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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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The Palestinian Nakba -Report and Photos from Oxford Vigil

17-05-2006 16:12

On Sunday May 14th Oxford residents gathered to commemorate the 58th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba (Arabic for Catastrophe)

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Athens: The ESF, the L.A. Anarchist Forum + march, the 6 May riots and 4 prisoner

17-05-2006 15:47

Here's a communique of an anarchist collective in Athens about the role of the ESF, the Libertarian Anti-authoritarian Anarchist Forum and the anarchist demo in the morning of 6 May, the riots during the anti-war march the same afternoon, and the political consent of the ESF to state repression. Out of the 17 people arrested, 8 are facing felony charges and 4 are now imprisoned. Solidarity actions are planned the next days in Athens...

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The 5th International conference against disappearances-Turkey

17-05-2006 15:44

The 5th International conference against disappearances opened today in Diyarbakir or Amed in Kurdish.
Diyarbakir is in the south of Turkey, not far from the Syrian border.

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Justice For Atenco, Mexico

17-05-2006 14:51

Last week residents of San Salvador Atenco (Atenco), a municipality near Mexico City, suffered massive police brutality and repression after local organisations helped 60 flower vendors, at Texcoco local market in the State of Mexico, to resist a state police blockade for setting up their stands.

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Indymedia Radio London Newswire Show a special discussion from Palestine

17-05-2006 08:42

Listen to a series of discussions about the current situation in Palestine: with Dr Jadah IsHak the director of the Jerusalem Research Institute, Ghassan Adonis the co founder of ISM ( The International Solidarity Movement) Fida Ghareeb the co-ordinator of the IMEMC Youth Advocacy Service and Ghassan Bannora IMEMC reporter.
This debate was recorded especially for the Resonance FM Indymedia Radio London News Wire wednesday Slot and aims to present back ground of the current crisis in Palestine that is not generally explored in the Western Media.

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Pentagon Flight 77 video - more questions than answers

16-05-2006 21:38

interesting that they feel a need to release this now...

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Today in Palestine, The Daily News for the 16th May 2006

16-05-2006 16:43


The Israeli Army orders a school in Jenin to remove the Palestinian flag, Army detains Palestinian Press photographer in Bethlehem, Israeli soldiers invade Al-Khader village, beat two children, Israeli Army invades the West Bank city of Nablus, Right-wing Jewish extremists try to set fire to a mosque in Hifa, Army invades Tammon village and the Army arrests resident from Al Hashmia village

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Brasil: The murder of Mayor Celso Daniel and the homicides that had followed it.

16-05-2006 13:41

"STF suspends verification of the MP on supposed linking of Dirceu and Edson Carvalho with Santo Andre"

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LONDON: MEET PRESIDENT CHAVEZ - He calls Bush 'Hitler' and Blair 'the pawn'.

16-05-2006 12:36

The US 'PNAC pack' versus Venezuela: ''But the sanctions may not make much difference. Last year, on Chavez's orders, Venezuela's military began shifting arms-purchasing to non-US sources, including Brazil, China, Russia, and Spain.''

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ride of silence 7pm velodrome wed 17 may

16-05-2006 12:11

ride of silence manchester tomorrw (wednesday) from velodrome 7pm.

Each participant should wear a black armband, or a red armband if they have been injured themselves.

Riders should be silent as far as possible. It isn’t a protest in the
traditional sense: there will be no banners or slogans.

it is a ride to remember and to think and not to be outwardly angry but instead to let our silence and our numbers have the required effect.

"The Ride Of Silence is a free ride that asks its cyclists to ride no
faster than 12 mph and remain silent during the ride. There is no
brochure, no sponsors, no registration fees and no t-shirt. The ride,
which is being held during Bike Safety month (U.S), aims to raise theawareness of motorists, police and city officials that cyclists have a legal right to the public roadways. The ride is also a chance to showrespect for those who have been killed or injured."

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Under Fives Fingerprinted in Liverpool and Croydon

16-05-2006 11:44

At an age when many kids are fingerpainting, children under five are being fingerprinted in Liverpool and Croydon asylum detention centres.

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Iraqi children suffering alarming malnutrition - UNICEF

16-05-2006 04:34

Children are major victims of food insecurity
"Under-nutrition should not be accepted in a country like Iraq, with its wealth of resources..." Malnutrition among Iraqi children has reached alarming levels, according to a UNICEF survey showing people are struggling to cope three years after US-forces overthrew Saddam Hussein. The report on food security and vulnerability in Iraq said almost one child in every 10 aged between six months and five years, suffered acute malnourishment. "Children are major victims of food insecurity," it said, describing the situation as "alarming". 15 per cent of households are classified as "Extremely Poor." A total of four million Iraqis, roughly 15 per cent of the population, were in dire need of humanitarian aid including food, up from 11 per cent in a 2003 report, the survey of more than 20,000 Iraqi households found...

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North America: Big Brother said it: "It's the Moment of Truth!"

15-05-2006 22:07

"arms of mass resistance"
Precisely this emancipatory lesson should be taught to Bush and his military industrial complex. There are more economic, political and social "arms of mass resistance" in store, stockpiled across the globe, that could be applied to topple the "Empire." In fact, there are measures that could scare the hell out of the bosses of the whole world market. For example, what about the catastrophic effects of a global workers' strike, a stay-at-home for just a month? How much "collateral damage" would this labor atomic bomb cause? It could put NASA, the Pentagon and NATO in total jeopardy, it even could wipe out mankind!

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"PMDB is not a prostitute",

15-05-2006 19:41

says Garotinho lean as who has just left a spa.The former-governor of Rio, Anthony Garotinho was the center of the attentions during the convention of the PMDB.

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15,500 on the run in E. Burma from Murder, Burnings, Mines, Rape, Torture

15-05-2006 19:30

Free Burma activists around the world are organizing global action to respond to the attacks on innocent civilians in eastern Burma pepetrated by the ruling military junta. The attacks -- the largest in ten years -- have resulted in 15,500 persons being driven from their homes.

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15-05-2006 18:47

The final version of the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill will be voted on by MP's tomorrow. Well publicised government amendments have given the impression that the government has "climbed down". In fact, Conservatives are enthusiastically greeting a Bill which still allows ministers to change just about any law they like.

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Criminal US Regime Bugging Major Media

15-05-2006 18:20

In an attempt to keep what little truth the mainstream media reports from leaking out, the criminal Bush/PNAC Regime has "begun" monitoring major media.

The slide to Fascism continues ...

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Israeli Soldiers Shoot Two International Peace Activists In The Head at Bil’in

15-05-2006 18:17

This is what Zionism does when it can't address its Opposition, resort to violence, and send a message to others.

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Cross-party briefing on the Armed Forces Bill 17 May 2006, 6.30-8pm

15-05-2006 12:37

Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House (above Westminster tube, entrance on Victoria Embankment, wheelchair accessible)

The Armed Forces Bill 2006, a major redrafting of military law, will be in the Commons on 22 May. Yet it has gone through committee stage with hardly a whisper in the media and a deafening silence even from politicians who opposed the Iraq war.

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The CRIME that Covered-up the Coup

15-05-2006 09:31

The 'Project for a New America': "The theft of this nation was a very shabby affair, carried out by amateurs whose true motives are just beginning to unravel. Had there been media to cover what was happening while this was going on, none of this could have continued!"