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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Searched by Police at DSEI? Liberty needs your help, Urgently!

24-09-2003 03:19

Liberty's high court legal challenge of police searches at DSEI will take place on 2 October, 2003. Were you searched in London by police using Section 44/Anti-terror search powers during/before the week of September 6th-12 "DSEI week"?

If so, Liberty needs a copy of your police search record(s) ASAP!! Your anonymity will be guaranteed, but the some of the information from the record will be used on THURSDAY the 2nd of OCTOBER at the High Court Hearing (see below).

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Liverpool’s New Deal for Communities initiative

21-09-2003 08:56

Liverpool’s New Deal for Communities initiative, which encompasses 4,000 houses and 14,000 residents, is oppressive and proves that local government subjugates and domesticates communities.

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Reportback from Gloucester Crown Court

20-09-2003 11:06

Various Fairford defendants appeared in Gloucester Crown Court yesterday,
for 'plea and directions' hearings. The charges are mainly of conspiracy
and/or criminal damage, and many of the defendants spent time in prison
on remand.

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"Report From Baghdad" Part Six--International Activists in Iraq

20-09-2003 08:44

Voice in the Wilderness activists with Iraqi people (Photo: Lee Siu Hin)
This is the finals of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate today's 6-months U.S. invasion to Iraq (Sep 20). To view the entire series, please visit:

The interactive CD-ROM vison of "Report from Baghdad" is on sale; with articles, over 50 photos, and hours of audio & video interviews. USD$15.00 plus USD$3.50 S/H (detail information at the end)

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Spanish Anarchists Arrested On Terrorism Charges

19-09-2003 13:40

Spanish anarchists arrested under anti-terrorism laws in Barcelona.

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Kasa de la Muntanya squat: 14 years of resistance

19-09-2003 12:38

Eviction for the coming 2nd of October..
Since last July 11 when we were notified of the eviction date for the coming 2 october, it's been all go at the Kasa de la Muntanya. It's been a hard summer. The heat got us down as much as the threat or more, but the need to get the defence of the house off the ground was stronger than the summer torpor.

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"Report From Baghdad" Part Five--U.S. Military in Iraq

19-09-2003 07:31

GI in military base watching DVD movies
This is a part five of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq.

To view the entire series, please visit:

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Focus On Jerusalem ~ (Michael Tarazi's Bad Fences Part IV)

19-09-2003 05:18

International And Humanitarian Law IS Non-Negotiable;
American tax dollars continue funding.

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"Report From Baghdad" Part Four--Women in Iraq

18-09-2003 09:06

Women in Baghdad's Univeristy
This is a part four of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq.

To view the entire series, please visit:

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Why it's your duty to help Taysir in Spain from Al Jazeera

17-09-2003 19:21

I have never met Taysir Alouni but I have thought a lot about him over these last few days.

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New terrorism bill sets way for Dictatorship

17-09-2003 12:30

New antiterrorism bill will allow laws to be passed without HP being involved, simply by declaring 'state of emergency'.

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A Disaster Foretold

17-09-2003 08:48

A Disaster Foretold, an article by Uri Avnery of Gush Shalom which was posted on ZNet 16 September.

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[G8] diaz: 73 policemen charged

16-09-2003 15:31

in english--> translation of a press-agency news about police, diaz and bolzaneto

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"Report From Baghdad" Part Two--Security

16-09-2003 11:02

Iraq Ambushed and Destroyed U.S. Humvee in Baghdad
"Report From Baghdad" Part Two--Security

This is a part two of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invaison of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq.

To view the entire series, please visit:

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Anthany Dawson (R.I.P.) Letter from Nancy Dawson

16-09-2003 03:56

I have received a copy of your letter dated August 28, 2002 addressed to my lawyer, Adrian Brooks. I must say that I am very disappointed. I did have high hopes that perhaps the old boys club would have been set aside and that each case would be reviewed in detail.

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DSEi activists run rings around the Police (literally)

15-09-2003 12:00

The L.I.T. team perplexed at the meaning of this odd symbol aimed at them.
A tale of subversion from the final Disarm DSEi event.

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"Report From Baghdad" Part One--Introduction

15-09-2003 10:21

Iraq Children in Destruction
With 6-months commemoration of U.S. invaison of Iraq (Sep 20) coming. Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, compiled a 6-parts series call "Report from Iraq", includes: People of Iraq, former Iraqi military commander, U.S. Military, human rights workers from UNICEF, Voice in the Wilderness, Amnesty International; Shi'ite and Sunni religious leaders from Baghdad, Fllujah, and more!

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Itoiz Evictions - Communique

14-09-2003 18:33

On Monday 15th September the second wave of evictions and demolitions will begin around the Itoiz Dam. Below is a communique from Solidari@s con Itoiz. For more information about the Itoiz Dam go to, and keep watching Indymedia for news updates on the resitance that is taking place.

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Snooper's Charter

13-09-2003 14:29

Wide powers for state bodies in new 'snoopers' charter' for a total invasion and intrusion of privacy and civil liberties.