UK Repression Newswire Archive
Ultra vires: briefing for student activists
30-11-2006 23:01
Education Not for Sale has produced a briefing for student activists about the "ultra vires" provisions of charities law.two examples on a phony discourse: democracy in the Middle East
30-11-2006 22:32
The excerpts below from Newsweek and The Independent are the latest examples of the neo-colonial agenda's phony discourse.Though its primary targets are various Asian nations and the Muslim diaspora living in North America and Europe, its ultimate aim is to subjugate the entire humanity.
Another journalist disappears in mexico- Reporters without Borders
30-11-2006 22:22
Reporters Without Borders voiced alarm today at the news that Adolfo Sánchez Guzmán, the correspondent of the TV station Televisa Veracruz and the radio station Xhora Ori Stereo 99.3 in Orizaba, in the eastern state Veracruz, has been missing since 28 November. He is the third journalist to have disappeared this year in Mexico. Seven others have been murdered.Close Counter Terror World!
30-11-2006 19:12
In a few days time, Olympia plays host the Counter Terror World, an exhibition at which companies and countries from around the world will share with each other lessons learned in the war on terror, a war on their own populations. Israel will be a prominent attendee, eager - no doubt - to share the lessons they've learned from the recent campaign in Lebanon and the ongoing repression in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.London Class War have called a picket of Olympia at 1pm on Tuesday 5 December, the first day of the sordid exhibition. Further details are available on the website,
Report back from Defy-ID gathering in Nottingham
30-11-2006 15:54
Two members of Liverpool Defy-ID attended the gathering in Nottingham last Saturday,there were over 50 people there at the SUMAC centre. There were workshops where
the people were broken up into three different groups:
Palestinians are being denied the right to non-violent resistance
30-11-2006 15:27
Human Rights Watch has lost its moral bearingsNAZARETH. If one thing offers a terrifying glimpse of where the experiment in human despair that is Gaza under Israeli siege is leading, it is the news that a Palestinian woman in her sixties -- a grandmother -- chose last week to strap on a suicide belt and explode herself next to a group of Israeli soldiers invading her refugee camp.
Urgent: Yarl's Wood Quarantined
30-11-2006 15:10
Asylum seekers at Yarl's Wood have claimed today that Yarl's Wood IRC is quarantined and that visitors are not being allowed in due to the dangerous health conditions there.Big Brother: Watching, Listening And Shouting:
30-11-2006 15:01

Behavioural control agenda continues as cameras will now record our conversations in the street and determine whether we are aggressive
Solidarity with the Harmondsworth detainees! Demonstrate at Communications House
30-11-2006 10:26
The brave actions of the detainees at Harmondsworth Immigration Detention Centre, have publicised the disgusting conditions and treatment they face far wider than could ever have been achieved simply by the publication of the Chief Inspector of Prisons’ report criticising the immigration prison.Campaign to free Dame Dieng, a young computer genius imprisoned in Senegal
30-11-2006 06:23

RADIO INTERVIEW: Is Honoring Mumia Abu-Jamal a Crime?
30-11-2006 02:04

Attacks against civilians accross Iraq to halt the resistance
30-11-2006 01:12
The human community must wake up. The sufferings of the Iraqi people are tragic and criminal. Whole cities are under siege: Fallujah, Sammara, Kirkuk, Haditha, Hit, Ramadi. Latifiyah, Tarmiyah, Baaquba, Moqdadiyah, Buhruz, Madaen, Abualkhasib, Al-Zubeir, Fahamma, Tel Afar, Husaiba …The attacks aim to stop the spreading resistance to occupation. Now the resistance is everywhere: in the north, middle and the south. It encompasses all the Iraqi populations: Arabs, Shias, Sunnis, Turkomen, seculars, Kurds, Assyrians and other Christians, and Sabbits and Yaziids.
Democracy UK - pulled out of the coffin and slapped around once more
29-11-2006 23:56
Democracy - already dead and put to rest - pulled out of the coffin and slapped around once more! This time the state want to thoroughly eliminate the remains! How much of this can people sit back and take? It's your life. It's your world. You for prison related articles
29-11-2006 21:29
prison related articles, pictures and poems wanted!Iraq cartoons tracked by the US Central Command
29-11-2006 15:21

Glasgow Dawn Raid Stopped on Sunday
29-11-2006 13:40
At seven o’clock on Sunday 26th November, in the Plean Street tower block complex on the west of Glasgow, ten immigration ‘enforcers’ and Strathclyde Police officers tried to smash open the door of a single mother from Uganda and her three year old twins.Demo at RAF Brize Norton Dec 2
29-11-2006 12:44
A national anti-war demonstration will take place at RAF Brize Norton on Sat., Dec. 2nd. Assemble noon on Carterton Rd near Brize Norton village for a 1 pm march past the main gate of the base to the Carterton Rec where there will be a rally with speakers. Bring your own signs and flowers to lay at the main gate of the base in remembrance of the dead of all nationalities.Teenage Mother Abducted in Toxteth
29-11-2006 08:38

Latest from Oaxaca and San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas
28-11-2006 22:00
Oaxaca: Mass arrests, dissent crushing, Indymedia journalist disappeared.San Cristobal de las Casas: Military spotted in the streets.
Copenhagen: Police brutality ... again
28-11-2006 21:21