UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Manchester Space Invaders...Landing Tonight!
10-04-2008 12:12

Timetable for Free Social Space Weekend, 11th-13th April
09-04-2008 22:32
Approximate timetable of workshops and events at the temporary squatted social space which is happening this weekend (see

Events schedule - Squatting days of action
09-04-2008 14:32

Free Spaces London Events Listing for this weekend
08-04-2008 15:15

- side stepping the property ladder
This is a one-off series of events to coincide with the Europe-wide days of action in defence of free spaces and for an anti-capitalist popular culture. The events are based at a new squatted social centre in Shoreditch and other autonomous spaces around London
The themes for Space Is the Place is the appropriation of public space by big business through privatisation and speculation, the sell-off of council housing and how the current housing crisis affects the most disadvantaged, gentrification and redevelopment of East London for the Olympics in 2012, the mismanagement of land and its ownership by the wealthy elite...
There will be an open access art-space themed as above, discussions and skill-sharing to bring people together and share ideas on how we can solve the problems we face, info-station for DIY action, films, photography, music and cafe. There will also be a benefit gig to raise money for the Advisory Service for Squatters.
If you are engaged in struggle relating to land, housing, poverty etc - whether a group or individual - please contact us ASAP about doing a presentation, info stall, workshop etc
To contribute:

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the Audacious Space free cafe & info-shop - Leeds City Centre 11-12 April
08-04-2008 13:21
Part of the International Weekend of Action in defence of squats and autonomous spaces - see
Autonomous Space Events in Reading! Common Ground to be Reopened!
08-04-2008 12:55
As part of the global days of action for squats and autonomous spaces (see

This Saturday: Demo / Street Party for Autonomous Spaces, Manchester
07-04-2008 23:13

Leaflets for Nottingham squat days of action this weekend
06-04-2008 23:11

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Days of Action For Squats and Autonomous Spaces
06-04-2008 22:37
Towards the end of last year an international call out was made for decentralised days of action for squats and autonomous spaces. Following the call out there was a preparatory meeting at Les Tanneries in Dijon and later still a National Squatters Meeting in Leeds to discuss UK actions and events in response to the call out...BlokR was a success! Copenhagen action day report
06-04-2008 17:52

East Oxford Social Club - more details of the stitch-up
06-04-2008 01:52
East Oxford Community Social Club is a social club run for and by its members, based in a local community centre for which it raises money. It's unique not just for the way it's run but also because of its diverse, inclusive and friendly atmosphere, cheap prices and availability as a community venue. Meanwhile the local cops are doing everything in their power to see that it closes.Codename 'Two Point Two'
05-04-2008 12:08
On the run up to the decentralised days of action for squats and autonomous spaces (
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Climate Change Art Exhibition
04-04-2008 18:31
A brand new art exhibition goes on show on April 5th in a squatted car showroom tomorrow evening in North London.Reading: Common Ground, squatted community garden, to re-open 12 April!
04-04-2008 12:20
Spring re-energises squatting gardeners to dig-in and continue the struggle!ASBO Squat: Destroyed & Now Evicted
03-04-2008 22:57

asbo evicted
02-04-2008 18:29
the asbo was this afternoon evictedand about bloody time
i wonder where the violent residents will lay their shame now
its just a shame its not winter
Today: Internet Forum by Cuban Students about the Cuban Five
02-04-2008 10:56

Stop Selling Off Our City! Demonstration in Birmingham, Friday 11th April
01-04-2008 20:23
Demonstration against gentrification and for free, autonomous social space in Birmingham - meet outside the Council House, Victoria Square at 2pm, Friday 11th April. This is an event for spontaneous protest around these issues. Please bring your banners, whistles and drums!Free Social Space weekend of events in Birmingham, April 11th to 13th 2008
01-04-2008 20:05
As part of the Europe-wide call for decentralised action for squats and autonomous spaces (see