UK Repression Newswire Archive
Activists back at Kudos Pharmaceuticals after Legal Victory!
17-04-2010 15:26

Save Bita Ghaedi EMERGENCY DEMO MONDAY 19th London
17-04-2010 14:32
*EMERGENCY DEMO MONDAY 19th April 2010 assemble Home Office, Marsham Street, London @ 10am. Demo to continue until deportation flight takes place at 7PM the following Tuesday. Bita is now on full hunger food, no water!Bita Ghaedi to be deported flight no BD931, Tuesday 20th...
17-04-2010 12:37
She has no where to go once she arrives in Iran and will be on the run almost immediately. She has lost weight as a result of repeated hunger strikes she has been undertaking in her desperate attempt to stay in the UK.The USA Took My Freedom Away
17-04-2010 01:00
The U.S. Government’s attack on it’s citizens and the Bill of Rights. A Music Video.Activists Confront Cambridge Uni Over Animal Tests
16-04-2010 22:57

Oakington Death Solidarity Demo - Sunday
16-04-2010 21:48
Solidarity Demonstration at Oakington Removal Centre this Sunday between 12 noon and 2pm.Emergency, Bita Ghaedi arrested this morning.
16-04-2010 10:34

Open letter to UK Defence Minister: Free Joe Glenton now
15-04-2010 22:51

Police Raid NY Anarchist Film-Fest Collective
14-04-2010 15:36
For Immediate ReleaseStop prison censorship of radical literature!
14-04-2010 15:14
Leroy Smith has asked us to encourage people outside prison to write individual letters, complaining about the banning of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (FRFI) in Woodhill.The banning of any radical literature in prison is an attack on ALL those sending alternative publications into prisoners.
Your Tax Dollars at War: More Than 53% of Your Tax Bill Goes to the Military
14-04-2010 14:52

Last week in Calais: Fascism, Tea and English classes
14-04-2010 14:25

A Year Ago Today
13-04-2010 12:13
The first year anniversary of what has become infamously known as... The 114.Put Clive Jefferson on the spot - live!
13-04-2010 10:26
Your chance to quiz the BNP's National OrganiserAnti-Election Stall
12-04-2010 19:14
Stall in Old Market Square on Saturday, 17th. AprilEthnic cleansing: New Israel mass deportation rule (by Latuff)
12-04-2010 13:54

UN report on Western Sahara condemned
12-04-2010 09:12
The UN report published last week has been greeted with disappointment, disbelief and anger by Saharawi's in Western Sahara.Athens: six people arrested under terrorist charges; Athens Polytechnic occupied
11-04-2010 13:21
occupied london is carrying updatesIMF Thuggery at Kings College Cambridge: VIDEO + PIC
11-04-2010 00:21


Breakfast with the Police @ Africa House
10-04-2010 13:29