UK Repression Newswire Archive
Stuck out at EDO
21-05-2005 09:05
Workers at Brighton arms dealers EDO/MBM had a sticky reception as they arrived at work on Friday morning. Some local stixies had paid them a visit in the night making sure there would be no easy entry for the warmongers in the morning by glueing all the locks.Bush/Bliar war crime victims not killed in vain.. Iraq brings democracy to USUK
21-05-2005 04:27

USUK murder at our hands in Iraq from the USUK Falluja massacres to latest atrocities being hidden from our media are not solely for the profit of the Raytheon and haliburton shareholders, Carlyle et al, and their war criminal puppets in "government."
Satirical site under attack for ridiculing government!
20-05-2005 22:47
It seems that satire is not amusing in government anymore and attempts to bring down a mildly challenging site are petty and tiresome - Is it a "thought crime" now to make fun out of our leaders?JOURNALISTS TO SUE POLICE FOR GENOA G8 VIOLENCE
20-05-2005 19:32
GENOA - Italy's press union, FNSI, on Thursday said it had joined anti-globalization protestors who are suing 28 police officials accused of brutality during an international summit here in 2001. The union said it was suing the police on behalf of journalists who were beaten and had equipment seized during a raid on the Pascoli school, which was used as an independent press centre during the Group of Eight summit.Muslims should show some respect to others' religions
20-05-2005 19:17
The desecration of religious texts and symbols and intolerance of varying religious viewpoints and beliefs have been issues of some controversy inside Saudi Arabia. Ruled by a Wahhabi theocracy, the ruling elite of Saudi Arabia have made it difficult for Christians, Jews, Hindus and others, as well as dissenting sects of Islam, to visibly coexist inside the kingdom.PALESTINE DEMO TOMORROW 21ST MAY
20-05-2005 18:49
free palestine demo and rally in trafalgar sq. 1pm at embankment. speakers and music in the square.NEW FILM POOKS FUN AT NORTH KOREA,US AND CANADA
20-05-2005 18:14
New Film Cheney's Tomorrow Never Comes.Political Action/comedy About a liberal newscaster that makes fake/slanted reports.He himself terorrist working for North Korea.Hunted by the CIA,FBI,Canadian GOV,US Department of State.The trailer demonstate against murder of 15-year old Bolivian
20-05-2005 16:14
"5-30 anarchists demonstrated in London against the police murder of 15-year old anarchist in Bogota, ColombiaISRAEL’S SILENT NUCLEAR ATTACK REVEALED
20-05-2005 14:46
The uranium level in El-Khalil valley reaches 237 becquerel (bcq) per kilogram3, which equals about 10 times the permitted concentration, which is 25 bcq. The Thorium 232 (Th) level reaches 152 bcq where the permitted concentration level is also 25 bcq. The readings on Cesium 137 (Cs), another radio-active isotope that only emerges from nuclear explosions or nuclear activities is equivalently high.Two arrests on Dublin demo for Nicolás David Neira Alvares
20-05-2005 11:31
Political police make arrests at solidarity demonstration for murdered Colombian anarchistStormtroopers Against The G8
20-05-2005 00:55

~ ~~MY PET GOAT: Lancing the Neo Con Coverup ~~~
20-05-2005 00:37
Jeremy Ellington, who has been critical of some left viewpoints of the Iraq interwar sanctions, demonstrates that his sharp pen is not reserved for intramural discussion, as he blasts neo-con apologist Richard Mintner and praises five time Emmy winner Peter Lance. TAGS: Ramzi Yousef,Oklahoma City, September 11, terrorism, 911 Commission,Richard Mintner, Neo-Con,Cover-up,Peter Lance,FBI,Nancy Floyd,conspiracy, Blind Sheik, WTC, World Trade CenterAnti-war campaigners protest against injunctions
19-05-2005 19:17

GENOA G8: a trial for the violence at Bolzaneto barrack.
19-05-2005 18:06
After the trial for the police blitz at Diaz school, now police under trial for the tortures at Bolzaneto barrack.G8: Travel Ban @ Prestwick Airport as Americans Flex Security Muscles
19-05-2005 16:13
18th May:A massive security clampdown has been announced around Prestwick airport for July ahead of the G8 Summit, as details emerged of US military demands for premission to act independently of domestic security forces.
WEF takes place at Dead Sea this weekend
19-05-2005 15:25

No more injunctions protest!
19-05-2005 15:20

Demonstrate against the Uzbek massacres - London, 12 noon, Saturday 21st May 20
19-05-2005 11:42
This demonstration has been called by a group of UK-based Uzbek dissidents, and is supported by Craig Murray, Britain's former Ambassador to Uzbekistan.Please disseminate this message as widely as possible
"How To Spin the G8" - good article on the state, media and protests
19-05-2005 09:52
Good article joining the dots about the state, media and protests, from Spinwatch.