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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Basque Youth Face Repression

21-06-2005 20:56

A trial of members of Basque youth organizations has ended with 24 prison sentences and 4 acquittals.

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Stonehenge Solstice 2005

21-06-2005 20:32

20 years after the Battle of Beanfield, thousands still gather in Stonehenge to celebrate and party.

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Free Etienne Ndikuyiro - Act now for press freedom in Burundi

21-06-2005 14:33

Burundian journalists are mobilising to secure the release of Etienne Ndikuyiro, who has been detained without charge after writing an article claiming that Burundi's President Ndayizeye was depressed after losing last week's communal elections.

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Indefinite detention coming to your neighbourhood

21-06-2005 09:03

photos bringing the message home


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Qasim's possible release a 'worrying precedent': Labor

21-06-2005 00:27

Peter Qasim ... accused
Too right he's been there too long and now he has a mental problem. I guess that's one way to get to the truth aye laurie?

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EDO Injunction Prisoner Released

20-06-2005 21:33

Stalker Law Peace Activist Released from Lewes Prison

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'Common-ication' at KENNINGTON PARK Sat 25th June

20-06-2005 19:49

Kennington Pak 1848
A walk and talk on the hidden history of Kennington Park / Common, with a view to marking our mark on the landscape of that day. Bring chalks. Meet at cafe 2pm.
Common-ication chat: Meeting in the cafe afterward around 3pm. How would we map this in the 21st century? The continuing battle of Enclosure versus The Commons

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Palestine / Israel Mapping: A Talk: London This Friday

20-06-2005 19:37

One land, two people. That's how it's usually represented. And after all, both Palestinians and Israelis display the map, the one map from the Mediterranean to the Jordan river, from the gulf of Aqaba to the Lebanese border. If you can't read Arabic or Hebrew you might not notice the difference between a Israeli and a Palestinian map. But is it really one land? What happens when one place has two names?

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Britain helped train Uzbek killers

20-06-2005 17:18

BRITISH soldiers helped to train the army of Uzbekistan, which last month slaughtered hundreds of pro-democracy protesters.

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Sheffield G8 Events 6 Guantanamo Bay orange jump suits

20-06-2005 11:45

After the arrests on the demonstration the previous day, Team dressed in Guantanamo Bay orange jump suits demonstrate outside South Yorkshire Police HQ and magistrates Court.

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Sheffield G8 Events 5 Press Conference at Marriot Hotel

20-06-2005 11:41

Press Conference at Marriot Hotel. Arrivals and then all deligates represented on stage.
Charles Clark - Home Secretary,
Lord Goldsmith - Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales - US Attorney General,

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Sheffield G8 Events 4 Cutlers Hall for Diner, police and escorts

20-06-2005 11:35

After getting of the buses, most of the deligates got in the hall rather sharpish, so, it seemed to me, that they didn't hear too much of the demo on the other side of the square .........

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Sheffield G8 Events 3 Covergence Space & Indymedia Media Centre

20-06-2005 11:30

This place was set up, both as a convergence space for those involved in action, or, just wanting to know about the issue involved. Also, Sheffield Indymedia had a network of computers available for an immediate upload of events throughout the days the of the justice ministers G8 meetings.

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Sheffield G8 Events 2 Police lines in Fargate & Lyceum Theatre

20-06-2005 11:25

Police lines in Fargate. and outside the Lyceum Theatre. A demonstration had been allowed with restricted numbers.

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New Amnesty Report on Detention Centres (20th june)

20-06-2005 09:56

UK: New Amnesty report calls on government to reveal annual asylum detention figures.

Amnesty also asserts that detaining children at Dungavel is unlawful.

A protest at Dungavel detention centre is planned during the G8 Summit for Tuesday 5th July.

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Stop the Pillage of Iraqi Oil!

20-06-2005 08:25

snogging pirates!
The Corporate Pirates are calling a protest outside ‘Iraqi Petroleum Conference 2005’ 29th June, The Hilton, Paddington. Meet 10.30am, Edgeware Road tube. After their successful week of action against Windrush Communications in April, the pirates have turned their attention to the carve-up of Iraq's oil resources. And this time the Pirates will have two spectacular pirate galleons ready to do battle...

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Destroy the Downing St. Memos ? Not on your Nelly!

20-06-2005 07:47

The last 25% is your life insurance, and is used 'in case of emergency',
like when the journalist or whistleblower is "suicided".

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Media Strategies and Revolving Spin

20-06-2005 04:32

Should anyone be in shock or awe over the fact that Bush, Blair and Howard still lead their respective governments? What are the results of international exposure regarding the lies they promulgated in relation to the Iraq invasion? It is highly unlikely that any of these leaders would have survived the public outrage generated by these exposures in a historical setting a few decades earlier. But today leaders are comfortable in the knowledge that the public is not as it was and times are not conducive to integrity or public outrage.

The media continues to conduct ‘debates’ relating to the lies surrounding the invasion of Iraq when firm evidence (which could support a trial) has already become a matter of public record. The now very partisan mass media entertains its audience with the appearance that justice is a possibility and that righteous indignation may be appeased. However, it has become a saga or serialised for its own sake, a distraction feigning effectiveness. Meanwhile, the powers behind the puppet leaders continue their agenda of action while the ‘debate’ deals with the semantics of previous events.

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Successful Week of Anti-Mountaintop Removal Activity in Lexington

19-06-2005 21:36

During the week of June 13 in Lexington, KY, a meal of toxic coal sludge scraped out of a stream in eastern Kentucky was delivered to the president of a coal advocacy group, hundreds of concerned citizens attended an anti-mountain top removal (MTR) rally and march that ended at Kentucky Utility's headquarters, a film festival educated Lexingtonians about the dangers of strip mining and its repercussions, and activists passed out literature on the streets, all part of Mountain Justice Summer's week in Lexington, Kentucky.

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The People Vs Coca-Cola

19-06-2005 18:59

Interview with Juan Carlos Galvis, one of the Colombian Coca-Cola workers currently suing Coke for murder, kidnap, false imprisonment and death threats.