UK Repression Newswire Archive
Urgent! English Defence League [EDL] have gone into Whitechapel this evening
15-06-2010 18:08
The racist Islamophobic football hooligans of the English Defence League have gone into Whitechapel, East London E1 this evening, Tuesday 15th June to cause trouble. They were in Barking earlier today. They punched Muslims, threw eggs and pork meat at Muslims. They have now gone into Whitechapel. If you live in East London defend your Muslim friends and neighbours in case the EDL attack.San Antonio Park Police Frame-Up Attempt
15-06-2010 01:42

Calais: Destruction of Africa House - solidarity needed
14-06-2010 13:55
Right now Africa House is under eviciton - and the bulldozers are moving action in solidarity with palestine especially free gaza
14-06-2010 10:24
On wednesday 2nd june a tesco express in hartshill, stoke on trent was visited out of hours by palestinian solidarity activists.How the CIA Steals Money From Taxpayers
14-06-2010 08:23
In 1989 Catherine Austin Fitts became Assistant Secretary for Housing in Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). She began to notice money was not properly tracked as it moved between different HUD departments and there was a lack of proper accounting mechanisms to deal with discrepancies in revenue indicated fraud at an alarming level. [28] She attempted to put in place some credible financial tracking mechanisms to identify where the money was going and to identify the responsible individuals and HUD departments, but after 18 months on the job she was suddenly fired by the Bush administration. Fitts was told the day after she left that her financial reforms through ‘place-based financial accounting and statements’ would also be terminated. [29]CALL FOR SIGNATURES TO DEMAND THE RELEASE OF THE 12 POLITICAL PRISONERS OF ATENC
13-06-2010 22:36
SYNOPSIS: The Peoples’ Front in Defense of the Earth (FPDT in its Spanish initials) brings together a number of villages and farming communities on the outskirts of Mexico City, including San Salvador Atenco. In 2002 they commenced a process of peasant resistance to the plan for a new airport that would expel them from their land. After an intense process of social mobilization, the airport project was cancelled. After its struggle The FPDT became a national and international reference for Mexican social movements defending their land.The Poor People's World Cup
13-06-2010 22:12
Poor people are excluded from the World Cup.Fisherpeople who were normally allowed to fish from the piers in Durban, a struggle for which they fought very hard—it was one of the sort of key demands for certain people in the anti-apartheid struggle, is the freedom to be able to fish wherever you like— those rights have been rolled back for the duration of the World Cup.
Venezuela: The jail bars will not silence people protest
13-06-2010 17:15

BMI Airlines identified in doing charter flights
13-06-2010 14:26
*BMI Airlines* have been identified as the company conducting the regular charter flights to Afghanistan.One month after execution of 5 Kurdish political activist, 27 more face hanging!
13-06-2010 10:48

these brutality indicates state-sanctioned murders, and provide more evidence of the Islamic Regime’s brazen contempt for international human rights standards.
The absurdities in the campaign for president of Brazil
13-06-2010 00:44
We see with deep regret the rating of terrorist circulates abundantly by the Brazilian Internet, targeting the 44 million voters-users of the network. The term, associated with economist Dilma Vana Rousseff is, at worst, a historical injustice.Think Globally and Act locally,, workers solidarity against execution
12-06-2010 09:26

Indonesian teachers showed their anger against execution of teacher trade unionist by Iran's islamic regime.
Protesters were wearing a T-shirt with picture of teacher activists Farzad Kamangar whom was executed along with 4 other Kurdish political activist.
Europe wide surveillance on ‘extremists’.
10-06-2010 17:21
Statewatch has obtained documents showing that the EU has agreed a plan to gather intelligence on those they consider ‘extremists’.Kent Police Apologise To Climate Camp Activists
10-06-2010 17:07
Police force admits that Kingsnorth stop-and-search tactics in 2008 were unlawful, and agrees to pay compensation to the three people who brought the legal challengeIs the US Govt. Behind Microsoft censorship of Pravda
10-06-2010 16:57
Is the Obama regime behind the blocking of Pravda on Microsoft and Firefox?Condemnation of Israel’s Attack on Humanitarian Aid to Gaza
10-06-2010 13:01

26 June:Demonstration in Solidarity with Victims of Extraordinary Rendition
10-06-2010 11:12
26 June is international day in support of victims of torture. Over the past decade, up to 200,000 people all over the world have been swallowed alive into the black hole of extraordinary rendition - torture, kidnap, simulated live burial, sensory deprivation, physical, psychological and sexual torture...all in a day's work for the torturersInformation on the 2010 World Cup
09-06-2010 11:06
Extensive archive of World Cup 2010 related material including: News, Analysis, research papers films & other multimediasee also our Analysis

Iran's disappeared nuclear scientist: Video points to unlawful US abduction
09-06-2010 09:34