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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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Preston Public Meeting To Debate Ribble Barrage and Floodplain Housing Threat

05-11-2007 22:30

Come to voice your opinion about the Riverworks Ribble Barrage and Floodplain housing plans.

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Show Master Democracy or Social forum in exSU

04-11-2007 09:14

What happened on 3rd of December to the vital Russian-Ukrainean Social movements in Moscow is hopefully just a warning case. If not, the show-down of the Moscow meeting at the posh club “Bi-Lingua” yesterday proves that the Forum process in the former Soviet Union is about to be high-jacked by a professorial self-made man. => How can we restitute the power of direct democracy and participatory conversion in our movement?

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Right to Housing - France and Europe

03-11-2007 20:09

At the end of the solidarity gathering on Saturday, 26 October, around
400 people came together to the protests at 50-52 Rue Laffite, (Paris,
9th district), before a large building which had been vacant for 4
years, belonging to the AGF (a French insurance corporation). Demands
had been made to the government to requisition the building for social
ousing. After an aggressive attack by the reserve army to block the
entrance doors, and a sit-in of an hour, people returned to Rue de la
Banque. The Ministry of the Housing Crisis was present in full:
Committee for Action on Homelessness (CAL), Committee of the Homeless
(CDSL), Right to Housing (DAL), and Movement for Art and Culture in
the Neighbourhood (MACAQ).

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local activists open squat on Cowley Rd (Oxford) for CCA gathering

03-11-2007 11:04

inside the squat
A bunch of local activists have squatted Coopers newsagents on Cowley Rd - a family run newsagents for years until priced out of the area by the all-too-familiar gentrification processes.

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Findings from Housing4All meeting with BCC: demo to follow, Fri Nov 9th

31-10-2007 13:03

Information gained from Housing4All's meeting with representatives of Birmingham City Council's housing department: demonstration in Victoria Square to demand accessible housing for all on Friday, November 9th from 1pm

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Afterthoughts on the No Border camp in Ukraine (August 2007)

30-10-2007 18:25

written on sept. 22, 2007

Afterthoughts on the camp which took place in western Ukraine a month before the repression of the No Border camp in Gatwick (UK)

The Little Chief and the Cops
Inconsistencies and Nonsense at the August 2007 No Border Camp in Ukraine

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A Sussex police chief gets some worrying instant karma

30-10-2007 14:27

A Sussex policeman has been discharged from hospital after an attack by about 50 cows left him with four broken ribs and a punctured lung.

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Build on green belt, says 'independent' Natural England head

29-10-2007 23:12

Natural England chief says green belt land 'should be converted into 'something that adds value'.

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Anarchist Bookfair 2007

29-10-2007 16:04

The umpteenth Bookfair at the umpteenth venue.

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Audio - History of the Anarchist Bookfair

24-10-2007 11:01

Here is an audio segment that was made to promote the 2005 anarchist bookfair on rampART radio and other online radical radio streams. Obviously ignore the date and venue given out as this years bookfair is this Saturday 27th Oct, 10am till 7pm at Queen Mary University on Mile End Road, close to Mile End and Stepney Green Tubes.

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Something for the weekend

24-10-2007 02:36

Video Video
This saturday is set to be a busy one for activists in London with both the 9th annual remembrance procession against deaths in custody and the 27th Anarchist Bookfair.

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Crash space for the bookfair

23-10-2007 23:20

Those coming from out of town for the anarchist bookfair are invited to crash at the rampART social centre from Friday evening till Sunday (or longer by prior arrangement). Bring a warm sleeping bag as it's got pretty drafty recently. Be aware that you won't get an early night Saturday due to the noborders/rampart benefit after the bookfair (details below). Rampart is a short bus ride or tube journey to the new bookfair venue. It takes about 10/15 minutes by bus, train or bike, 25 minutes to walk.

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Campaign website against CCTV on Cowley Road

23-10-2007 22:26

A campaigning website against the proposed CCTV scheme for the Cowley Road has been set up at

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Community Gardeners Object To Council Eviction

22-10-2007 16:41

At our meeting on Sunday, Common Ground Community Garden Collective agreed that we wanted to make the following points to the public and the media about the eviction of the community garden:

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Common Ground Community Garden Evicted! For Now....

22-10-2007 16:35

Press Release:

Common Ground Squatted Community Garden Evicted - For Now...

Below is an account of the eviction of Common Ground Community Garden. Please e-mail further enquiries to the following e-mail address: katesgrovegraden(AT)

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Fascists not welcome at this hotel

22-10-2007 15:45

A letter from the director of a Dresden Hotel cancelling the booking of MPs from the local BNP-equivalent party (NPD, German equivalent of the BNP).

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Ben Atar Squat under Threat of Eviction

21-10-2007 16:26

The three years old squat in Florentin, a southern neiboughrhood of Tel Aviv, recieved an eviction order for this coming Teusday. Protests are planned.

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@Bookfair Afterparty

21-10-2007 12:36

Here's the location and some details of another Anarchist Bookfair After-party.

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European Housing action round-up 2007

20-10-2007 19:45

The fight for the Enforceable Right to Housing in the midst
of Property Speculation

Campaigning for Housing and Land Rights in Europe.

It seems when "free-market" is adapted to the places where people
live, love, raise their children and their vegetables, THE LAND, from a
pure financial asset is becoming a poisoned asset; "Poisoned" in
fact by the voices and souls of people fighting for their dignity, for
their right to live in peace in the place where their families died rather
than become subject (physical and economical) of Stock Market brokers
in their Private Equity business.

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Riots in Switzerland

20-10-2007 08:39

Switzerland, Bern. The conservative and right winged party SVP tried to do a "march to Bern" on october the 6th. This march was planned as a part of the racist and antisocialist election campaign of the SVP. Planned was also a celeberation on the central place of Bern. What u got 2 know: the fascist leader Mussolini and his party once did a "march to rome" and adolf hitler and the NSDAP did a "march to Berlin". So this march of the SVP was a clear provocation.-

Massive riots stopped the march. At the central place of Bern a huge stage, several vans, mics - everything belonging to the SVP - was destroyed by anarchists and communists. The marchers were not able to reach the place though police fought for them against the rioters.