UK Repression Newswire Archive
Majid Tajdar must stay!
19-02-2005 18:23
Iranian refugee threatened with deportationCouncil caves in to Asda
19-02-2005 16:22
The rotten Borough of Rushmoor has granted 24 hour delivery to ASDA superstore in Farnborough town centre, meaning misery for those residents who live in the town.Repressing the Class Struggle
19-02-2005 15:42
As the employers' president said, capital and labor have long been reconciled among us. He said this while employers forced down wages with the help of politicians, cut pension claims, reduced social benefits and extorted dependent persons by threats of dismissal.PENTAGON THREATENED EARLIER TO KILL REPORTERS IN IRAQ
19-02-2005 15:40
Tony Tether, director of the Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency, said that the Pentagon in Iraq also will use a new electronic detection device that could help pinpoint cell phones or pagers, which sometimes are used to detonate homemade bombs aimed at U.S. troops.ICAHD Launches Bottom-up E-mail Campaign
19-02-2005 14:50
A new campaign from the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions to apply more international pressure to the Israeli government.Thames Valley Police very unhelpful over Pensions Protest
19-02-2005 09:19
Thames Valley Police very unhelpful over Pensions Protest in Oxford. Unions very unhappy about this obstruction to peaceful protestE-mail action: Tell Blair - No Detention without Trial!
18-02-2005 14:05
Please write to Tony Blair to demand "No Detention without Trial"Millions suffer under Kim Jong-il. We should have stood up to him long ago.
18-02-2005 12:51
We must do more to stop Kim Jong-il's human rights violations and Songun crimes in the DPRK. People in North Korea (DPRK) do not need nuclear weapons agreements, they need human rights.How the US murdered a City
17-02-2005 23:22
These are war crimes for which the Bush adminastration should all swing at the end of a rope, and I pray to God they all do soon!You can help the world's women get equal rights
17-02-2005 20:02
Your action is urgently needed to encourage the US to join other nations around the world in advancing women's equality.Direct Action Trainers workshop
17-02-2005 19:18
training coming up for activists from South of England, helping share tips on doing direct action trainings, in run up to G8 - limited places filling fast.The Killing of Dorothy Stang in Brazil and the Regierung Lula, Rossetto
17-02-2005 13:45
Am letzten Samstag, den 12. Februar, wurde None Dorothy im Auftrag von Großgrundbesitzern und großen Holzproduzenten aus dem Gebiet von Anapú, Bundesland Pará, von Killern durch 6 Schüsse aus nächster Nähe brutal ermordet.Rotten Borough of Lewisham
17-02-2005 13:30
Lewisham councillors and officials caught with their snouts well and truly firmly in the trough.Unveiling the Weapon of the Masses
16-02-2005 21:32
This is a must read and share for those who are willing to use the power of their intention in service to humanity.Bulletin nº18 of the Basque Observatory of Human Rights
16-02-2005 16:18
Dear Friends,We are getting in touch again to let you know that our Bulletin Nº 18 is available at the usual address. Alternatively, you can access it directly by clicking on this link:

The bulletin can be found in pdf compressed format in order to make downloading swifter, or you can also find it in word format:
Elections under occupation (ISM in Palestine IV)
15-02-2005 22:45
Account and analysis of the Palestinian Electionspolice hostility at anti-war demonstration in london
15-02-2005 20:48
I attended the ‘Stop the War’ protest in Parliament Square London on the 15 February 2005 and was shocked by the police’s hostile management of this event. I also got the chance to talk to a leader of left-wing politics for the last half-century Tony Benn.War Crimes in Fallujah: Photographic Evidence.
15-02-2005 19:18
Doctor Salam Ismael took aid to Fallujah last month. This is his story of how the US murdered a cityIT WAS the smell that first hit me, a smell that is difficult to describe, and one that will never leave me. It was the smell of death. Hundreds of corpses were decomposing in the houses, gardens and streets of Fallujah. Bodies were rotting where they had fallen—bodies of men, women and children, many half-eaten by wild dogs.
15-02-2005 18:40
Socialist Worker publishes the first evidence ofa massacre of civilians by US troops in Fallujah
LONDON, 15 FEBRUARY 2005 -- In November of last year, US forces
in Iraq launched an all-out assault on the city of Fallujah. They claimed they were hunting down terrorists.
Tomorrow Socialist Worker carries the first hard evidence that the attack on Fallujah involved the systematic and deliberate murder of hundreds of civilians. We print at length the testimony of Dr Salam Ismael, who visited Fallujah last month with humanitarian aid from Britain...
Oxford marks the second anniversary of the war on Iraq
15-02-2005 16:37

A national demo has also been called for Saturday 19 March by the STWC, see details at