UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Brighton Council's Use of the Housing Act (2006)To Drive Out Squatters
17-11-2007 01:07
BHCC use the new housing laws to attack the homelessCall For International Days Of Action For Squats & Autonomous Spaces - April 08
16-11-2007 23:43

One Struggle - One Fight - Berlin Demo 8 December & Call for Action
16-11-2007 09:49
We call on everybody to join the demonstration in Berlin on the 8th of December - almost one year after the “final battle“ in Copenhagen - in order to destroy together the winter lethargy of investors, yuppies and cityplanners and to show clearly and unequivocally our rage against the current situation ….video from 2004 SOA (School of the Americas) gathering
15-11-2007 06:54
3 days in Columbus GeorgiaLoad of WANC at rampART
13-11-2007 21:15

The Womens Anarchist Nusiance Cafe is held every penultimate wednesday of the month at the RampART creative centre and social space in Rampart St, E1 2LA ( open from: 7.00pm-11.30pm. Free admission.
The next cafe is Wednesday 21st November 'Goodness Gracious Ghee Cafe'. More than just Bollywood, Shilpa and vindaloo... A celebration of South Asian culture. Qweer/feminist activism, Diwali and Eid, sari wearing instruction, dance workshop, fantastic food and guest speakers.
( gig, this thursday
13-11-2007 20:43

No CCTV on Cowley Road Meeting
13-11-2007 00:58
The 'No CCTV on Cowley Road' group will be holding an informal pub meeting to discuss the campaign on Thursday 15th November, 7.30pm at The Mitre Pub on the High Street£300 donated to Oaxaca Anarchists
12-11-2007 13:55

Press Release: Three Arrested @ Common Ground Community Garden
11-11-2007 18:02
(Sorry this is a little late, we've been veerrrrryyyyyy busy! Thanks for your continuing support!)Occupation Struggles Heat Up In Reading
11-11-2007 17:57
In Reading, as the entire town is flogged off to international money-men and and the needs of the people go ignored, its difficult to make the priorities and forces running our neighbourhoods and our world, and the injustice that results, more obvious. But two ongoing struggles in the Katesgrove area of the town do just that.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
The rampART and its evolution
11-11-2007 17:17
The follow text is based on a draft article written for a proposed social centers zine. It's posted here with some additions to provide something of a summary of the history and current status of the rampART in the run up to a user consultation meeting being planned for the 17th November.Invite to the rampART User Meeting, 17th Nov
11-11-2007 16:46
The rampART social center has been open now for three and a half years, hosting over a thousand meetings, screenings, cafe nights, benefit gigs, exhibition, performances, workshops and training sessions. The collective that facilitates all this would like to touch base with past, present and future users of the space at a special meeting to be held on Saturday 17th of Critical Mass ride to TAA squat
11-11-2007 16:46

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Free food criminals
11-11-2007 15:38
You might of heard about a recent proposed changes to legislation which would make the distribution of free food an offense. If it goes ahead it will make soup runs illegal and also add to the crimes committed each week by Food not Bombs activists. It might also make giving that last Rolo to your sweetheart a big no no.Check out:

"distribution of free refreshments" on page 14...
Reclaim Your Health
11-11-2007 14:57
Your health is your business but all to often it seems to be out of your hands. Super bugs, dirty wards, waiting lists, lack of funding, poor management or exclusive elitist private treatment? NHS, Bupa, Harley Street or now, Rampart Street. Your choices have now expanded a little further with an addition to the variety of events, meetings and activities emerging from DIY culture.Developers make their move on Rampart Street
11-11-2007 14:49
In the last few rampART newsletters it was mentioned that a planning application had been submitted to Tower Hamlets Planning Authority for the redevelopment of properties in the rampART block. It should be stressed before rumors start that this proposed development refers only to the four houses in the block and not the rampART social center itself. However, the gentrification of the street can only hasten the eventual end for the social center which has now been open for three and a half years.Indymedia training session - be the media
11-11-2007 13:44
For those who would like to get involved in indymedia but are not toosure how, or fancy knowing how all that mess that is

meeting but it all sounded like a mix of spanish and chinese to them...
Call for solidarity by social centre E15 in Helsinki
07-11-2007 14:36
On November 22nd the City of Helsinki is going to makea decision if they will legalize our squat. It is
likely that the decision is going to be negative,
but our struggle can change that.
Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Distribution of free food to become illegal in London
07-11-2007 13:36
London Councils, which represents the 33 local authorities in London has prepared a private bill, the tenth "London Local Authorities Bill" which will make the distribution of free food and refreshments anywhere in London an offence. The bill is to be put in front of Parliament on the 27th November 2007.