UK Repression Newswire Archive
Political film 'Return to Kurkuk, a year in the fire'
01-06-2007 19:57
Film @ Broadway Cinema Satarday 2nd June 1pm - about Karzan (imprisonewd and tortured by Saddam' regime) after 25 years in exile RETURNS TO KIRKUK - This thought provoking, intelligent and emotional story gives a unique insight into the true political feeling and civil unrest in Iraq today.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Spanish police arrested turkish communist!
01-06-2007 09:24

on the 29 of may the spanish police arrested by order of „Interpol“ the turkish communist Binali Yilidirm at the „Kontiki Playa“-Hotel on Mallorca. Binali Yildirim was on holidays with his football team. Reason for the arrest was a request for extradition from Turkey.
Germany in the run up to G8: A Police State. Here Some Videos.
31-05-2007 23:34
Germany in the run up to G8: A Police State. Here Some Videos.
Israeli High Court Allows Shin Bet to Torture Palestinians
31-05-2007 19:31
When you've become worse than what you claim to oppose, there is no moral argument for the perpetuation of your actions.Get the G8 off Africa’s back
31-05-2007 17:25
Article by the education charity WORLDwrite examining prevailing attitudes on the ability of Africans to self govern and develop their economic and social potential. Explores poverty eradication & poverty reduction along with what debt relief really means in Ghana.Includes comments by Ghanian Academics Professor Akilagpa Sawyerr and Dr. Yao Graham of Third World Network Africa.
Parliament votes to exempt itself from Freedom of Information legislation
31-05-2007 17:18
With tacit support from the Labour government and Conservative front bench, a bill has been tabled that would exempt Parliament and MPs from Freedom of Information (FoI) legislation.Lord Brians sixth anniversary.
31-05-2007 13:40
It is Brian Haws sixth anniversary on 2nd June. There will be a party.Public Meeting: BP in Colombia: Oil workers, communities speak out
31-05-2007 13:05

Another WTC7 whitewash has been published in NYTimes
31-05-2007 12:35
A response to yesterday's WTC7 hit piece in the NY Times (see 'A Notion From 9/11 Is Kept Alive' by Jim Dwyer). Why do we bother? Because someone has to keep the concepts of truth and global justice alive as we descend into Rockefeller's 'dream' of a one-world feudal state, that's why!Australia: NSW: Sydney political scapegoats plead not guilty
31-05-2007 03:05

the truth about oxford university and thames valley police
30-05-2007 23:40
a report on the outcome of the oxford trial of the lab protesters as published in arkangel:
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
a new attempt to criminalize G8-protest
30-05-2007 21:40
The bicycles of campers, which were on their way to Heiligendamm, were controlled, if they are stolen. Some Fotos‘I took a picture of Tower Bridge and was arrested for terrorism’
30-05-2007 09:35
Salam AbdulrahmanA chilling glimpse of ‘stop and search’ Britain
Saturday Inspiration: Peace is Possible
29-05-2007 20:14

R.S.V.P. - Saturdays - Parliament Square
Christian monasteries desecrated by U.S.
29-05-2007 15:57
Iraqi church leaders say the country’s Christians are suffering immensely and have blamed the U.S. for what they describe as their "tragic conditions".Flash Radio: Podcast No.2: G8 summit, counter summit and actions.Background info
28-05-2007 19:48

The feed is located at

Labour party shares blame for Iraq
28-05-2007 15:01
put the Labour Party on trial for War Crimes, similar to the Nuremburg Trials because they "were only following orders!" It was no excuse for the NAZI Party, it's no excuse for Labour!The End of Liberty
28-05-2007 10:17
I am in general opposed to violence, except as a last resort. And I know that the police are not all fascists. Many policemen don't like the drive against civil liberties any more than I do. But, even granted that they are only doing their job, I can promise you this. The first policeman who stops me as I am peacefully going about my lawful business, and demands to know who I am and where I am going, will get punched on the nose.An animal activist's account of current repression on UK streets
27-05-2007 16:21
Anonymous wrote May 20th 2007: I am preparing for yet another court appearance. Within the last year the police have began attacking anyone involved in animal rights (particularly anti- vivisection). I first found myself involved in this persecution due to attending what was always a peaceful *SPEAK protest in London on 27th Sept 2006.