UK Repression Newswire Archive
Sex, Lies and Julian Assange
24-07-2012 07:16
Investigative journos at Aussie TV programme 'Four Corners' have been looking into the detail of Julian Assange's predicament and have put together this 50 min programme. Want to inform yourself about Julian's situation? This is a good place to start.Watch it online or read the transcript (below).
Britain: London Olympics opening week
23-07-2012 15:31
The greatest sporting, and money-making, show on earth The 2012 Olympic Games, held in London, will start with on Friday 27 July, watched by an estimated audience of 1 billion people around the world. Beyond the sporting excellence, Manny Thain looks at the crass commercialisation and increased state repression that accompanies the ‘greatest show on earth’.Round up of London ABC Actions! (June & July)
21-07-2012 13:32

Justice for Noureddin campaign continues in Düsseldorf, Germany
21-07-2012 13:26
The campaign and calls for justice, and an independent enquiry, after the death of popular refugee Noureddin Mohammed, originally from Darfur, which began outside the 'Hotel de Police' in Calais by local sans-papiers and other No Borders activists, continued yesterday after two actions in the German city of Düsseldorf during the No Borders camp in the nearby city of Köln. (This camp is also being supported by actions and a solidarity camp for a hunger-strike by refugees in the regional capital, Düsseldorf.)Winson Green 8 - Just a Few Points
20-07-2012 15:13
=========================Miscarriages of JusticeUK (MOJUK) News Service
Winston Green 8 - Just a Few Points
On the Friday 1st June, Justice Flaux in the absence of the jury acquitted Everton Graham and Aaron Parkins; he thought that in both cases there was no case to answer. Crown Prosecution Service appealed to the High Court and this was heard on Tuesday 12th June the appeal was upheld. Court resumed on Wednesday 13th June, with acquitted back on the indictment; jury was not told that two of the defendants had been acquitted.
Simon Harwood punched and racially abused 14-year old girl
19-07-2012 23:13
Simon Harwood punched and racially abused 14-year old girlIan Tomlinson - demo outside Scotland Yard 6pm to 9pm TONIGHT
19-07-2012 16:25
Ian Tomlinson - demo outside Scotland Yard 6pm to 9pm - be there!!Ian Tomlinson Killer Simon Harwood Walks Free
19-07-2012 14:05

Family of Kingsley Burrell - Public Support Meeting
19-07-2012 12:33
Saturday 21st July 6:00 - 8:00pmHandsworth Park
Community Play Centre
Grove Lane
Birmingham, B20 2HF
All invited to attend this most important meeting
Graffiti Raids Across London as Police Sanitise City Ready For Olympics
19-07-2012 10:51

Solidarity in London, Wrexham, Brisbane as Bradley Manning is back in court in US
19-07-2012 07:31

Accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning has been back in court at Fort Meade, Maryland, US this week for another pretrial hearing. Solidarity action has been organised outside the court, elsewhere in the US including 'Fort Manning' occupation of the federal courthouse in LA and around the world including London, Wrexham and Brisbane. For some background and a summary of the current situation at court, see this interview with Nathan Fuller of the Bradley Manning Support Network and Kevin Gosztola's blog.
French Embassy action for Noureddin Mohamed
17-07-2012 21:55

Who was Fred Hill
17-07-2012 21:03
Fred Hill died While in Jail for Refusing to Wear A Motorcycle Crash HelmetGenoa 2001: two of the activists sentenced last week are untraceable
17-07-2012 20:35

Weapons Inspection Update - EDO Brighton
16-07-2012 15:35

California’s dysfunctional alliance between suburban greens
16-07-2012 08:23
California’s dysfunctional alliance between suburban greensStriking miners greeted by violent police in Madrid
15-07-2012 18:10
Miners in the mountains of Asturias who have been on indefinite strike for nearly two months have arrived in Madrid to take their strike to the streets.Faced by escalating police terrorism were attacked in the Spanish capital over the last few days by cannonades of plastic bullets and batons rained on them by the riot police.
The miners' only demand is that they be given back their jobs, with the Spanish State declaring an end to subsidies which effectively destroy the livelihoods of thousands of people, which effectively add up to the destruction of the main source of income to the region.
New Zealand judicial appointments satarised
15-07-2012 09:02

16 July: Free Bradley Manning; Protect Julian Assange. Vigils at two embassies
14-07-2012 19:26

Vigil for Bradley Manning
Ecuadorian Embassy, Knightsbridge from 4.30pm
Vigil for Julian Assange (ongoing daily vigil)