UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Buy nothing Day and do summat's Anti overconsumption month
09-11-2005 13:05
Saturday club declare november-december anti-overconsumption month!!!
Streaming From The Gaff
08-11-2005 21:07

Rushmoor councillors guilty!
08-11-2005 16:30
Three Rushmoor councillors – Sue Dibble, Charlie Fraser-Flemming and Roger Kimber – have been found guilty by the Standards Board of influencing a planning decision where they had a clear prejudicial interest.Anti-Fascist Benefit In Bradford
08-11-2005 12:39
November 18th 2005, Bradford 1in12 club, 7pm.
80's themed benefit night.
The best in quality 80's music. From Kraftwerk to Killing Joke. 80's Fancy dress, prize for the best outfit, raffle, cocktails and more.
Suggested donation 2 pounds.
Claremont (bradford) becomes a car park
07-11-2005 17:55
In the space a businessman or student parks their car, their could be a fire where people sit round and relax.. the space for 3 cars could be used for a caravan, someones home. Soon, the site where people lived for over a decade will be robbed of its trees, bulldozed and covered in tarmac and orderly white lines, all in the name of regeneration...
Sumac Flyers for November released
07-11-2005 15:31

George's X Chalkboard Social Centre opens in Glasgow's West End
05-11-2005 17:30

The new Social Centre in Glasgow's West End opened by the Glasgow Autonomous Project quietly a few weeks ago at the end of September. The George's X Chalkboard is open daily from 2-7 pm and just off the Kings Cross Underground Station near the city centre.
Leeds social centre relaunched with incredible film festival
05-11-2005 03:50
After months of delicate deliberation, hard work and hilarious DIY, The Common Place – an autonomous social centre in the heart of Leeds city centre’ – finally relaunched last night with resounding success.Circle Community and St Georges Theatre - the eviction and onwards
04-11-2005 13:29

ASS has moved
04-11-2005 12:48
Advisory Service For Squatters have now moved from Islington to a new office in Whitechapel.The Revolution will be televised: 10 days of films at Leeds Common Place
01-11-2005 18:57
Ever wondered who on earth Hugo Chavez is and the incredible Bolivarian Revolution sweeping Venezuela? Worried about climate change? Curious to know more about the global anti-capitalist movement, the Zapatistas and what really happened to Africa at this year’s G8 summit? Then head to the radical fringe of this year’s Leeds International Film Festival for the ultimate political cinema experience.advertising and its enemies. The art of advert distortion
01-11-2005 12:56

Halloween Critical Mass: Friday Nov 4th 6pm @ Pigeon Park
31-10-2005 21:54

This Friday, November 4th is time for Birmingham's regular Critical Mass on the first friday of the month, meeting up at 6pm in Pigeon Park. This month is a Halloween theme - gears not fears - so come and celebrate cycling using non-polluting vehicles and travel freely round town with Brum's Critical Mass.
UK's Heritage Watchdog performs u-turn for the corporate profit.
31-10-2005 13:04

Saorsa Open Day Pictures and Report
30-10-2005 17:37

The Saorsa Open Day was a full success. The G42 Collective provided t-shirt printing facilities, film screenings, internet access, a rebel cafe and a friendly welcoming atmosphere on the first floor of 674 Pollockshaws Road in the south of Glasgow.
SOS Allington Road - Residents made homeless next weekend
30-10-2005 15:40

Filthy Radical Show part 1
30-10-2005 12:44
lacking leftie zing? Feeling in need of a radical enema? Got nothing better to do for an hour than listen to a bunch of pillocks vicariously live the revolution through the medium of sound?Then get yer aural tubes round the first installment of the Filthy Radical Show.
Radical Social Centres in the UK - new list
29-10-2005 21:30
Social centres organise to create new worlds, new possibilities, real leisure and social alternatives to wage labour and centralised power. Although more established in countries like Italy and Spain, the concept of social centres as a political strategy is taking off all over the UK.