UK Repression Newswire Archive
Demonstrate for Justice For the MOVE Family
09-05-2011 15:00
FRIDAY 13th May @ 5-7pm
Australia to dump boat people in horrific Malaysian camps
08-05-2011 23:07
Refugee support groups are horrified by a deal the Australian government has made to dump 800 boat people in Malaysia, where they face detention in camps under horrific conditions. Under the deal 800 asylum seekers who make their way to Australia by boat could be immediately taken to Malaysia to have their claims processed. In return Australia will take 4,000 people already living in Malaysia as genuine refugees.IMHRO: 9 people executed in Ahwaz: 2 died under torture: Western English Media s
08-05-2011 16:11
Following recent peaceful demonstration in Ahwaz death toll rise to more than 60 people, 9 young men executed in city of Ahwaz and 2 died under torture by Iranian intelligence service. Sources inside al- Ahwaz told the names of those who killed as following:Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
A Question of Sovereignty
08-05-2011 00:12
Queen Elizabeth II is going to be called as a witness to a historic trial that is set to begin Monday, May 9th, 2011 in the Southwark Crown court at 10am.This might postpone her scheduled and unprecedented trip to Ireland and should be of major interest to everyone in the U.K. and around the world.
Why did the Bristol Stokes Croft Riot Happen? A Community-Based View of Events
07-05-2011 09:34
We attempt to tell the story of what happened through the eyes of local people building up a picture of the chain of events which led to a riot close to the centre of Bristol. As well as testament filmed over the subsequent days we also include footage from the unrest. We also hope this will help in the understanding of why it happened.(13mins)

Demo in support of Syrian protestors - Brighton 6.30pm tonight
06-05-2011 09:47
Meet at Old Steine War Memorial Friday May 6 (6.30pm)After Friday prayers more Syrian protestors will be putting their lives on the line protesting against a hideous dictatorship and regime.
Why anarchists should show solidarity with the Iranian hungerstrikers
05-05-2011 23:52

Greece: Murderer cop Korkoneas beaten up again by anarchist in prison
05-05-2011 11:56
Greece: Murderer cop Korkoneas beaten up again by anarchistA small contribution of the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire
05-05-2011 11:54
A small contribution of the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire about SolidarityWhy do people hate the police?
05-05-2011 10:17
Question on website called which is read by serving police and y bpolice specials. Do you have anything to contribute?Note signup is free, anonmous email addresses are ok.
Italy: wave of arrests among radical student group in Florence
04-05-2011 18:33

Britain's Left Defeats Itself Again.
04-05-2011 14:06
On November 30th 1999 thousands of anti-capitalist/globalisation activists gathered in Seattle, USA to protest against and successfully shut down a meeting of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). A large part of their grievance was that the WTO was effectively operating in secret with no reporting of the decisions it was making and the effect those decisions were having across the world. So by way of a solution a group of activists set up the Independent Media Centre or "Indymedia" for short. The idea was create a network of un-moderated, open publishing websites so people from all over the world could share news about the decisions being made in the name of globalisation and the actions that were being taken to protest against them. The Independent Media Centre was probably one of the most successful ideas to come out of the Seattle protests and there are now 180 Indymedia sites across the world in places as diverse as Japan, Israel, Kenya and Burma making Indymedia the blueprint for the sort of "Citizen Journalism" that's become so fashionable recently.Charlie Veitch, Soho Square Arrest and War!
04-05-2011 01:34
Having just watched the video of Charlie Veitch's arrest, which you can see here -

Bristol: Classics Freeshop and Emporium face eviction
04-05-2011 01:31

Meanwhile, three more people will appear in Bristol Magistrates Court this morning, including one charged with "Attempted Murder". It is notable that many of those charged with serious offences have been of 'minors' - i.e. those under the age of 17. It seems the young and naive will bear the brunt of the polices' judicial revenge.
Classix says: "After a prolonged battle in the courts, Classics Freeshop and the Emporium Art Gallery of 35-37 Stokes Croft face eviction anytime from Thursday 5th May.
New Banksy Fundraising Print at The Bristol Anarchist Bookfair
04-05-2011 01:25

Barnardo's charity shop demo
03-05-2011 14:10

Identify these thugs - Royal Wedding Arrests
03-05-2011 14:06

Free your data, make the police accountable
03-05-2011 13:04
If you had any doubts whether the police have too much time on their hands and are only there to protect big business, then I urge you to hear the story of John Catt. If you have reason to believe that the cops have information on you, demand it back!Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
How to ask if you are on police databases
03-05-2011 13:00
I won't do a corporate repost as we all know that isn't permitted here but The Grauniad has on the face of it, a useful guide here to help you find out what information might be held about you in police intelligence files with a handy pro forma letter: