UK Repression Newswire Archive
The Games Must Go On!
06-07-2005 10:33
The issue dominating the news today is... you guessed it, the bid to host a sporting event seven years in the future, the Olympics!Stop and search - a taste of things to come.
06-07-2005 09:34

G8 whithout any news from ten french activits arrested monday
06-07-2005 01:49
Sunday July 04, the police forces made a massive descent in Edinburgh where were converging thousands of anti-G8 militants. 120 militants were arrested arbitrarily.Among them, members of the European sambas network taking part in the pink block, festif and nonviolent.Crane occupation in Edinburgh - further details
05-07-2005 18:54
Crane stoppers protest against 'Brownwash' of anti-poverty movementCarnival Violence. Pics & Analysis.
05-07-2005 18:24

Section 60 serches or just ID checks?
05-07-2005 16:17

Stories from the back passage - the scene behind Edinburgh courthouse
05-07-2005 16:06

Court Solidarity action in Edinburgh
05-07-2005 14:21

Small Video - Local retaliation Monday
05-07-2005 13:40

From Patient to Mass Murderer
05-07-2005 13:28
Terror group manipulates vulnerable Arab woman to blow herself and kill her doctors.Australian Industroal Relations Terror
05-07-2005 11:29
"Bosses are waiting with bagful of money to give a way to workers – but the bloody union leaders are standing in between because they don't want to loose their powers".TERRORIST ACT USED AGAINST SUSPECTED EDINBURGH CARNIVAL DEMONSTRATORS
05-07-2005 11:25
Five people were detained under the Terrorist Act at Stanstead airport this morning, Tuesday 5th July, and interrogated about whether they had been involved in yesterday’s Carnival for Full Enjoyment.Edinburgh Court Update: 128 Cases - Public Banned from Court : Restrictive Bail
05-07-2005 11:20
Update from Chambers Street CourtHappy Independence Day to The Land of the Free
05-07-2005 10:07

Injustice of Land Ownership in Scotland
05-07-2005 09:22
Inequality in land ownership and the difficulties of siting Hori-zoneEdinburgh G8 Carnival - Soundsystem Seized by Police
05-07-2005 08:08

Princess Street G8 Carnival Rooftop Pics
05-07-2005 08:05

Hospital workers report treating 30 fence spike injuries (carnival edinburgh)
05-07-2005 07:55