UK Repression Newswire Archive
Honduras imposes State of Siege in South: The Struggle Shaking "America"
28-07-2009 20:09
"People here have been fighting for Zelaya’s return for a month now. They are incredibly committed and won’t back down,” he said. He urged people to call Congress and the White House and demand that the U.S. government pressure Micheletti to lift the siege.White House comment line: 202-456-1111
Congressional switchboard: 202-224-3121
Send an email to Barack Obama using the Latin America Solidarity Coalition/School of the Americas Watch site

Demonstrate at Communications House TUESDAY 4 August 1–2PM
28-07-2009 11:53
Show solidarity with asylum seekers and migrant workers!Protest against reporting and detention centres!
TUESDAY 4 August 1–2PM
Demonstrate outside the UK Immigration Service, Communications House
210 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BR (nearest tube – Old Street )
Ongoing need for people in Calais
28-07-2009 11:22
"We have a real lack of people from UK and France here this week and lots of work todo.Evictions are looming and we think the Erythreans may even be evicted tomorrow !!...
Please spread the word and get people over here as soon as possible"
Honduras Coup: the US Connection
27-07-2009 14:33

The answer is straightforward – everything. The coup is aligned with US strategic objectives and is going to be used by Washington to regain positions in the region which it lost during George Bush’s presidency.
Greece: Failed trespass attempt against Pikrodáfni free space!
27-07-2009 11:08
Announcement by the Pikrodáfni free space in Athens, Greece:Big Green Gathering Cancelled
27-07-2009 07:11
The Big Green Gathering has been cancelled.DISARM DSEi activist arrested for holding a banner outside army showroom
26-07-2009 21:37

Chavez: US plans to invade Venezuela through Colombia
26-07-2009 18:15

Bigg Green athering forced to cancel at the last minute!
26-07-2009 17:07
After news yesterday that the Big Green Gathering was facing a Hight Court hearing on Monday morning for an injunction against the festival applied for by Mendip District Council and the police, today the directors of the Big Green Gathering seem to have voluntarily surrendered the license for the BGG 2009, and thus cancelling the event just 48 hours before it was due to start. With people already on site setting up the infrastructure for the diferent areas and programs of the festival, and leaving thousands of people wondering what to do with their already bought coach and train tickets, no doubt these knews come as a big dissapointment for many people.of an injunction
Demo in support of Amdani Juma [continued Immigration Limbo]
26-07-2009 11:54

Calais: monitoring police activity in the jungle
26-07-2009 09:36
NEW INFO LINES If you are coming to Calais to show solidarity and want information: call (from UK) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 (from France) 06 34 81 07 10Arrest before Nottingham Pride 2009
25-07-2009 21:38

Mytilini, Lesvos: Solidarity prevents the deportation of 62 migrants
25-07-2009 16:18
Today’s deportation event was canceled. In the next ones that they will try, with all the powers that we’ve got, we’ll be there.Sparks (and Molotovs) fly as police-nazi collaboration stokes the flames of Gree
25-07-2009 12:04
Report and reflections on the violent wave of police and neo-nazi collaboration and ugly the rise of nationalism in Greece, written on the ground, in the squat that was fire bombed this morning...Hillary Clinton is a fascist
25-07-2009 11:33
The British mainstream news coverage of Honduras has been non-existent. The CNN coverage has been biased, covering up facts that are well known in the rest of the americas and employing right-wing commentators like Robert Armstrong and the Council of Americas ( a US business organisation) while ignoring ALBA, the OAS and even the UN. Even independent english-language coverage has been poor, inaccurate and lacking.Greece: arson attempt against Fabricka Yfanet squat
25-07-2009 10:52

Get that Tape!
24-07-2009 21:02
Its time for all the citizens of Britain to start taking action against the ridiculous level of surveillance we face in our everyday lives. We have to endure more CCTV than any other nation in the world, even North Korea; while at the same time more and more of our personal data is constantly being added, without any consent necessary, to the world’s largest biometric and DNA database.State terror in the slums of Rio de Janeiro (by Latuff)
24-07-2009 20:57

Latest rebellions in South Africa: Pics and analysis
24-07-2009 17:49

Richard Pithouse introduces a recent article about the rebellions with some quick updates