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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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Flashmobs update - daily mail, cops, shutdowns, muggings and reading festival

19-08-2003 10:33

Quick roundup of some of the more interesting flashmob news:

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Archaeology and Olympics 2004

11-08-2003 14:28

Some catastrophes are ongoing in the name of the Olympics Games in Athens.
Article by dr. Dorothy King at the archaeological magazine Minerva and related stories.

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The New World: rapport about the balanced community of the New World

10-08-2003 20:26

The New World is in initiative for a New World community, based on Pacifism, Socialism, and Environmentalism. Heiko de Graaf and Erik van Luxzenburg have created it at December the 12, 1996 after a medium period of discussing how a New World order has to look like with additions of Ronald Visser. At December the 12 1996, Erik van Luxzenburg completed this report. He also made this translation at February 29 2000. Now it is a years old project of Peacefull Young Idealists from the Netherlands. though created in 1996 it is stil a valid dream. The New World tries to give a general philosophy based on socialist, anarchist and partly kibbuts ideals to create autarkic communities and the ways these communities co-operate as parrallel societies next to the nowadays society.

An update is necessary to invent communities based on this philosophy living in cities or urbanised areas there the original philosophy was based on "empty" areas in Asia

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FlashMob Hack - subversion and clampdown ahoy?

09-08-2003 08:20


Are we approaching a moment in time when sending out a last-minute flash mob announcement will trigger a mob consisting of more cameras and reporters than anything else? If so, that could be a lot of fun in itself. Take advantage of this, people; it won't last...

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Artist Welfare In a World of Music and Dance

08-08-2003 20:10

Bangles and Sequins
A sort of international you show me yours and I'll show you mine

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You are all coming to Barcelona.

08-08-2003 17:57

Call invitation manifesto message communiqué chinese whisper rumour.

this weeks news from the paral·lel universe of Okupe-dominio.

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Musical Stories from Cowley road

07-08-2003 15:56


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ISM reports: List Of 45 International Activists Detained

06-08-2003 03:24

latest info on mass detainees of non violent activists in the west bank

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Panorama Internacional actualizado al 04/08

04-08-2003 19:54

El semanario de análisis internacional que combina las opiniones de los "think tank" imperialistas, la de los principales intelectuales y académicos y artìculos de análisis marxista. Con un importante staff de especialistas y traductores en inglés, francés, italiano, alemán y portugués, Panorama Internacional, es un sitio inédito en el mundo de habla hispana.

En su nueva edición del 4 de Agosto le presentamos sólo algunos de los artículos más relevantes

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sheffield social forum organising meeting

31-07-2003 11:49

campaign for a sheffield social forum meeting

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Hulme Developer gets a Roasting

30-07-2003 11:41

Digger trashed in action relating to 25 mature trees being felled in Manchester

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Simon Support pages correct link ! + ongoing Squat Benefits

25-07-2003 13:02

Friday nights at the Eton Mission sqaut social still ongoing...

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ISM Reports: Day Of Direct Action In Jenin

19-07-2003 15:06

The Latest ISM Reports.

1)Day of direct action in Jenin
2)Dismantling roadblocks in Nablus
3)The Nation: Freedom Summer by Adam Shapiro


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Larzac Festival Against WTO - France 8-10th August 03

19-07-2003 10:42

Against the world trade organisation
8 - 10 august 2003

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Interview with Simon, at anti-repression action in Edinburgh, 17.7.2003

18-07-2003 16:34

Simon was arrested on the 17th of july at an anti-war demonstration.
also see for more background information on the actions and the audio interview with Mark Ballard here:
There are also more pictures in bigger file-sizes to see at:

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Audio Reports from the Disco Disco eviction today in Dublin

14-07-2003 18:55

Five audio reports from today

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Entwoods - Update from the dutch Fairy front

14-07-2003 11:57

Support your local Ent block!
IN the south of Holland, a new magical site of direct action has started. Ents are waking from their sleep and they are very, very pissed...

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Graffiti Art at Sharrow Fest

14-07-2003 11:37

Graffitti art from the Sharrow Festival
3 Pics and brief story about graffiti artists at the Sharrow festival.

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4 audio reports from the opening of 'Disco Disco' - autonomous zone in Dublin

13-07-2003 22:51

4 audio reports from the opening of the new autonomous space in Dublin, Éire.

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autonomous space opens in Ireland in protest at housing crisis

13-07-2003 17:47

check out this story on ireland, to see your irish friends try their luck at opening an autonomous space in dublin