UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Sheffield Social Forum open meeting report-back
19-02-2005 21:19

Nursery Party 2Morrow
17-02-2005 17:54
The Nursery Social Centre is handing over use of the building.Final Weekend Party - live music and information.
Leeds Social Centre starts this friday 18th!!!
16-02-2005 18:44
leeds social centre collective are finally geting the keys to the building @ 23-25 wharf street, near the corn exchnageDungeons and Dragons
15-02-2005 23:14
As the Mayor of London squirms in the face of accussations of anti-Semitism, the Magical Mystery Mayor of Mythical Lindisfarne ponders a darker fate indeed.Concious fashion - day two report
15-02-2005 12:57
The second day of conscious fashion week looked at the environmental impact of the clothing industry, be it from the use of chemicals in production, growing, and the waste inherent in the fashion industry.Those who have attended other events at the rampART will know that the hall can change quite a bit but the make over for monday was quite a shock with the hall almost devided in half with a packing case cat walk, an industrial sewing machine as an info-table covered in leaflets from No Sweat and the like and a models changing room.
Conscious fashion - report from sunday
15-02-2005 12:30
The first day of conscious fashion week was themed on the exploitation of labour with slave camps, sweat shops, childlabour, reclaiming labour and the economy of fashion.
Saddly it didn't go off quite to plan with no-shows from a patchwork head and the Friends Of Falun Gong who were going to be talking about labour camps in China. A couple of the films never materialised either but the show must go on, and it did...
Valentines Party Pooped
14-02-2005 17:43
Even the Asian Dub Foundation Soundsystem was booked, but the Law likes a soft target.Hebden bridge squat still there
14-02-2005 10:33
The squatted social center in hebden is continuing to be occuppied.Extravaganzamania
14-02-2005 10:11
Keep fit this winter, par-TAY on down with the LSF at the hot new Extravaganzamania band night!Filipino Eco-Anarchist Open Border Gathering @ Feb 23 05
13-02-2005 02:20

Pitt Street Social Centre, Hebden Bridge
11-02-2005 19:26
Residents of Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire have opened a temporary "Pitt Street Social Centre", offering tea, cake, videos, workshops, a Free Shop, and a chance for residents to discuss how to stop council sell-offs and the "gentrification" of the former mill-town.G8: Scottish Parliament Petition re Policing + Protests
11-02-2005 14:09
G8 Alternatives are publicising a petition in response to some of the alarming reports about policing plans for the G8 summit protests this coming July is Scotland. The petition demands that riot police equipped with rubber bullets are not used for policing, that venues be provided for protest meetings and accomodation, and that protestors creating their own spaces should be allowed to do so.Squat & social centre news
11-02-2005 13:04
Lots of squatting stories in the news and it's not all bad. positive stories from the independent and in Camden New Journal and Ham and High recently... though a big boo to the wankers at the Twickenham and Richmond newspaper for their continued biased scare stories e.g. Fears people may use empty building. Norwich Evening News also seem to have developed an obsession.Squatting trials in Hamburg
11-02-2005 12:51

Creative Forum and Peace Not War
10-02-2005 19:51
Creative Forum with Peace Not War, this Saturday 12th Feb 2005. Great line up. Fab day. Cool people. 49 Tufnel Park Road. St.Georges' Theatre. Be there.Sheffield Social mini-Forum 17th Feb: Why Don't You...?
10-02-2005 14:01

7 to 9.30pm
St. Andrew's Church Hall
Upper Hanover Way
(Call 07968 997861 for more details...)
Terra Audio Squatted Social Event in London
09-02-2005 15:59
Feb 11th - 20th Squatted Social Centre + EventsAnti-Capitalism / Radical Arts / Free Space
To contribute: phone 07913 518804 or email

Scandal of Pepys Estate
09-02-2005 13:16
The Pepys Estate in Deptford, a social housing estate on the banks of the River Thames in East London, is being destroyed by Lewisham through selling off parts of the estate for redevelopment to a property speculator to convert to luxury apartments and to Hyde Housing Association. The net social housing on the estate will be reduced, this in an area of acute social deprivation where the demand for social housing has never been so high.Travellers site near ski village evicted
08-02-2005 12:31