UK Repression Newswire Archive
AgainstGreece: Salute to the people smugglers-Greek arrested w/ 23 war refugees
24-09-2013 21:58
Just one more small event in Mr Dendias's 'anti-fascist' Greece, 24 September.Meanwhile mass arrests of "illegal (capitalist) traders" were reported in Athens Tuesday 24
Operation Xenios Zeas continuded from 14-20 September
Lesvos: 12 refugees spend 10 hours in water after there dinghy sinks before rescue, 2 are then summarily accused by Frontex of being 'people smugglers' are arrested without medical care and still being held by police.
6 suspected illegal immigrants de-arrested in Central Athens by comrades 20 September
50 years! jail sentense for a alleged Turkish people smuggler
About the fights in Santiago – September 2013
22-09-2013 22:43
On September 11th 1973, the commander-in-chief of the Chilean army Augusto Pinochet took power over the democratically elected president Allende. Over the next 17 years, Pinochet killed and tortured thousands under his dictatorial rule. On the same day, in 1998, anarchist Claudia López was shot dead by cops of the reinstated democracy, while fighting at a barricade during a commemoration of the coup d’etat.Arrests at Greek Embassy solidarity protest yesterday
22-09-2013 14:12

Egypt: The Junta helps strangle Gaza.
20-09-2013 13:17
The opposition in Egypt are not the only ones to suffer from the recent military take-over in Egypt. The citizens of Gaza are now a targetted victim of the Egyptial military elite.Thousands Of Yahoo Groups Hacked Week Of Sept 8 by Yahoo
14-09-2013 20:20

Daniel Loeb, a Wall St. billionaire
involved in private equity, a former
vice president of Citigroup,
whose wealth is estimated by Forbes
to be 1.5 billion, in a hostile takeover
wrested Yahoo with the help of 3 of his
Wall St. cronies from Jerry Yang in 2011 and 2012. But this week
he has accelerated the slashing of Yahoo Groups
Bill Gates gave 3 months notice before he totally eliminated Microsoft Groups, as he
broke his contract and word.
Class War 01/2013: Riots on Swedish suburbs – We are all hooligans, we are the m
07-09-2013 17:42
Following text is from new issue of Class War, our new communist bulletin. The bulletin also includes updated Programmatical positions of Class War. Download as PDF.

Judicial Lynching In The State Of Texas in the US
01-09-2013 20:53
Government murder continues in 7 US statesinternational call : for Sonja Suder's liberation, let's mobilize !
28-08-2013 09:41
September the 14th of 2013, let’s all mobilize everywhere to protest
against legitimization of torture in Sonja Suder ‘s trial and for her
UG#660 - Countering Intelligence 3 (The Necrophilous Underbelly of Imperialism)
26-08-2013 00:33

Damascus: Syrian army finds chemicals .........
25-08-2013 10:04
Syrian army finds chemicals in militants’ tunnels ....... Syrian army soldiers have found chemical agents in tunnels dug by the foreign-backed militants in a northeastern suburb of the capital, Damascus, Syrian TV says. The discovery came after the government forces surrounded a sector of militant-held district of Jobar on Saturday. "Army heroes are entering the tunnels of the terrorists and saw chemical agents," Syria television said, adding, "In some cases, soldiers are suffocating while entering Jobar.” ...Message To Supporters From Imprisoned Anarchist Hacker Jeremy Hammond
21-08-2013 22:36

Words from the General Command of the EZLN, to the Indigenous National Congress
20-08-2013 15:52
The Indigenous national Congress has just been re-launched in Mexico to unite the struggles against megaprojects, mines, dams, theft of water and lands.This is the Zapatista word to the Congress.
Cardiff: Solidarity with squats under attack in Greece and raids in Berlin
17-08-2013 20:51

Berlin: Raids and Demonstrations - "We are not scared".
16-08-2013 18:36

Egypt: The gloves are off - Again!
16-08-2013 17:23
The events in Egypt have changed rapidly. The Arab Spring uprising having been channeled into bourgeois elections has now been driven back to its starting point - the people versus the state. The struggle for bread, justice and freedom has been sidelined yet again by the military elite.UG#659 - Countering Intelligence 2 (Gladio, The Strategy of Tension, False Flags
15-08-2013 09:35

Berlin: Projects raided by police on August 14th
15-08-2013 00:37
According to first reports, there were huge police raids on eight house projects and apartments in Berlin, including the Rigaer 94, this morning (14/8). The cops are supposedly looking for people responsible for attacks on various job centers (‘welfare offices’) as well as a recent molotov attack against police, who were conducting a drug raid in Köttbusser Tor during a solidarity demonstration for the revolt in Turkey. More news as it comes…Occupy vs. The Arms Fair
13-08-2013 20:24

Come and create a mass action against the arms fair in solidarity with the international struggles for justice.
Uprsing at Concentratiuon Camp, Amydaleza, Athens
10-08-2013 20:34
Incidents began at 2100 and peaked (reportedly) at 2200 when so called illegal immigrants set fire to their container cells. Reports of mattresses burned and at least one housing unit destroyed. Lots of tear gas, and flash bangs grenades reported with heavy police and fire unit present. Some reports that police coming the outside looking for escapees?Reports of injured immigrants, maybe heavy.
London protest for Trayvon Martin and CA Hunger Strikers
30-07-2013 19:30