacy'
03-03-2006 18:23
Urgent meeting to be called and organised within the representative individual voices and organisations within the disabled people's, survivors, neurodiversity, independent and inclusive living movements.