UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Revenge4Rémi, StreetFires4NuclearIndustry, PrisonSociety&GreenCapital
25-11-2014 18:01
(November 25th in Bristol:)French police have killed Rémi Fraisse while they try to rout a combative forest occupation that prevents the Sivens dam. We have burned a vehicle in the service of the French multinational GDF (who work towards the new nuclear reactor not far away at Hinkley Point on top of other nuclear projects in many countries, force dams on irreplaceable Amazonian indigenous lands with the support of Brazil's military, provide facility management for the police force in this region, run utilities on the Shetland Islands for one of the biggest oil and gas terminals in Europe, manage multiple French prisons, and all around design technologies which attempt to disguise industrial capitalism as sustainable development for the same banks and commercial entities as always).
This was in the Long Ashton area, where we then also burned an audacious 4x4, two luxury sports cars, and a vehicle of OCS (who are considered one of the top security companies in the UK, providing guard personnel, patrols, CCTV instillation and monitoring, etc.).
***ASN BLOC*** for Free Education [Nov 19]
07-11-2014 14:10
Call from the Autonomous Student Network for all anarchist, libertarian left and autonomist students to from a bloc at the Free Education demonstration on November 19th - Free university in a capitalist society is like a reading room in prison!Social Centres Gathering , 8th / 9th November
30-10-2014 17:48

Safer Spaces Exposed
17-10-2014 12:21 is being launched today, 17th October 2014, the day before the London Anarchist Bookfair, where the seed for the Solidarity Collective was sown in 2013. This seems an appropriate date to choose for our launch.
Hard copies of Document 1 will be available at the Bookfair. We hope for a successful Bookfair this year and that this contribution will result in serious debate and discussion, more awareness of the issues and some positive action to stop the cycle of physical and psychological violence that is tearing us apart.
Call-out for international solidarity with social centre De Vloek, NL
10-10-2014 13:37

Call-Out For Solidarity Actions For De Vloek!
08-10-2014 13:08
De Vloek (The Curse) is a 12 year-old squatted social centre in the city of The Hague (Holland). The council now plans to evict and demolish it to build a luxury sailing centre. De Vloek has no intention to leave! On the 16th of October the council will decide if the demolition will go ahead. We are therefor launching a call-out for solidarity actions on Monday the 13th of October (think banners, dutch embassies, etc.).21 & 22 September: Two Days for World Peace in Wrexham
17-09-2014 22:19

squat!net downtime / hardware update
11-09-2014 09:16
Dear squat!net users,Yesterday, Wednesday September 10th squat!net had a /planned/ downtime from approximately 12 AM until approximately 4 PM or earlier, which allowed us to install new hardware.
Grow Heathrow: You can't evict an idea (VIDEO)
29-08-2014 10:44
Video about eviction resistance at Grow Heathrow
Grow Heathrow eviction Resisted Successfuly!!
16-08-2014 15:23

Statement from Squat50 - new Cardiff squat
05-08-2014 16:20
Oi you, yes, you at the back, listen up!We are a collective of free thinkers. Our lives have come together but our paths have been different.
Whatever happened to the unemployed organising themselves?
03-08-2014 23:50
Whatever happened to self- organisation within the unemployed sections of our class? Surely they must have some hours left in the week after being forced on courses, or in to doing voluntary work for nothing.Reclaim the Fields Summer Gathering
31-07-2014 12:12

Social centres and 'civil' anarchists
28-07-2014 19:10
A response to an excellent collection of texts called 'Anarchy Civil or Subversive?' available as a zine via 325.nostate.netThis is What Democracy Looks Like! : The Fight For The Can Vies Social Centre
22-07-2014 17:51

Juana Belén Gutiérrez de Mendoza looks at the history of the building, and interviews the organisers currently fighting its eviction.
Self organised social centre (Centre social autogestionat) Can Vies has been a space for radical politics and community organising for 17 years. It’s been a place where different generations of activists can meet and learn from each other, where hundreds of people have learnt to be a part of a community, participating in the assembly with consensus decision making and collective responsibility.
Analysis on the abuse of the critical whiteness theory
08-07-2014 02:59
I'm just reposting this but I think it's a really worthwhile, balanced read on the problems of self-righteous critical whiteness..Source -

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URGENT support needed at Yorkley Court Farm
23-06-2014 16:54

Bailiffs attempted an illegal eviction at Yorkley Court Community Farm this morning & are still there and its likely they will try something on the bottom strip tonight.
[RIO] Demonstration at the inauguration of Maracanã at the World Cup
19-06-2014 12:07
Rio de Janeiro, June 15th 2014 /Demonstration at the inauguration of Maracanã at theProtests’ Cup:
“There won’t be no Cup! FIFA GO HOME!”
Graffiti in Support of ZAD, France & Can Vies, Spain in Hastings, England
04-06-2014 15:16