UK Repression Newswire Archive
New documentary provides rare insight into West Papua independence struggle
23-11-2009 23:22

When bigots attack, we fight back!
23-11-2009 22:17

Historic Gaza Freedom March to Israeli Border Set For December 31
22-11-2009 20:26

Nottingham Stop the EDL march: Useful info and tactics
21-11-2009 12:08
Remember that the power lies in the hands of the communities, do not rely on labour councils. Remember that actions speak louder than words, do not be led astray by groups whos aim is entirely political.Police station firebombed in Brussels
21-11-2009 08:25
RIOTS broke out in Belgium on Friday night, November 20, over the brutal and racist treatment of prisoners by police.NUJ Annual Delegate Meeting Supports Indymedia
20-11-2009 16:20
At today's NUJ's policy-making annual delegate meeting (ADM) in Southport, a motion supporting Indymedia was carried with nobody speaking against it.Media Freedon - Indymedia Support - Motion 12
Police seizure of a UK Indymedia server in Manchester, has prompted the ADM to call for better legal safeguards for all online content. In Motion 12, the NEC has been instructed to provide support for Indymedia through members working with the site. Charley Allan of the Morning Star said: “They need our help – they’re under attack. Indymedia are vulnerable to the police.”

Under night-time’s lovely coat - Solidarity with anarchist Jonatan (Sweden)
20-11-2009 16:19
This is the call for Revolutionary Solidarity with our Swedish anarchist comrade Jonatan and for all fighting prisoners! Please spread it and publish it on your websites, blogs and lists.Attack!
Freedom for Political Prisoners Fundraising Calendar available in UK for Xmas
20-11-2009 12:36

* 2010 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar - on the theme of Indigenous Resistance *
* 42 Gorgeous Full Colour pages of art and writings by prisoners and supporters *
* See

* Order from:

Bez Granits (No Borders): new anarchist newspaper for the Baltic region
19-11-2009 19:56
On November 7, 2009 (Nestor Makhno's birthday anniversary) a newanarchist newspaper, Bez Granits ("without borders" / "no limits")
published its debut issue - 12 black and red pages which were prepared
by the collective which was at the moment spread between St.
Petersburg, Russia, and Riga, Latvia.
Photographers 6 year legal battle concludes.
19-11-2009 15:33

He has been supported in his fight by both UK Indymedia and the National Union of Journalists over the past six years.
Corporate Watch: NDET issues bail conditions designed to prevent protest
19-11-2009 11:39
Following two house raids in Evesham and Gosport in the early hours of Tuesday 10th November, four animal rights activists were arrested, charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage and given wide-ranging bail conditions designed specifically to prevent their participation in any facet of animal rights campaigning. The charges are based upon the seizure of a solitary piece of 'evidence' in a raid a year earlier.The raids commenced at 7am when police wearing balaclavas, including members of the National Domestic Extremism Team (NDET), raided two houses. At one address masked police scaled the walls and broke windows, instead of knocking on the door, to gain entry. At the other, 20-30 police burst in brandishing fire extinguishers. From these two raids four people were arrested and later charged with conspiracy to cause criminal damage. The arresting officer was DC Mace, of the NDET London, and the accusations relate to several minor acts of criminal damage in the south of England, claimed by anonymous animal rights activists.
Dale Farm travellers to be evicted, Constant & Co. to make £2m
18-11-2009 18:57
The Basildon District Council cabinet is meeting on 10th December to decide which of two undisclosed bailiff companies it will use to forcibly evict travellers living on Britain's biggest traveller site, the renowned Dale Farm in Essex. Constant & Co., the UK's most notorious anti-traveller bailiff firm, said, in July, that it expected to win the £2 million contract, which would culminate in the biggest eviction operation in modern British history.Two jailed for contempt of court in USA
18-11-2009 15:51
Originally published by at
Two people, Carrie Feldman and Scott DeMuth have been jailed for refusing to testify in front of a grand jury in Iowa, USA. The two were found to be in contempt of court this Tuesday. Both will be held until they agree to testify or for the duration of the grand jury (another 11 months). By law the longest they could be held is 18 months.
Another migrant camp destroyed; mass arrests
18-11-2009 14:56
Another large migrant camp in France was destroyed yesterday, this time in Dunkerque.Open Letter from Cesare Battisti to Lula and the Brazilian People
18-11-2009 00:31

Report from antifascist actions in Warsaw, 11.11.09
17-11-2009 21:55

Chios: The Greek Junta rears its ugly head again, in a 'Socialist' state!
17-11-2009 20:13
280 arrested, many after being 'kettled' pre-emptively, in groups of up to 50Central Athens occupied, by cops
Report of shoppers being dragged out of supermarket and arrested
Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
G8: Swiss stun grenade case due to conclude on Friday
17-11-2009 14:14

At 9am the Federal Court will hear Mr Smallman’s final appeal in the case against the State of Geneva. Unusually, this will be heard in public.