UK Repression Newswire Archive
Catholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment as Irish Cardinal Set To Resign
04-05-2012 20:59
A Communiqué from ITCCS International Brussels and Dublin:The Roman Catholic Church faces permanent disruption and banishment in at least five countries if it does not comply with ten “non-negotiable measures” by September 15, 2012, according to a global coalition of survivors of church rape and torture.
Solidarity action at USAF Fairford during Bradley Manning's court hearing
03-05-2012 08:40
Siobhan Winter-Smith stood in solidarity with Bradley Manning outside the military base at Fairford, Gloucestershire on the first day of Bradley Manning's pre-trial 'motions' hearing last week.Peter Tatchell joins Bradley Manning contingent on Mayday march
03-05-2012 08:19

Whistleblowers meet in Denbigh as part of Bradley Manning solidarity tour
03-05-2012 07:20

Help Stop US Senate From Allowing Hunting In National Parks
02-05-2012 17:10
Please stop the US Senate from supporting expansion of hunting into national parksDefend vulnerable people
02-05-2012 14:46
We are a group of individuals who have friends, relatives and are vulnerable people ourselves.Anti-Fascist OAPs Attacked by Far Right
30-04-2012 20:27

U.S Special Forces Unconventional Warfare Manual TC 18 01
29-04-2012 20:49
‘The intent of U.S. unconventional warfare efforts is to exploit a hostile power’s political, military, economic, and psychological vulnerabilities by developing and sustaining resistance forces to accomplish U.S. strategic objectives.’Bahrain: on the unintentional eloquence of press releases
27-04-2012 09:45

Last weekend's Bahrain Formula 1 Grand Prix sham has been an object lesson in the political and moral bankruptcy of our age, argues Hicham Yezza.
It takes a lot for something as bland and functional as a press release to make an impression of any sort. So credit is due to the august Bahrain News Agency for releasing one of the most absurd and imbecilic texts ever allowed to see the light.
campaign in support of political prisoners
26-04-2012 17:11
Declaration in support of the “WEEK OF GLOBAL STRUGGLE FOR THE LIBERATION OF PATISHTÁN AND SÁNTIZ LÓPEZ: BRINGING DOWN THE PRISON WALLS”Dutch government wants to silence criticism of queen Beatrix
26-04-2012 16:59
An update from the Netherlands on censorship of a flyer which allegedly insulted the reigning minger and monarch, Queen Beatrix.Repost from

Peace protester hijacks Vince Cable's speech to arms industry
26-04-2012 12:33
This morning, 26 April, Vince Cable's speech to hundreds of representatives of the arms industry was disrupted when a protester took the stage. Cable's speech was to open proceedings at the UK Trade & Investment Defence & Security Organisation (UKTI DSO) Symposium. UKTI DSO, a government unit which exists to help arms sales around the world, hosts the event to outline its commitment to arms companies. TBradley Manning back in court – Solidarity in Cardiff
26-04-2012 09:09

Rain of Words
26-04-2012 05:43
Anything is a message from anyone to anyone else if a pattern of variation is agreed upon, and when oppression leaves no space for agreement or disagreement any pattern that finds no space for variation is a message to anyone that this is so. Because it is infertile to the possibility of agreement, any other message that comes from oppression is itself a pattern of oppression. Yet the variation of agreement that leaves no space for oppression can only become the message that this is so when the patterns of oppression are being replaced with agreement and disagreement. Therefore the existence of oppression is the message that our species is involved in a self-inflicted experiment not even worth its own risk. The hypothesis that is being tested in it is just as obvious as the oppression itself: Its claim for progress over the rest of the biosphere.SQUASH Picnic Attendees facing SOCPA Charges
24-04-2012 17:00

Media Scoundrels Promote War on Syria
24-04-2012 15:37
Syria's a battle zone. Western generated violence is to blame, not Assad. America's media scoundrels claim otherwise. They want him ousted by any means, including war. An April 9 Wall Street Journal commentary said "Syrian government forces (keep) bombing and killing...." Assad "reneged on (his) promises to end the bloodshed." Washington "and its allies (are) doing little or nothing to depose (his) regime. (The) illusion of diplomatic progress serves as cover for the Assads of the world to do more killing. Your move, President Obama." Like all scoundrel media commentators, Journal contributors blame victims, not villains. Their readers are betrayed, not informed. Wall Street Journal contributor Fouad Ajami long ago sold out to imperial interests for whatever he gets in return. He showed it in an op-ed headlined, "A Kosovo Model for Syria," saying: "In the Obama world, the tendency to wait has become official policy: It is either boots on the ground or head in the sand." ......Bradley Manning: Solidarity in Cardiff 16-24 April
23-04-2012 22:46

St.andrews Mayday Extravaganza!
23-04-2012 12:49