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Parklife Newsflash-Direct Action Taking Place Thursday 25th March 2004

25-03-2004 13:30

A team of Parklife climbers this morning began a tree
occupation at the site of the proposed F5 road scheme,
planned for the A1159 Priory Crescent north, Southend
on Sea, Essex.

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Kids 'banned' from Social Centre

25-03-2004 12:40

The wombles occupied social centre in Tufnel Park was forced to close it's doors to under 16s today....

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Critical Mass Manchester

25-03-2004 12:15

There's a Critical Mass cycle ride this Friday (March 26th) in Manchester. Gathering at 5pm at the central library in St. Peter's Square and setting off at 5.30.

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Occupied Social Centre eviction process begins

24-03-2004 18:36

The Wombles occupied social centre (located opposite Tufnel Park tube station) has learned that the legal process for eviction has begun....

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Telestreet Conference

23-03-2004 16:03

[This is a preview of the Telestreet meeting Etera 2]
[Below this introduction I have posted a provisional program for the meeting]
Etera 2 meeting, March the 25th 2004 in Sennigallia, will be the second meeting of the Telestrade or Telestreet. A national movement of micro-tv stations (sometimes transmitting to no more than a few blocks) scattered across Italy. Telestreet operates between the legal and technological cracks of the Italian mediascape. Literally squatting the shadows or blank spots where the signals of terrestrial broadcasters cannot reach, leaving shadows on the spectrum which the Telestreet groups occupy.

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Eviction resistance in Kentish Town (now!)

23-03-2004 11:19

An attempted eviction of a squatters living in flats over the co-op supermarket in Kentish Town is currently being resisted.... (11:45am Tuesday 23rd)

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Independent Art School Seminar

18-03-2004 18:59

The Independent Art School
Thursday 25 March 2004
2pm to 5pm
[shift] Unit 60-63, Merrion Superstore, Leeds.

As part of [shift] the Independent Art School is organising a seminar that will bring together new critical and cultural perspectives on how people relate to the city, and how artists interact with and express this.
Increasingly artists are using the fabric of the city as their medium. It is becoming an irresistible playground in which to make subtle changes and overt statements that explore the aesthetic and political peculiarities of everyday life.
The artists in [shift] are making works that dissect consumer uses of space, which honour personal histories, and which create surprise interruptions in the daily patterns of the Merrion Superstore and Leeds City Centre.
But what is the history of artists intervening in the city? What are the circumstances that lead to these interventions? Are these works reactions against the increasing control structures we live in? Purely aesthetic attractions to familiar landscapes? Or part of a deeper human mark-making urge to possess ones surroundings?
The Independent Art School is inviting Leeds based researchers in Geography, Sociology and Urban Studies to present their own insights into how people function and use the urban environment, how art can affect the city's ambience, and how the individual and collective can reclaim their locality.
[shift] artists will be present to discuss their work in relation to these issues.
The seminar is free and open to all members of the public.
Seminar participants:
Sue Ball will discuss the role of the artist as collaborator in Master Planning and Urban Design. Sue Ball/MAAP is a consultancy in Public Arts Development and Strategy. Sue was artistic director of Pavilion, Leeds, 1996-2000 when she initiated projects, which focussed on artist/architectural collaborations in the public realm. Her current projects include the design and build of four micro-architecture 'towers' in Lincolnshire along the river Witham with Gent based architect Robbrechtendaem and a public art strategy for the Wigan Pier Quarter with consortium RKL.
Camilla Brueton will discuss her work on Urban Mapping and her work for [shift], multi story commemorating the 40th anniversary year of the Merrion Superstore car park- (Leeds first multi storey car park). Camilla is an artist based in London.
Paul Chatterton will give a presentation on three strands of his activity:
- Research on Young people and City Nightlife
- His involvement in campaigns about social issues within the city (Leeds ARC)
- Squatting and fringe cultures within the city (A-Spire).
Paul is a lecturer in Geography at the University of Leeds and a member A-Spire ( and Leeds ARC (
Gayle Chong Kwan will discuss her research for Sensus which explores how food and associated memories can transport Superstore visitors to other places and times; and a mapping of food memories of the city itself. Gayle studied Politics, Modern History and Communications before doing a Fine Art degree at Central St Martins College of Art.
Lucy Gibson will introduce [shift] and the concepts behind developing this project. Lucy is an artist and initiator/project manager of [shift].
Liz Stirling will give a presentation from her interdisciplinary PhD research on space and ideology. Liz is an artist and lecturer based in Leeds.

