UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
police illegally evict squat, bristol
26-04-2009 20:32
The police are attempting to break in and illegally evict the occupants of 141 Ashley Road, St Pauls, Bristol,which has recently been squatted. This is illegal under the terms of Section 6 of the law.Latest: Those who were inside the building have been arrested unders suspicion of burgalry
Critical Mass! Nottingham pictures...
24-04-2009 19:41

An initial upload of pictures of todays Critical Mass bike ride through Nottingham city centre. Reclaim the streets!
Indians blockade main Amazon tributary - 24 April 2009
24-04-2009 17:28
A large number of Indians have blockaded one of the Amazon’s main tributaries, the Napo River, in response to the violation of their rights by oil companies and Peru’s government.BEWARE! The importance of NO COMMENT whilst under caution by the police!
24-04-2009 14:05
I know it has been said before but making comments under caution helps convict people every day. Have some sense and respect for your fellow protesters / friends / comrades / family etc who might be implicated by anything you say whilst under police caution.Justice Not Crisis evicted from Beechwood Hotel, Birmingham
24-04-2009 13:52
After a half-hearted attempt earlier in the week, bailiffs and police returned to the Beechwood Hotel in force this morning at 6.30 am to evict 'Justice Not Crisis' supporters and homeless people being housed by the campaign. There are reports of dogs and riot gear being used, as well as assaults on some of the inhabitants. Pictures from the Birmingham Mail also show 'Evidence Gathering Teams' in attendance. No arrests were made.CALL OUT: Permaculture! Party! Resistance!
23-04-2009 11:20

Scarborough Climate Action Network opens community resource centre.
22-04-2009 19:08
After being inspired into action by the fight against global climate chaos, the Scarborough Climate Action group have opened "Green Planet", a community resource centre for education, information and participation on the east coast of Yorkshire.
They aim to provide a central point for people in the local area to find out how they can make positive changes to their environment, as well as providing an autonomous space for people to use the internet, meet like-minded people and get directly involved with the newly burgeoning Scarborough activist networks.
JNC Squats Resist Double Eviction
22-04-2009 05:20

MediaCampLondon - The Media is Dead, Long Live the Media!
21-04-2009 16:36

The imminent commercial collapse of mainstream media, and its replacement by PR-driven news, threatens the journalistic integrity and independence necessary for a free scoiety. The next generation could be without the 4th Estate.
We have 20 people sighed up, we have space for more - please add your name and contact to wiki if you whona come for the weekend.

CALL OUT: Resist the bailiffs at Justice Not Crisis squat
20-04-2009 18:28
Justice Not Crisis is set to lose their latest five squats; the houses on Pershore Road and, more importantly, the Beechwood Hotel, Birmingham; 22 rooms that could be housing 22 of Birmingham's thousands of homeless. We need all the help we can to resist the eviction tomorrow.Police Violence in Berlin Endangers Life
17-04-2009 17:02
More police violence in BerlinHackean the web In the anniversary of the II Spanish Republic
17-04-2009 16:21

Erfurt, Germany: Squat Eviction
17-04-2009 08:51
Video of the eviction of the squatted areas in Erfurt, GermanyTranslation from German

NW // Is there any doubt that Steve Discombe witnessed Ian Tomlinsons attack?
12-04-2009 13:46

Ancient woodland threatened by oil drilling help us try and save it!
09-04-2009 12:35

The testing phase of the application will last a minimum of five weeks, however depending on what is found the works could last significantly longer.

Boris cancels Rise Festival
08-04-2009 22:53
Boris Johston has cancelled the annual Rise Festival, enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of Londoners every year.
New Tesco for Crookes (round 2) - Fargate Speaker
08-04-2009 10:45

Defaced Banksy
06-04-2009 08:07

Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
G20 Convergence - Kidspace
05-04-2009 21:14