UK Repression Newswire Archive
g8 03 music video.
21-02-2004 01:46

Gender and Jihad
20-02-2004 23:58
Islamic militants dynamite schools for girls in Pakistan.Repressive squat evictions in Barcelona
20-02-2004 18:14
Increasingly repressive evictions in BCN, leading to 4 arrest yesterday and more evictions to follow from the 23rdFairford Judicial Review : Judegement Online
19-02-2004 20:03
The full text of the judgement is onlineFairford Judicial Review - Corporate Press Coverage
19-02-2004 12:47
Collecting corporate media coverage of the Fairford Coach Judicial ReviewPolice 'abused power' during demo
19-02-2004 11:11
Protesters have won their High Court battle over a police decision to detain them on their way to RAF Fairford for an anti-war demonstration.Lawyers for half the 120 passengers, stopped from protesting last March, accused Gloucestershire Police of acting unlawfully.
SUF (sweden): Solidarity with Redfern
19-02-2004 00:18
The international committee of the swedish Anarcho-Syndicalist Youth Federation (S.U.F) would like to express our solidarity with the combatants and freedom fighters in Redfern, Australia.Palestine Refugee Films - Bristol March 3rd
18-02-2004 23:51

Wednesday 3rd March 2004 : 7.30pm
The Cube Microplex, Kings Sq, Bristol
Jail if you make a mistake on your tax return?
18-02-2004 16:46
The provisions of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and Money Laundering Regulations 2003 come into force on 1 March 2004. This will force accountants, banks, and tax advisers to inform on their clients and it could mean that a small mistake on your tax or VAT return will lead to imprisonment. Of course, this latest infringement of personal freedom in the UK is all being done in the name of the 'war on terror'.Registered social landlords – the new corporations
18-02-2004 16:23
Housing associations, or Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) as they are now known, are becoming a powerful oppressive force within our communities. You get videos showing how marvellous your house will be, fantastic bathrooms with palm trees on the wall - they’re a delight to the eye. But it isn’t true. Former council tenants, who now regret agreeing to transfer, will tell you the promises weren’t fulfilled, repairs weren’t done, their homes weren’t renovated.Farnborough town centre judicial review
18-02-2004 16:21
A local resident in Farnborough has sought and obtained leave for a judicial review of the unlawful planning decision to destroy half of the town centre and build a superstore. Social housing of 28 maisonettes was earmarked to be destroyed for the store's car park.Court Martials for Israeli Conscientious Objectors
17-02-2004 20:24
Court Martials for Israeli Conscientious ObjectorsHigh Court rule on Fairford Coaches this Thursday 19th of February 2004
17-02-2004 12:48
The High Court will deliver their ruling this Thursday at 10am. If you wish to support, please join the demonstration outside the courts at 9am. We hope for as successful an outcome as the recent Jubilee Buses challenge to the Met Police.Please circulate press release below. Next week at 7pm on Thursday 26 February, see the two coach passenger movies at G2, SOAS (with food/drinks, and guest speakers).
Sainsburys - another brick in the wall?
17-02-2004 11:19
Is Sainsbury's the most unethical supermarket in Britain?A Field Guide to Hasbara (Zionist Propaganda)
17-02-2004 08:50
Just in case you were wondering what informs the latest efforts by Zionist spammers to flood IMC worldwide... 'Propaganda is used by those who want to communicate in ways that engage the emotions, and downplay rationality, in an attempt to promote a certain message. To effectively present Israel to the public, and to counter anti-Israel messages, it is necessary to understand propaganda devices.'Calling all theatre groups - Palestinian Play for Performance
16-02-2004 22:27

Press statement on Terrorism Act 2000 trial
16-02-2004 18:43
A press statement dated today, February 16, by the Campaign Against Criminalising Communities describes a trial of six people at Kingston Crown Court under the Terrorism Act 2000 which started today as a "show trial". It is seen as being aimed at victimising ethnic minorities, suppressing dissent and criminalising solidarity actions in order to please tyrannical foreign governments, in this case the government of Turkey.