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Short film about Blackwood

17-03-2004 22:07

Lucy from corporate watch visited Blackwood a few days ago this is here video diary

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ESF Video Clips from Euro Assembly 6-7 March

17-03-2004 14:03

The videos are in realmedia format at modem quality if you need a good media play for windows download media player classic - do a googol search with the correct spelling (:

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The ESF soap opera continues

16-03-2004 14:37

The London organising process has been a battle ground of different world views and organising techniques. The ESF process was brought to the UK by a small un-representative group, who then finding that they couldn’t, contradictable, keep control of the ESF in line with the principals that underline it closed the process to all but this small group by traditional authoritarian hard left strategies. In doing this they nearly destroyed the London ESF, it was only saved at the Europe wide meeting when they completely backed down and let lose all the techniques of exclusion that they had built up on paper. Though this paper change has not yet grown into an open cultural change.

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Blackwood Pics + Eviction Alert + Wot U Can Do!

15-03-2004 17:40

The word from the bailiffs is that there will be an eviction on Wednesday 17th March...

The protest at Blackwood has been fought all through the planning stages for the last 12 years, it didnt happen yesterday or last month. This Welsh community are true fighters and have taken this fight to the High Court twice, they have done surveys, they have had a 4,800 signitured petition from local residents, they have done more than most other communities would in the circumstances. And although the local planning department of Caerphilly council is involved with processing this project, it has been sold the idea cos it involves outside money (outside of Wales). This is primarly for an MOD contractors factory that has been constructed in the centre of a civilian area, that now requires a dual carriage road access to make it viable (and to stop peeping toms, in the local community, seeing what they are up too 24/7). This road was going to cost £16 million, its now gonna cost £97million and its only 2 miles long... so its going to be the most expensive road in Wales soon!

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Tree Destruction + Direct Action Resistance @ Blackwood This Week

13-03-2004 14:58

Pictures from Bristol Indymedia - destruction at Blackwood / St David's Wood in South Wales increased massively in the last week with a huge influx of bailiffs to protect the chainsaws. Costain's tactic has been to cordon off an area early in the morning, secure it with bailiffs and proceed to cut down every tree inside it and reduce it to woodchip. Protesters are left with the last ditch tactic of trying to guess the area to be trashed and rush up trees before the cordon is completed. One arrest was made on tuesday as some protesters tried to break into a cordoned area (later released). Protesters were occupying climbable trees for over 8 hours on wedsnesday, knowing that as soon as they leave them, chainsaw wielding vandals will move in for the kill. Everything around occupied trees is ripped apart, as contractors show disregard for safety, felling trees which fall within arms length of people in the area, and even felling one with someone in it!

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Pictures of Destruction + Camps at Blackwood (5th mar)

12-03-2004 17:25

Here are some pictures of the camps and whats been destroyed up until March 5th...
the destruction carries on....

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Sherwood Camp , Council Meeting , Positive Outcome (for now)

11-03-2004 21:40

Council request that bellway reconsider development plans

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Social centre in Cambridge this weekend

11-03-2004 19:23

For the weekend of the 13-14 March 2004, anti-capitalist-action and others will hold an abandonned space which we hope to use in as creative, informative and useful a way as possible. Workshops, gallery space, cinema, caf, bar, info-stall, and into the evening bands, poets, other performers and soundsystems will keep us entertained in a lively and interactive manner all weekend.

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Proposition for an autonomous social centre in Aberdeen

11-03-2004 15:23

Proposition for a non-commercial independent autonomous social centre in Aberdeen.

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Sherwood Forest Tree Camp Repreive

11-03-2004 09:59

The 300 year old beech tree and other surrounding trees at the Mansfield Woodhouse / Sherwood Forest tree camp have won a two month repreive. Following an intensive local campaign, supported by campaigners from around the region and around the world, Mansfield District Council agreed, at a 10th March meeting, to an independent inquiry into the feasability of the proposed junction.

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Info about 'Auto-organisation' conference in Berlin April 4th-11th

10-03-2004 17:16

'Auto-organisation' is a conferencnce and series of actions taking place in Berlin from April 4th-11th and is open to all individuals and groups involved or interested in sef-managed projects, iniviatives, groups and collectives.

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Help wanted for planned social centre

10-03-2004 15:27

Plan to establish chesterfields first occupied squat/social centre.
Help needed!!!!

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Freedom Hacklab open meeting and benefit this Saturday

10-03-2004 04:05

The next open meeting to plan the road ahead for the Hacklab is taking place on this Saturday the 13th of March at 6pm at the new 156 Fortess Road social centre, Kentish town. This will be followed by a benefit at 8pm to raise funds for the Hacklab. There will be music, a Cuban rum cocktails bar and food.
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