UK Repression Newswire Archive
ACLU, el-Masri SUING CIA for Flight to Prison, Torture
03-12-2005 19:25

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BREAKING: new allegations against mercenaries in Iraq
03-12-2005 13:32
Booman Tribune has now obtained a copy of a memo that implicates employees of a second private security company, Triple Canopy, Inc., an American firm operating in Iraq, in the possible homicide of two Iraqi civilians on the road from Ramadi to Amman near the Jordanian border in December, 2004.Guardian Media Group Close City Life
02-12-2005 18:00
Poets, journalists, publishers, businesses and readers gathered in Manchester today to launch a campaign to save City Life magazine. Thirteen jobs have been axed but many more journalists will suffer. The editorial team at City Life comprised of thirteen staff but also seventeen freelance staff who...police try to 'negotiate' EDO march
02-12-2005 17:36
Sussex police are trying to get activists to meet in advance of the rally and march in Brighton town centre on December 10th. Here are the last two mails from Sussex Event Liaison Officer Sean McDonald.EDO rooftop appeal at Lewes Crown Court
02-12-2005 13:02
Three activists convicted of aggravated trespass for a rooftop protest at Brighton arms dealers EDO MBM have their appeal next week at Lewes Crown Court from December 6th - 9th.Story of Former US Army Interrogator, Tony Lagouranis, Is Growing
02-12-2005 10:13
Good news. The story of Tony Lagouranis, the former US Army interrogator who reported widespread torture in Iraq, is growing. Yesterday, I posted the following paragraph to"As an indication of how relative few inroads this story is making into the public conscience, the Google search which I just performed (1 Dec 05; 12:56pm GMT) on "Tony Lagouranis" resulted in 694 hits. For the subject of a story of such international import, this is very low."
As of 9:52am GMT on 2 December, the same Google search resulted in 756 hits. This is still low, but indicates growing interest.
Nguyen murdered in Singapore
02-12-2005 01:11

Indonesian police say lots of things?
02-12-2005 00:36

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Harassment lawyer in hot water
01-12-2005 23:23
Today saw the adjournment of the “Smash EDO” case in the High Court to early 2006 when a lawyer in the the case will have to deal with accusations of malpractice, including illegally obtaining material on protesters from the police and abuse of court process to delay the trial.Bush: US Titanic stays the course towards Victory!
01-12-2005 19:35
In his speech at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, US 'president' George Bush stated that he rejected the polls showing that most Americans think the war is a terrible mistake, and convinced the 'Bush Junta' has no clear strategy for withdrawl nor staving off further chaos in Iraq.The Long Walk London - support Indigenous Australians
01-12-2005 18:56
Just heard about this and not too sure of its political stance (sounds pretty statist), but haven't seen anything on Indy and it is a pretty big thing to show solidarity for - Aboriginals in OZ are treated like shit and the government don't seem to bat an eyelid.. international pressure can't hurt... heres their press release1st London Anarchist Assembly@Dec 3rd
01-12-2005 12:15

Malet Street. Tube: Russell Sq, Goodge St, Euston Sq

Solidarity Needed! 26 Homosexuals under arrest in UAE
01-12-2005 10:41
26 Homosexuals arrested on the 22nd of November in United Arab Emirates, a strong USA ally, are still under police detention. Let them hear your anger, demand that all arrested be free without charges and all persecutions be put to an end IMMEDIATELY! (details at the bottom of article)BUSH WORLD - TOO MANY STATES
30-11-2005 20:18
A scathing indictment of Bush-Cheney policy with a special focus on Iraq war and with a little historical context.Full video of St Agnes eviction raid
30-11-2005 19:57

Clemency Call for "Tookie" Williams:
Please Take a Moment to Help!
30-11-2005 18:39
Note: The below article is available with integrated web links via the blog at the following URL:
Please consider joining's call to ask Gov. Schwarzenegger to grant clemency for Stanley "Tookie" Williams, who is scheduled to die on December 13th by way of lethal injection at California's San Quentin prison.
Pedestrian ran over by high speed police car in Camden
30-11-2005 15:06
Just after midday a high speed police car ran over a pedestrian in Camden High Street.It is uncertain whether the pedestrian is dead but an eye witness said it is doubtful the victim survived.
Oxford Lab - work resumes on animal lab
30-11-2005 13:25
Work resumed on the Oxford lab on South Parks Rd this morning. Police were present as lorries entered the site.Weekly site demo tomorrow (Thurs) from 1pm. Anyone wanting to go from London can take the megabus from Victoria, and various places in West London. Standby price is about £10 return, but you can go for as little as £2 if you book online in advance, Email back for further details.
British mercenary firm with Pentagon contracts exposed in civilian shooting inci
30-11-2005 03:44
British mercenary firm with Pentagon contracts exposed in civilian shooting incident in Iraq. A souvenir video has surfaced on the Internet showing private security contractors working for Aegis Defense Services "Victory" Group firing indiscriminately at Iraqi civilian motorists in Baghdad.Colombian State Assassinates Peace Community Coordinator - Testimonial
30-11-2005 02:47
Testimonial from a Spanish Accompanier of the endangered people of San Jose peace community