UK Repression Newswire Archive
07-12-2004 10:41

Isolation, psychiatric treatment and prisoner' control
07-12-2004 01:47

Prisoners can, and have died as a result of injectable anti-psychotics, and that this is a worry regarding Deaths in Custody, as well as being an extremely harrowing experience to undergo if it doesn't kill you.
Deranged white supremacist exhorts indigenous peoples to "repent"!!
06-12-2004 20:14
Hardline unionist Ian Paisley has refused to bend on his demandfor the publication of photographs of IRA arms caches being
Leeds Prisoner Solidarity Weekend
06-12-2004 15:40
Leeds Prisoner Solidarity Weekend - Day Of Prisoner Films - Picket Of Leeds Wilko'sFairford Coach case ruling from Court of Appeal on Wednesday
06-12-2004 15:20
The ruling will be delivered at 10am this Wednesday. There will probably be a demo outside the royal courts of justice, but this is contingent on there being a hearing. apparently in some cases a ruling can be delivered without a hearing. keep an eye on the indywire and the coach case website for more details. The press release follows.Battle of Sherwood commences as Under-sheriff risks protestors lives
06-12-2004 10:46
Eviction underway at Sherwood Green Protest site, Nottinghamshire - Under-Sheriff risks tunnellers' lives, trees protestors have been cleared, tree-felling underway.Ban on the Right to Protest - 10 arrested
06-12-2004 09:50
Following the ban in Manchester on the regular Saturday picket in support of Palestine outside Marks & Spencer, the police arrested 10 demonstrators.5 Canadian Muslims Detained Without Trial for last 4 years
05-12-2004 22:07
In Canada, five Muslim men remain detained without charge or bail on secret evidence neither they nor their lawyers are allowed to see. They have been detained under Security Certificates, signed by two federal ministers, at the request of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS). They have been behind bars for periods ranging from eighteen months to over four years, denied a fair trial, and are at risk of deportation to torture and death. The Security Certificate process was recently denounced in a letter to Anne McLellan from over sixty legal experts and law unions.Swansea meeting on Palestine a success
05-12-2004 20:56
Swansea meeting about Palestine packed out!Tali Fahima, Israeli peace activist arrested for interrogation by GSS
05-12-2004 15:14
Tali Fahima`s arrest prolonged todayBlunkett: a case for prosecution under harassment law
05-12-2004 12:01
AS A lawyer, I have other concerns beyond whether David Blunkett is the father of the two children to a married woman he was having an affair with and whether he fast-tracked a visa for her servant.Is he guilty under the law of harassment?
05-12-2004 02:51
Death Threats Abound to Anyone Who Speaks the Truth and Accuses the U.S. Government of Complicity in 9/11. Sounds Like the U.S. Government has Something Very Big to Hide!Thank Tony for putting USUK together
04-12-2004 23:36

Center-right government falls in Portugal
04-12-2004 22:27
The Portuguese President, Jorge Sampaio, dissolved the parliament earlier today as a result of the rising environment of political instability surrounding the center-right government of Pedro Santana Lopes. After last weeks precocious departure of the minister of sports and youth, Henrique Chavez, only 4 days after taking over the position, the president was left with little choice but to dissolve the parliament and call for general elections next February. Jorge Sampaio said, “The minimum stability to rule is not assured. This government cannot guarantee the exemption, coherence and stability necessary for the country.”10 Arrested at 'Banned' Marks and Spencers Picket
04-12-2004 21:13
10 people were arrested today in Manchester city centre at the weekly picket that opposes Marks and Spencers' support of the Israeli state.Urgent appeal to defend the right to protest outside M&S in Manchester!
04-12-2004 19:09
This afternoon the most serious attack on the democratic right to protest in Manchester occurred. At least nine protesters from Manchester Victory to the Intifada Group have been arrested under the Section 14 of the Public Order Act as the police attempt to crush the picket. We call upon everyone to call Manchester police to demand their immediate release. The number to call is 0161 872 5050. At this stage it is unclear to which police station our comrades have been moved to or the full extent of the charges or when they will be released.USUK DU fallout global.. UK no longer measuring after Halliburton take over.
04-12-2004 02:10
The pernicious effects of DU are now global withreported increases in infant mortality in 20 regions
of Europe reported in the January 2004 Lancet medical
journal in the UK .... and
in the UK Guardian last spring throughout Europe. No
one can escape this horrendous amount of radiation now
globally contaminating the entire atmosphere at levels
that are 5 times higher than the legal allowable
exposure limit under US law. ... Today, the UK govt.
air monitoring station in Aldermaston, England, which
measures uranium in the air and must report those
levels each year has failed to provide any reports for
the past three years because they claim they are not
measuring it now. It is no coincidence but certainly
curious that Brown and Root (a Halliburton subsidiary)
has now taken over Aldermaston in England, a British
govt. facility....
"There are bodies the Americans threw in the river"
03-12-2004 20:18
Fallujah Refugees Tell of Life and Death in the Kill ZoneUKRAINE GET IT IF YOU REALLY WANT
03-12-2004 17:51
In the short term, if Ukrainian people manage to get rid of censorship, systematic police brutality, corruption and state ordered killings, that in itself will be a victory. But in the long run, something new has been born. Call it “civil society” or “autonomous networks of resistance”, whatever it’s called, it will influence future events and, hopefully set an example to people everywhere