Fascists not welcome at this hotel
Dresdner | 22.10.2007 15:45 | Anti-racism | Free Spaces | World
A letter from the director of a Dresden Hotel cancelling the booking of MPs from the local BNP-equivalent party (NPD, German equivalent of the BNP).
NPD Fraktion im Sächsischen Landtag
Herren H. Apfel und A. Delle
Bernhard-von-Lindenau-Platz 1
01067 Dresden Frankfurt, 18. Oktober 2007
Re: Your room reservation for the Holiday Inn Dresden
Dear Mr Apfel,
Dear Mr Delle,
Today we received your reservation for the 7th of November, via hotel.de, and are quite surprised that you have chosen an American hotel company with foreign sounding name.
Since you are not welcome at our hotel, and since I cannot inflict it upon my staff to greet and serve you, I have asked hotel.de to cancel your booking.
If for contractual reasons that should not be possible, please be advised that any turnover generated through you will be donated to the Dresden Synagogue. You may see this as a small contribution to redress the damage that your former companions have caused the synagogue and especially its visitors.
A copy of this letter is being forwarded to the Dresden Press.
In the hope that you find a more suitable accommodation and spare us your visit, we remain,
With best wishes,
Johannes H. Lohmeyer
-- The German version is all around the internet and has been picked up by the press, so this is not a fake:
Herren H. Apfel und A. Delle
Bernhard-von-Lindenau-Platz 1
01067 Dresden Frankfurt, 18. Oktober 2007
Re: Your room reservation for the Holiday Inn Dresden
Dear Mr Apfel,
Dear Mr Delle,
Today we received your reservation for the 7th of November, via hotel.de, and are quite surprised that you have chosen an American hotel company with foreign sounding name.
Since you are not welcome at our hotel, and since I cannot inflict it upon my staff to greet and serve you, I have asked hotel.de to cancel your booking.
If for contractual reasons that should not be possible, please be advised that any turnover generated through you will be donated to the Dresden Synagogue. You may see this as a small contribution to redress the damage that your former companions have caused the synagogue and especially its visitors.
A copy of this letter is being forwarded to the Dresden Press.
In the hope that you find a more suitable accommodation and spare us your visit, we remain,
With best wishes,
Johannes H. Lohmeyer
-- The German version is all around the internet and has been picked up by the press, so this is not a fake:
