UK Repression Newswire Archive
Yuppie flats for sale
08-07-2008 14:17

Scientology's KGB: Inside the Office of Special Affairs
08-07-2008 14:13
"These were enemies of the church. You shut them down. You find out what you can about them. You find their weak spot and you expose it. You make it so that they cannot survive or exist. You literally destroy them."Frank Oliver, former OSA Agent. From ABC 20/20 - Scientology. Transcript

"In my opinion the church has one of the most effective intelligence operations in the U.S. rivaling even that of the FBI."
Ted Gunderson, former head of the FBI's Los Angeles office. Quoted in Time Magazine, 6 May 1991.

Fitwatch: The Story So Far
08-07-2008 13:24
It's been just over a year since we started a concerted campaign against the FIT Teams, so we thought it was time we celebrated some of our achievements.Scandal of Diego Garcia rendition flights strains US-UK relations
08-07-2008 12:03
Andy Worthington, author of “The Guantánamo Files”, reports on the latest developments relating to the British Overseas Territory of Diego Garcia: the exiled islanders’ latest salvo in their 40-year pursuit of justice, and the British government’s failure to tackle its US allies over the use of Diego Garcia for “extraordinary rendition” flights.Two more months for Austrian animal rights prisoners
07-07-2008 21:55
Vienna, Monday 7th July - Outrage at two more months' detention for Austrian animal activistsCompany that Led Torture Training for Mexican Police Is UK's Risks Inc.
07-07-2008 17:31
To fully lay out the evidence for this article, HTML formatting is necessary. So this article includes a teaser and link to the Narco News article.Pre-Trial Detention Extended for all 10 Austrian Prisoners
07-07-2008 15:17
Legal Support Press Release: 17th July 2008Pre-Trial Detention Extended for all 10 Animal Rights Activists
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Trial Set for McDonalds Protester!
07-07-2008 13:34
Date for trial set for Cambridge protester. Support appreciated!'On The Verge': Smash EDO Film July 21st South London
07-07-2008 11:13
Film Screening: ON THE VERGE: The Smash Edo CampaignThe film the cops tried to ban!!!
Compare Provisions in “Hitler’s Laws” with U.S. FISA Amendments Act Of 2008
07-07-2008 06:50
The FISA AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2008 May be Passed by the U.S. Senate Before You Can Read this.Americans Can Thank Their House of Representatives.
Call for Solidarity with Counter-G8 Protesters in Japan
07-07-2008 05:58
Activists and organizers are asking local groups and individuals to call, e-mail, visit and protest at Japanese embassies over the unjust arrests, detentions, deportations, and repression occurring around counter-G8 mobilization in Japan.Wimbledon Southfields Total Oil Burma Protests
06-07-2008 23:19

G8, NoBorders, demo in Croydon– bike ride included
06-07-2008 19:27
Was told after the demo that this had also been a Freedom to Protest action. Which suited quite well, given the amount of harassment given by police to all present, from the start. It feels like the objective is to discourage people from being politically active by simply giving us an unbearable hard time.NETCU Support Psychotic Violence
06-07-2008 18:00
Sarah Whitehead is a brave and caring person. When concerned neighbours went to her for help as they were concerned about a beagle she acted and rescued that poor little soul from horrendous abuse. We would like to emphasise that this creature was not a much loved family pet as has been portrayed in the local media but a punchbag who was thrown about, denied adequate food, permanently muzzled, repeatedly punched and kicked and tied to a the new attack (Chiapas)
06-07-2008 12:03

zapatist indigenous communities in Chiapas / Mexico.
Charles River, fur & the Ilkley moor shoot targeted
05-07-2008 19:06

Update: Austrian Prisoners - Solidarity Instead of Paranoia
05-07-2008 16:43
Solidarity Instead of Paranoia – We Are Still All §278a!Press Release: 5th July 2008
Stop Forced Removals/ Deportation of Zimbabweans
05-07-2008 13:54

PDC film showing: Free Mumia Abu-Jamal now! Today at 5pm
05-07-2008 12:19
Partisan Defence Committee film showing - today at 5pm (including time for discussion)Watch the Partisan Defence Committee DVD 'From Death Row, This is Mumia Abu-Jamal'
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal now!
Abolish the racist death penalty!
5 pm, Saturday 5 July 2008
Birkbeck College, Room 407, Malet Street, London WC1
Nearest Tube: Russell Sq or Goodge St
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Support Sarah Whitehead
05-07-2008 01:12