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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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Autonomous space for migrants and activists opens in Calais

29-01-2010 10:24

... people needed to go to Calais and take part in supporting this initiative. Look at blog for contacts.

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Update from the ongoing eviction on Mainshill, day 4

29-01-2010 00:23

Day 4 of the ongoing eviction of anti opencast site Mainshill sees 9 more arrests

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Update from Mainshill eviction day 3

28-01-2010 01:45

What's been happening today at the Mainshill eviction? Bulldozers, nets, and a whole lotta singing.

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Photos from Mainshill eviction

27-01-2010 11:17

The fort
Photos from Mainshill eviction

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Mainshill Solidarity Camp Eviction likely to happen Monday 25th

21-01-2010 00:28

Mainshill Solidarity Camp in Scotland has been occupied for the last seven months in resistence to a new open cast coal mine. Recently we recieved a reliable tip-off that the site will be evicted on Monday the 25th of January.

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Pre-Eviction Gathering! Sat 23rd to Tues 26th January

18-01-2010 10:53

A long weekend of action, workshops and defence-building in preparation for the eviction of the Mainshill Solidarity Camp

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day of massed action aginst h l s supporters

17-01-2010 18:52

despite the best efforts of netcu and police and astrazenec securitey protesters were not detered

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you are the resistance

17-01-2010 01:07

you are the resistance

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Trafalgar Square: anniversary of Israeli military incursion into Gaza

16-01-2010 23:45

Two women raise a Palestinian flag in Trafalgar Square
Saturday 16 January 2010: First anniversary commemoration of the 1417 victims of the 2009 Israeli military incursion into Gaza, held in London's Trafalgar Square.

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Dissident Island Radio - back in your earholes tonight

15-01-2010 17:22

so cold....
London No Borders // Smash EDO // Cloak & Dinner // NCH Freeshop // xtrats

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Titnore Woods development meeting postponed

15-01-2010 12:27

Yes that's right! The meeting that could have given West Durrington Consortium the right to destroy a semi- ancient woodland has been postponed.

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System Xchange Social Centre

14-01-2010 19:07

Remnants of the birth place of Schnews, The Old Court House in Mortlake, has been squatted to setup a new social centre.

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Gaza Film Mon. 18th 8pm Glasgow Social Centre

13-01-2010 22:45

Glasgow Social Centre
66/68 Osborne Street, G1 5QH
This Monday our meeting will begin at an earlier time of 6.30pm
Following which at 8pm we will screen (along with many others around the
world) the documentary 'To Shoot and Elephant'

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saving the green space in shirehampton

10-01-2010 21:21

We are organising a peaceful protest and wassailling event for sunday 17th January at 2pm on shirehampton green with a peaceful march to the daisy field a green field under threat of building (yet another) the council are stripping away green areas and selling them off but not going ahead with building because they 'have no money'. We have lost the allotments, the horse field and now they are starting on the daisy field. The decision about this field which is next to the station has been moved forward to june which co incides with the local elections. We want the community to use it as a community open space or develop it into a community orchard or field site or apply to the countryside agency and make it into a doorstep green. Peaceful protesters are welcome to the event.

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Offshore Wind Farms in the High Seas!

08-01-2010 18:52

UK Territorial Limits and EEZ
The BBC has published an article about plans to build new Offshore Wind Farms in sites beyond the UK territorial waters. The Crown Estate has already provided private companies with exclusive agreements for the use of these sites, which it does not own! Could this be an attempt to extend the UK territory? Could it be an attempt by the companies to establish independent nations to avoid taxes? Or could it be our chance to exploit the situation and establish an anarchist utopia?

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Police in Turkey attacks people who opposes US military bases

07-01-2010 20:25

Police in Turkey attacks people who opposes US military bases
Urgent action needed . Please send protest messages to officials

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Eviction and Resistance strategys in local hoods

07-01-2010 19:48

In Hamburg a debate has started about a possible eviction oh 'our' main Squat 'Rote Flora' and we shall depick the solidarity in communication and metaphysical forces:

The International Brigades continues in post-fascist Europe!

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Lappersfort Callout For Eviction

07-01-2010 15:27

This morning (Thursday 7th), the police snipped open part of our fence and broke their way in to the forest

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Video - Treesit in Hamburg against a proposed pipeline (3.Jan.10)

05-01-2010 22:54

Since the 18.12.09 ROBIN WOOD-Activists squat several trees in the Gählerpark in Hamburg Altona to impende the contruction of a heating pipeline for the planned coal power plant Hamburg Moorburg, which would mean the loss of the trees in the park. The company proposing the pipeline is Vattenfall, a Swedish corporation. With their protest they support two residents who have squattet two trees already at 3rd of december.

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Lappersfort Eviction Notice Confirmed By Judge

04-01-2010 18:43

On December 31st 09, the Brugge court gave a verdict concerning the 3 previous occupiers who signed a contract with the owner, GDF Suez, and also concerning the eviction notice for the present occupiers of the Lappersfort.