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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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EDO MBM, The Defence Manufacturers Association, and the Masons

04-06-2007 18:30

Questions arise out of UK arms trade lobby group DMA disclosure of corporate directors.

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Work Slowly: Radio Alice. Great free film, Camberwell, Wed 6th

04-06-2007 12:42

WORK SLOWLY (Lavorare Con Lentezza)
Fantastic feature film from Italy about the rebellions in Bologna in the late 70's and the story of the free radio Radio Alice. (English Subtitles)

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Clowns force closure of the G8 (probably).

03-06-2007 16:51

It is now confirmed that the clown infection has spread as far as Germany. Following the first recorded outbreak in London in 2003 it was thought that the spread had been contained. Now it seems that the condition is reaching epidemic proportions will little or no indication as to where it will end. It is thought that the disease has become airborne due to activists traveling to summit mobilisations on budget airlines. “Many of them don’t even know they are carriers” said one expert who declined to be named.

Fortunately following the outbreak of the Samba virus a few years ago there are now many safeguards in place to protect the movement from this phenomenon. Symptoms of the illness are easy to spot and following treatment victims can make a full recovery. It remains unclear whether activists will in time develop immunity to the condition. People are being advised not to panic as the situation is being closely monitored. Although the situation in Germany had passed the previous peak witnessed in Scotland in 2005 no one is using the word pandemic yet…..

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G8 Report Round Up - 1st June - Bombodrom Besieged!

01-06-2007 21:16

G8 News round up taken from reports on Indymedia Germay - 1st June 2007

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G8 Fence Decorating

01-06-2007 20:25

Pics of anti-G8 banners being hung on the security fence near Vorder Bollhagen on Friday.

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Liverpool: Save The Festival Gardens Newsflash

01-06-2007 20:19

Here's the June update from the Save The Festival Gardens Campaign.

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Eviction of squatted community garden

01-06-2007 17:04

Eviction hearing on monday for community garden in Reading

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Solidarity needed; Rigaer Strasse 84- Berlin

01-06-2007 15:46

Rigaer strasse 84, a housing project in Berlin-living place for 48 people,a
space for international guests, public cooking space, cinema, free space
for politcal groups, concert space, and a bar.

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G8 Protest Ban Exclusion Zone Re-imposed

01-06-2007 14:42

The highest court in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has overruled the previous court decision and decided that a general demonstration ban on June 7th did not violate the constitutional rights of protesters.

A general injunction over a 40 square kilometre area had been designated by police as a demonstration-free zone due to a "state of emergency". It went well beyond the original 200m exclusion zone around the fence stretching to 6km in places.

As a result of this the so-called Star March on June 7th , which was intending to go all the way to the Kempinski hotel, will now be confined to the B105 road.

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Urgent Basement Workday Tomorrow

01-06-2007 11:49

All hands on deck please! our summer plans have been scuppered and we need to vacate the basement asap.... please come and help... the sooner work can start the sooner we'll be back

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Camping campaigners in byelaws battle (and a party invite!)

01-06-2007 11:06

Knickers to SOCRAP - Knickers to the byelaws!
New byelaws for Britain''s nuclear weapons factory - AWE Aldermaston - came into force yesterday. This brief article reflects on the implications for campaigners and challenges being mounted to yet another criminalisation of protest ... and invites women to join the peace camp for a fabulous camp birthday cocktail party on 9 June.

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Audio: Barcelona and the ongoing attack against the squatted social centres.

31-05-2007 14:43

Re-occupation of Miles de Viviendas Social Centre
Here there is a 24 minute interview with Emily from Miles de Viviendas squatted social centre, about the local situation in the barrio of Barceloneta, the Barcelona wide situation, the Pirate University project from Miles de Viviendas, and other means of positive creative action for change.
Recorded on May 3- 07

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Lord Brians sixth anniversary.

31-05-2007 13:40

It is Brian Haws sixth anniversary on 2nd June. There will be a party.

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Sounds on the Downs

31-05-2007 12:12

FREE GREEN Festival on the Downs of University Park Campus every Summer
Wednesday 6th June, 2007 1-9pm

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G8 infoweek and more at rampART

30-05-2007 09:59

While the G8 summit takes place in Germany, the rampART will be hosting a series of G8 Info Nights with indymedia access point,presentations and discussions along with the latest news of what's going on at the protests. Each night will have a specific theme as well as screenings of the latest footage...


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Urban Movements at the G8 Action Week 2007 in Rostock

29-05-2007 04:05

Squatters, Tenants and Homeless organizing international solidarity against evictions and real estate violence, housing rights violations, forced evictions, "slum" cleansing, gentrification/ghettoization of popular neighbourhoods, SLUMLORDS, squats, informal settlements..

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The Shacks Fight Back! 3 Talks by Richard Pithouse

29-05-2007 00:00


3 talks by Richard Pithouse of the South African shack dwellers movement, Abahlali baseMjondolo

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South Pacific Struggles Film Night, South London

28-05-2007 20:46

Flyer for the evening's event
Camberwell Squatted Centre presents

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Flash Radio: Podcast No.2: G8 summit, counter summit and actions.Background info

28-05-2007 19:48

In our second podcast we cover upcoming events and background information on the G8, the opposition to it and the alternative summit. The Flash Radio repression forecast informs on the current political climate.

The feed is located at

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King’s Cross development: campaigners’ legal challenge fails

28-05-2007 15:31

The King’s Cross Think Again campaign, led by King’s Cross Railway Lands Group, failed in its bid to quash Camden’s outline planning consent for the £2bn development at King’s Cross.

It is now time to act against demolition of historical building and agianst the construction of another office city in central London . contact to know how could you help.

visit our web site