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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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27-11-2006 18:00

it's going to go off like chicken in the vegetable draw (well, almost)..

Now restrain yourself dear and stick to subject matter er that was chickens do you do they now do a wicked chicken wing at devonshire chip shop for a pound to you and knowing it was killed so i could eat it makes it taste all the better oh you twisted mother 0742..

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Cops illegal search and arrest refugees

27-11-2006 00:08

20:00 hours Sheffield Cops illegally enter, search and arrest 2 refugees from squatted house

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New Mural Wall Painting at the ASBO in Radford 3

26-11-2006 13:42

New Mural Wall Painting at the ASBO in Radford 3

This Saturday saw the finish of the work that had continued on a wall mural painting project at the ASBO squat in Radford [33 Burns Street]. It was the third week.

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|Offensive of the Federal Preventative Police against the people of Oaxaca |

26-11-2006 07:57

Confrontation between the police and the APPO in different parts of the city.
A large number of people are reported detained in various parts of the city.
Two deaths are the result of the confrontation. (as of 9:33)

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Heavy Police Attack on Oaxaca

26-11-2006 04:06

hundred of thousands joined the megamarch, on nov. 25th
many wounded, kidnapped, dissapaered people

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Portrait of a Barricade

25-11-2006 15:28

Cinco Señores barricade, positioned in front of the university to protect the radio within it and the autonomy of the university, is the last major barricade in Oaxaca City. Some of the most rebellious elements within the APPO have been the students and the barricade defenders at the University Benito Juarez. The barricade is known as the "Barricade of Victory" for the defeat of thousands of federal preventive police by merely a few hundred people who defended the university radio during an attempted eviction on Nov. 2nd.

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Garden City Social...Sat 2nd December

23-11-2006 17:16

Garden City Social
Roll up roll up!
The Basement, Manchester presents...

Garden City Social...
Enjoy a night of music, poetry and bands staged in edifying surroundings
with delightful and stimulating company.

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RADIKAL BASS autonomous space opens its gates tomorrow from 2pm…..

23-11-2006 16:38

RADIKAL BASS autonomous space opens its gates tomorrow from 2pm…..

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New Mural Wall Painting at the ASBO in Radford 2

20-11-2006 20:56

This Saturday saw the continued work on a wall mural painting project at the ASBO squat in Radford [33 Burns Street]

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Viva Six Fingers - Community Facilities, Canterbury Hall and the River Ribble

19-11-2006 20:20

A group of squatters is facing eviction from the Community Centre they are occupying. The Church has sold it to private developers to turn into luxury flats.
This article compares the campaign to save the community centre with 'Save The Ribble's' campaign to defend community facilities like football pitches and allotments on the banks of the River Ribble, as well as the precious Ribble Estuary itself.

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Melbourne Australia G20 Photos

18-11-2006 08:13

G20 Convergence
G20 Convergence

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Kebele's 11th anniversary & benefit party

18-11-2006 00:29

Benefit poster
Raising the roof – 11th birthday & benefit party

It’s Kebele’s 11th anniversary, we now own the place outright, we’re revamping everything, and we’re even fixing the roof. So in true Kebele style, we are having a party – and you are all invited.

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Mooreen - Sheffield Social Centre

16-11-2006 11:40

Coming to Sheffield Soon Nov 29 – Dec 13

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News from Kebele social centre (Bristol)

14-11-2006 00:03

The Kebele symbol
Kebele social centre in Easton, Bristol, remains (sadly) the only permanent radical volunteer run such centre in Bristol – that means no bosses and no paid staff. As we look forwards to the 11th anniversary of the founding of Kebele, we hope that readers & activists will go out and set up their own radical centre, in their part of town. Bristol needs not one, but many, long-term radical social centres, if we are to truly build an alternative to the dominance of the capitalist consumer culture and its destructive nature.

To celebrate our 11 years of dogged, often creative, activity and resistance, we’ve having a party – on 8 December. It’ll be a late one, with bands, dj’s, PA’s, cabaret, café. Full details to follow shortly.

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New Mural Wall Painting at the ASBO in Radford 1

12-11-2006 23:45

New Mural Wall Painting at the ASBO in Radford 1

This Saturday saw the start of a new wall mural painting project at the ASBO squat in Radford [33 Burns Street]

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Squat Advice Training 19th November

11-11-2006 14:48

Advisory Service for Squatters are looking desperately for more volunteers and are putting on basic legal training for anyone wanting to volunteer with them or give advice elsewhere.

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05-11-2006 08:31

The people of Oaxaca managed to protect the University of Benito Juarez (radio APPO is sending from there) from a heavy attack of the PFP (special trained police forces).

The police did even have to leave the city because of the strong resistance.
pics of the battle:

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05-11-2006 01:38


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Cinema Libre

04-11-2006 13:13

Cinema Libre is a free cinema in an occupied venue.
We show short political films to encourage discussion.