UK Repression Newswire Archive
UK Terror Plots Result In Irrational Fear Mongering
01-07-2007 22:42
The recent so-called failed terror plots in London have sparked irrational fear mongering from both the British and U.S. governments. This fear mongering has been magnified by the utterly shameful coverage of these events by the establishment media.Full article | 3 additions | 3 comments
FIT watch at Disarm DSEi meeting
01-07-2007 15:50

Account of DISARM DSEi public meeting
01-07-2007 14:30
This meeting was called to discuss plans for disrupting the world’s largest arms fair, DSEi (Defence Systems and Equipment International) which takes place on 11th – 14th September 2007 at the ExCeL Centre in East London.Great White bites off more than it can chew?
01-07-2007 11:11
Yet another BNP business venture hits hard times - and far worse are coming.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Nottingham Congolese Community demonstrated against continued deportations
30-06-2007 21:22

Absurd London “Bomb Plot” Inaugurates “Control Freak” Brown
30-06-2007 00:28
Of course, you need evidence to claim “al-Qaeda” is behind the sloppy and wholly amateurish work in London today, but that has not stopped the corporate media or the fear-monger hacks with an agenda—i.e., slaughtering Muslims and divvying up the Middle East—from leading to conclusions and thus subjecting the public to non-stop propaganda.Guantánamo Bay: The Case of Omar Deghayes
29-06-2007 21:32

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Audio - Talk by Ramona and Fred Africa
29-06-2007 01:14

Bukovksy: EU is Soviet Union Reborn
28-06-2007 22:35
It takes a victim of sovietism to recognize a likewise process in Europe. “Vladimir Bukovksy, the 63-year old former Soviet dissident, fears that the European Union is on its way to becoming another Soviet Union,” writes Paul Belien for the Brussels Journal. “In a speech he delivered in Brussels last week Mr. Bukovsky called the EU a ‘monster’ that must be destroyed, the sooner the better, before it develops into a fullfledged totalitarian state.”Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
SOCPA - the movie 3rd July @ LARC
28-06-2007 17:15

Jacqui Climbs the Ladder!!
28-06-2007 15:44
Have you heard, the MP for Redditch, Jacqui Smith is the new Home Secretary!! Hurrah!!!People of Britain: It's "Liberation Day!"
28-06-2007 15:05
We would like to welcome the United Kingdom, back into the "family of nations", now that the country has been "liberated" from the "repressive", "dictatorship" of Mr. Anthony Blair.Bristol Indymedia film night: MOVE documentary - 2 July
28-06-2007 14:18

Monday 2 July, 7.30pm for 8pm start, @ the Cube Cinema. £2/3 on the door.
Note: 1 July, 6.30pm, benefit cafe for MOVE at Kebele social centre, 14 Robertson Rd, Bristol BS5 6JY (

Spin and rumours at the G8
28-06-2007 08:54
With proper wars it is a well-known occurrence for one side’s propaganda department to try and spread the most horrific stories about the other party. The opposition are depicted as brutal barbarians who ravage children and should be opposed at all cost. In military jargon this is known as ‘psyops’. During the protests against the G8 in Heiligendamm there were clear indications of a similar strategy. In this case the infamous ’’black block’’ played the part of the barbarians. This is a biased summary of the misinformation and its effect.SOCPA - brown's first day at the office
28-06-2007 00:17
looks like gordon brown is no great libertarian, as police mark his notably undemocratic coronation with high levels of repression and unlawful action in and around parliament square.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Women representatives of Six Nations Territory Canada give Nottingham Sumac Talk
28-06-2007 00:09

They spoke about the experience of reclaiming and defending a piece of land from development. Their action has been incredibly successful, having prevented the development and protected the land from an armed police incursion.
Tony's last hour.
27-06-2007 23:16

The "Use of the Armed Forces" in America under a National Emergency
27-06-2007 17:48
Taken together, NSPD 51 and Sec 1042 of the DDAA 07 define the contours of a "democratic dictatorship" in America (in the case of a National Emergency) under the authority of the White House.We are not dealing with "Military Rule" or "Military Government" as normally understood, because the authority to govern is still vested in the President and Vice President. What is at stake is the unrestricted and arbitrary "Use" of the Military by the President /Vice President in the conduct of police and law enforcement functions.
Ramona Africa and MOVE the movie in London, Thursday 28th
27-06-2007 17:28
Ramona Africa will be speaking at 8pm Thursday 28th @ 15 rampART Street, London E1MOVE communication minister Ramona Africa, is touring the UK for two weeks to talk about the MOVE Organization, the events of May '85, the MOVE 9, Mumia Abu-Jamal and what they stand for. Come to listen to her story and watch the "MOVE" documentary.
Prisoners revolt in Rye Hill, Warwickshire
27-06-2007 15:55

A group of prisoners at a privately run jail near Rugby 'went wild' on Monday, June 25th. The inmates took control of one wing at the Rye Hill prison, which is run by GSL, for almost two hours in the afternoon. A team of specially trained and equipped staff were then brought in and regained control of the wing. A spokesman for GSL said that, despite some damage at the prison, there were "no injuries to either staff or inmates".