UK Repression Newswire Archive
Anti EDO campaigners monitored by Automatic Number Plate Recognition System i
24-05-2009 14:19
Smashing update...Demo for freedom of movement, Calais, 27th June
24-05-2009 12:42
March from the centre of Calais to Coquelles, the immigration detention centre west of the town. March is part of the NoBorder camp which is taking place in Calais 23rd-29th June.British doctors hunger strike over Gaza access
24-05-2009 10:24
Two British surgeons on a humanitarian mission to Gaza are undertaking hunger strikes until permitted access to the city from Egypt’s Rafah crossing, according to Islington Friends of Yibna.Does Cheney Make Obama Look Good Enough?
24-05-2009 07:06

How the Federal Court of Australia selectively denies The Rights Of The Child
24-05-2009 06:38

against police violence - kettling new scotland yard - pics and report
24-05-2009 00:47
on saturday afternoon several hundred protestors joined the protest against police violence and marched from trafalgar square to new scotland yardTim Martin Interview and the Tamils, London - pictures.
23-05-2009 15:38

CCTV (ANPR) systems used to track anti-war protesters
23-05-2009 10:00
Link to short video report on BBC - features EDO/ITT protesters.Anonymous joins Scientology in press release recycling campaign
23-05-2009 03:42

parliament square - battle of the tamil flags
22-05-2009 23:21

#53, 19.25: Anarchist Nikos Kountardas on thirst and hunger strike
22-05-2009 17:07

Dissident Island Radio - latest show ready for download!
22-05-2009 16:28
Download the latest show which aired live on 15th May 2009Sri Lanka conflict: And Then They Came For Me
22-05-2009 11:00
by Editor, 'The Sunday Leader'Published: 11 January 2009
This was Mr Wikramatunga's last editorial, who was brutally assassinated on 8 January. The opinions expressed are the author's own. Extract was also published in the May/June 2009 edition of Amnesty Magazine.
Tamil Hunger Strike Tim Martin, London - pictures
21-05-2009 22:30

South Africa calls for investigations into violations of Geneva Conventions
21-05-2009 19:36
It has been left to South Africa to call for investigations into violations of Geneva Conventions in the recent conflict, as the western world appears, atleast, to procrastinate.Appeal for release of Doctors arrested by Sri Lankan Gov't
21-05-2009 19:27
The whereabouts of Medical Superintendent Dr. Shanmugarajah who was attending the wounded at the makeshift hospital at Mu'l'li-vaaykkaal junior school, Regional Director of Health Services (RDHS) doctors, Dr. Varatharajah and Dr Sathiyamoorthy, arrested by the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) after fleeing the Safety Zone Saturday, are still unknown, and several Rights groups feared for doctors' lives, sources in Colombo said. The same applies to 12 ICRC workers who tirelessly served the wounded civilians including hundreds of children with the very minimal medical help and medicines and under continuous bombardment.'Court curtails Met surveillance' of protesters
21-05-2009 11:56
Judges have ruled that the Met. must destroy photos of arms trade campaigner Andrew Wood, according to the BBC.Radio 4 Show on Policing Protest
21-05-2009 11:18

Pix-&-Vidz of UCaPV Vigil, NSY - Wed 20 May 09
21-05-2009 07:30

Tesco Boycott Israeli Settlement Produce Action - Video
20-05-2009 10:29