UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
IMC Party photos at Camden Center
16-10-2004 12:26

Police at Ramparts
16-10-2004 11:28
About a dozen police have been reported outside Ramparts, Rampart St, E1.Police Presence At ESF Accommodation
16-10-2004 10:24
Between 9am and 10am there has been a build up of police presence outside a building being used to accomodate people who are attending the ESF and Autonomous Spaces.Indymedia Centre @ Camden Centre (pics)
16-10-2004 02:18

Circle Line Party Report
15-10-2004 22:48
A circle line party was announced for this evening and got prevented by thepolice. Returning Partygoers gave indymedia reports:
Justice for the Canary Wharf cleaners!
15-10-2004 18:56

Launch of BEyONdTV minature cinema
13-10-2004 19:53

A call for activist films to be screened at the European Social Forum
14th-17th October, and a call for help with the screenings.
El Libertario / Venezuela: 9 years, 40 edition
13-10-2004 12:29
* The Comisión de Relaciones Anarquistas (CRA) of Venezuela is happy to announce the upcoming (early November) release of issue # 40 of our publication El Libertario, celebrating the 9th anniversary of the CRA and our newspaper.ESF programme
13-10-2004 01:39
Programme for the rampART during ESF(Final version (we hope)...)
rampART centre, 17 rampart street, london E1 2LA
[ listen to RAM Radio

ESF radio calling you
12-10-2004 15:48
"RAM radio, reaching the PARTS other radios can not reach..."Over 5 times more popular than any other indymedia station online today*
ESF video traning at rampART's
11-10-2004 11:49
a short video from ramparts video actavist traning workshopBristolians go beyond the ESF
11-10-2004 10:33

Starbucks to shut down website.
10-10-2004 22:24

Is Italy Behind the Theft of IMC's Servers in the UK?
10-10-2004 22:04
A translation of a French article on the shutdown and seizure of Indymedia's news servers in the UK. Follow the link to the original article in French.Quick motivational video for filming the ESF
09-10-2004 20:19
A video we made in one hour during the video making workshop at ECF event in Rampart Street Social centre.Canary Wharf Group Trying to Ban Demo During ESF
09-10-2004 00:54
PA news via Scotsman reports that Canary Wharf Group have gone to Hight Court to stop the cleaners solidarity demo next friday during the european social forum:STOP PRESS: Millennium Dome to be used for ESF Accomodation!
08-10-2004 00:37
Quite how the Guardian gets this scoop before the information is made public through the ESF organising email lists and committees is beyond me (ah no hold on, they're a "media partner").Anyway this is truly quite astounding! Looks like £10 for three nights. This should sort out all of the ESF accomodation crisis on one fell sweep, amazing!
Open Source poetry - Steal this poem!
07-10-2004 15:31
here's an excellent open source poem - originally penned by the radical Supergirly and performed at the October Hammer and Tongue poetry slam. feel free to adapt, adjust, alter, rewrite and forward forward forward..please post any new versions below.
IMC + Camden Centre 4 Day Media Programme for ESF
07-10-2004 15:15
Four day programme at Camden Centre + IMC info and other spacesMore workshops yet to be added - will repost when finalised this weekend.