UK Repression Newswire Archive
The Art of the Ban and the Five year Repression of Wajeha Al Huwaider.
01-09-2008 09:31
'The Vital Pathfinding Arab Elite is Persecuted and Cannot Advance Arab Society'Wajeha is banned from writing for five years, interestingly, the issue of artist
repression In Saudi and specifically of this woman does not consider the notion
that a Writer can never be stopped from writing. But they may be persecuted and
have modes and methods of disemination removed. The title of her piece (above)
explains the 5% in societies that attempt to advance and evolve. She includes
the animal and microscopic world too.
FNB homes and offices raided & volunteers arrested before RNC protest
01-09-2008 09:21
CRACKDOWN BEGINS: Food Not Bombs homes and offices raided. Volunteersarrested.
Arrest in Church Street - call for mass stalls next Saturday
31-08-2008 15:02
The Socialist Party has had a stall in Church Street at that spot foryears. On Saturday 30 August, a police van drew up and ordered us to
move. Tony Aitman refused and they arrested him, put him in the van and
charged him with wilful obstruction. They confiscated our table and
material and told us we could collect them after 5pm that day. They then
let Tony leave the van and told him he would be summonsed.
Referendum, U.N. intervention in Baluchistan sought
31-08-2008 10:38

A Note from St. Paul, Minnesota
31-08-2008 02:46
Please visit for more information and to drop a note expressing your solidarity to the thousands of brave comrades who will be in the streets in the coming days...Labour government proposes huge increase in state surveillance
31-08-2008 00:24
In a further escalation of the attack on democratic rights, the Labour government is proposing a huge increase in state surveillance. It is implementing new measures under the pretext of the “war on terror” to intrude ever deeper into the private lives of people who are viewed as potential criminals rather than citizens.BIA vans trashed
30-08-2008 13:29
On the night of Friday 29th August the regional headquarters of the Borders and Immigration Agency in Portishead were the target for a response to the routine violence of forced removal, detention and deportation.Ticketing and stop and searching of London Critical Mass.
30-08-2008 09:48
Reports are coming in of police ticketing and searching riders during last night's ride and this seems to indicate a stepping up of police harassment, maybe in advance of the House of Lords appeal hearing in October, or in imitation of heavy-handed New York and Minneapolis police perhaps?New Issue of 'Chto Delat' Russian Political Paper Confiscated
30-08-2008 09:40
PETERSBURG, August 29, 2008. On the evening of August 27, the new issue of the newspaper Chto Delat (No. 19: What does it mean to lose?) was confiscated at a militia raid at the printers in Petersburg.7 Days & 7 Nights for 7 Years
30-08-2008 07:07

Guantánamo torture victim Binyam Mohamed: High Court condemns UK/US policy
30-08-2008 01:19
Andy Worthington, author of “The Guantánamo Files”, reports on the High Court’s judgment in favour of British resident Binyam Mohamed, in which the judges ruled that the government must hand over evidence relating to his rendition and torture, and the Court’s second judgment on Friday, in which the judges ruled that the government’s attempts to prevent disclosure for reasons of “national security” were insufficient.Stop burning Baluch alive, Pakistan urged
29-08-2008 19:27

Call for Solidarity with the Lubicon Cree
29-08-2008 19:16
This is an action against TransCanada Pipelines - the major multinational pipeline company that is trying to build a pipeline across unceded Lubicon land despite the United Nations explicitly calling on Canada to stop violation of Lubicon rights. More importantly, the Lubicon themselves have not given permission for the construction of this pipeline.German Politician Caberta is organizing anti-sects conference in Hamburg
29-08-2008 16:15
Anonymous are invited and do not need to give identities if showing up with the mask.- is there anybody out there?
29-08-2008 13:18
A Call For International Action And Solidarity From The Italian So-called ‘Mafia’ LifersGlobal Action Against Enforced Disappearances
29-08-2008 08:52
Disappearances No / Convention NowSaturday August 30th marks the 25th anniversary of the International Day of the Disappeared. On this day human rights organisations and family members of the disappeared from all over the world call on their Heads of State to ratify the International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearances.
Austrian animal rights political prisoner speaks out
28-08-2008 22:03
Vienna, 26th August 2008Message to the International Animal Rights Movement from Martin Balluch, imprisoned without charge for 100 days for legitimate animal rights campaigning.
Long Haul Infoshop, Berkeley USA raided by Feds and UC police
28-08-2008 17:52
At around 10:30am, 5-6 Officers made there way into the Longhaul Infoshop and broke down every door and stole every single computer on the property (including those used by the Slingshot collective and East Bay Prisoner Support). They also raided cabinets, cut locks and mis-sorted our mail.SYMAAG meeting
28-08-2008 17:01
The next meeting of the South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG) is on Wednesday September 17th at 6.30pm.